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2024年湖南省中考英语仿真模拟卷满分120分,考试时间90分钟;第一部分 听力部分(共三节,满分20分)第一节 图片理解 从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与你听到的对话内容相同或相近的图画,每段对话读两遍。1.What sign may the man see on the wall A. B. C.2.Where does the conversation take place A. B. C.3.What happened to the house A. B. C.4.What happened to Tom today A. B. C.5.How does Mark feel A. B. C.第二节 对话理解 根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题,每段对话读两遍。6.When did the traffic accident happen A.At 9:50 a.m. B.At 10:00 a.m. C.At 10:10 a.m.7.What kind of food did Helen use to like A.Sour food. B.Sweet food. C.Salty food.8.What does the girl’s sister want to be in the future A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A nurse.9.Which book does the boy want to borrow A.A picture book. B.A cookbook. C.A storybook.10.Who is playing football at the moment A.Peter. B.Henry. C.Frank.第三节 短文理解听下面一段材料,回答以下小题。11.What is the man’s first choice when traveling A.Local food. B.Nature. C.Historical places.12.What does the man usually do to learn about important historical events A.Take notes. B.Take photos. C.Talk with friends.13.Where does the man come from A.Britain. B.America. C.Russia.听下面一段材料,回答以下小题。14.What are the speakers mainly talking about A.How to taste tea. B.How to make tea. C.How to boil water.15.What kind of tea will the speakers drink A.Green tea. B.Longjing. C.Tieguanyin.听下面一段独白,回答五个小题。16.What time is the school office open A.9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m., Monday—Friday.B.8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m., Monday—Thursday.C.9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m., Monday—Thursday.17.How many library books are there in the Learning Center A.More than 50, 000. B.More than 5, 000 C.More than 50, 50018.Where can you buy snacks in High Way School A.At the Hungry Cafe. B.At the Food Hall. C.At the school coffee.19.What can you buy from the machines around the school A.Books and CDs. B.Clothes and flowers. C.Chocolate and drinks20.What does the man probably do according to the passage A.He is a student who will study in High Way School.B.He is a teacher who works in High Way School.C.He is a clerk who works at the Food Hall.第二部分 笔试部分(共三节,满分100分)第一节 知识运用 (共两部分,20小题,21~40小题,每小题1分,共20分)单项填空从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1.—Why was your teacher ________ you —Because I was late for school again.A.good for B.angry with C.cheer on2.We will play ________ Class 2 in the next game. I hope we can win.A.at B.in C.against3.—I will take part in the high jump.—________A.Have fun! B.I’m sure you will win! C.See you later.4.Kangkang didn’t feel like doing anything because the illness made her ________.A.surprised B.weak C.happy5.—Would you like to come and cheer us on—________.A.No, I don’t! B.Sure, I’d love to. C.It’s nothing.6.—Could you help out with the housework, Bob —________, Mum. I’m coming.A.Yes, I can B.Yes, I could C.Sorry, I can’t7.Three Chinese astronauts on board theShenzhou-16 manned spaceship returned to Earth safely ________ the morning of October 31, 2023.A.on B.at C.in8.—________ beautiful city!—Yes. Lots of tourists come to visit it every year.A.How B.How a C.What a9.—Do you think grandpa and grandma ________ late —No, the train is usually on time.A.were B.will be C.was10.—Why do you like reading novels —Because it makes me ________.A.sad B.relaxed C.nervous完形填空What will happen if a family goes without the Internet for a month One American family decided to find out. They 11 an invitation to a leading US television station, asking a film group to record their day-to-day life 12 technology for a month.When the film group met the Smiths, they found that Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two sons were so crazy about technology that they 13 did things together. At mealtimes, 14 sat at the dining table for their food. “Everyone just runs into the kitchen, takes their food and then goes back to their screens,” Mrs. Smith explained. “15 we don’t make a change, our family will become strangers to each other!”Getting back to the normal life without the Internet was not 16, especially when the Smiths lost themselves in it. Now they have to make many 17. For example, the two brothers have to go to the school library to borrow books for their scientific projects, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith need to go out 18 because they cannot buy things online. As the family has 19 the new lifestyle, they find that they can spend more time talking over meals, playing sports and doing all kinds of activities together.Would they be able to go for long without using the Internet after the 20 11.A.accepted B.sent C.refused12.A.about B.from C.without13.A.nearly B.mostly C.hardly14.A.nobody B.everybody C.somebody15.A.So B.If C.Unless16.A.necessary B.common C.easy17.A.mistakes B.changes C.predictions18.A.camping B.fishing C.shopping19.A.picked up B.given up C.shown up20.A.competition B.challenge C.ceremony第二节 阅读技能(共四部分,20小题,每小题2分,共40分)选择答案阅读下列材料,从A、B、C 三个选项中,选择最佳选项One day, two teenagers met on the way to college. One had some records under his arm. They began talking about music. Later, at a club, a guitarist asked them to join his band. They found a place to practise, and started playing and attracting fans. Then they made an album (专辑). In five years, they became very famous.This is the story of the British rock band—the Rolling Stones, but it’s also the story of many other bands. Music-making has always been a popular activity in the UK. Musical citiesGroups are proud of where they come from. Cities often have a special sound or style. Liverpool in the 1960s had the Cavern Club, where many groups played. The famous band Beatles finished their first show in this club. Manchester created its own place in the 1980s at the Hacienda Club.Innovation (创新)Several musical styles started in the UK. Punk (朋克摇滚乐) gave people the idea that anyone could start a band—musical ability wasn’t important.Places to play, places to listenThere are many places for live music shows in the UK. Brixton Academy is an old-style concert hall. King Tut’s in Glasgow only has room for 300 people. But there are also many big places with modern seating and sound effects.Music festivalsIn summer, the best places for live music are festivals. Glastonbury Festival is one of the oldest music festivals and it started in 1970. It attracts big stars for five days every June. There are plenty of free events too, like the Strawberry Fair in Cambridge, which welcomes families.21.The writer starts this passage by ________.A.telling a story B.asking a questionC.giving an opinion D.explaining a problem22.Where did the Beatles first play A.At the Cavern Club. B.At the Hacienda Club.C.At the Strawberry Fair. D.At the Brixton Academy.23.Punk music expressed the idea that ________ is not important.A.musical style B.musical feeling C.musical ability D.musical festival24.How long has Glastonbury Festival been held A.Nearly 40 years. B.About 50 years. C.Nearly 60 years. D.Over 70 years.25.What is the best title of this passage A.Land of Music in the UK B.Styles of BandsC.Places for Music Shows D.Popular Activities in the UK判断正误阅读判断 读短文,判断句子是否符合短文内容。符合的选T,不符合的选F。The most popular way to welcome the new year in the United States is to have a big party. Some parties are at people’s homes. But in recent years, it has become more and more common for Americans to go to a hotel or a club or a restaurant on the night of December the 31st. There, they can have dinner, drink and dance.Most New Year’s parties have something in common. First of all, they are usually noisy. People sing and bands play. And often, guests pull a cracker when the clock strikes twelve at midnight. People think that loud sounds would drive away the evil(邪恶的) spirits of the old year before the new year begins.The biggest and noisiest New Year party in the United States takes place at Times Square in New York City. Thousands of people gather there. Some of them ring bells or let off crackers. Others blow whistles or car horns. And at 12 o’clock, they begin to cheer. An electric sign in the shape of a red apple lights up on top of a tall building.26.The article is about New Year’s celebrations in the USA.27.In recent years, Americans have parties at homes on the night of December the 31st.28.Most New Year’s parties are different in the United States.29.The biggest and noisiest New Year party takes place at Times Square in New York City.30.Most New Year parties are usually noisy because people want to get rid of bad luck of the old year.补全短文填入适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: What is your project at school this week B: To make a report about the environmental pollution.A: Really I think it is a good topic.B: Me, too. The environmental pollution is more 31 than before. It’s said some factories pour waste water into the river near our city.A: It may 32 our water.B: We should do a survey near the river.A: 33 a good idea!B: I’ll get some information to write my report. Would you like to make it with me A: Sure! I’d love to. 34 work together.B: The city is our home. It is our duty 35 make it beautiful.A: And I think your report may be the best.阅读表达阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。In the wild, wolves with broken legs often face an unlucky fate (命运), waiting for death. Yet, in the Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve (保护区) in Qinghai, one such wolf had a different fate. It grew from a poor and thin one to a fat and happy wolf because tourists in the area often fed it.This “act of kindness” led people to ask: Should tourists feed the wolf Supporters argue that without feeding, the wolf would die because it couldn’t get food by itself. But those who do not agree with the idea believe that humans should not mess with the natural order. Science, however, provides us with an answer.Research published in Scientific Reports in June 2019 studied how human feeding affected (影响) the lives of bottlenose dolphins (宽吻海豚) near.Bunbury, Australia. Dolphins there can sometimes get food from the Dolphin Discovery Centre. After studying ten years’ data, the scientists found that dolphins looking for food from boats had a higher risk of death than those that found food themselves. This is because they may get hit by boats or caught by fishing nets (网).Feeding wild animals may lead them to depend on humans for food, warned Dai Qiang, a scientist at the Chengdu Institute of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. What’s more, sick animals may bring diseases to people who feed them.So, if we come across a wild animal that seems to need our help, what should we do Qi Xinzhang, the deputy director of Xining Wildlife Park, said that it’s best to report the animal to the authorities (相关部门) instead of just feeding it.36.Where is the Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve 37.Why do dolphins looking for food from boats have more possibilities to lose their lives 38.What may sick animals bring to people who feed them 39.In Qi Xinzhang’s opinion, what should we do if we want to help a wild animal 40.Do you think it’s a good idea for humans to feed wild animals Why or why not 第三节 写作技能(共40分)阅读填空。根据短文内容,在文中空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Do you know the Chinese story of “High Mountains and Running Water”《高山流水》 It’s about two best41(friend) Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi in ancient China. Boya was a great 42 (music) at that time. He was very good at playing the guqin. One day, Boya met 43 man called Zhong Ziqi when he was playing the guqin. Ziqi said, “How44(beautiful) you’re playing the guqin!” Boya was glad to hear Ziqi’s words. Then he played a second piece of music. Ziqi couldn’t help clapping (鼓掌) 45 (he) hands. Then he said, “When I listen to it, I seem to hear mountains 46 (sing) and water running in your music.” Boya was 47 (excite) and decided to play more music for Ziqi. When he played another new piece, Ziqi could tell what Boya was thinking about.48 that, Boya and Ziqi became closer. When Ziqi 49 (die), Boya played his guqin for the last time in front 50 Ziqi’s tomb (坟墓). Then he broke his guqin and decided never to play it again.Now, we usually use the words “high mountains and running water” to describe that it’s difficult to find people who best understand and appreciate (欣赏) each other.翻译语篇阅读下面的短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语。Little Women is set (以……为背景) in New England in the United States during the American Civil War (1861-1865). The story follows the lives of the four March sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. The author is Louisa May Alcott. 1.The book is based on the author’s own experiences of growing up with her three sisters.2.这个故事的主题(theme)是关于家庭的重要性。 Other themes include the need to work and self-improvement for women.When the story begins, 3.the sisters are complaining because they are poor and have to work. Their mother says that they mustn’t spend money on pleasure because there is a war and everybody must help. Their father is in the army. Their father writes letter to his family. In the letter he tell his daughters to work hard and not to waste their time. 4. 她们必须尝试接受生命中的不幸并保持乐观。 He wants to be proud of them when he comes home. The girls decide to make an effort to improve themselves because they love and miss their father very much.Alcott was interested in women’s rights. 5.Through the four March sisters, she explores different ways of being a woman in those days. Meg leaves the family to get married and have a new family. Beth devotes (奉献) herself to looking after her own family. Amy focuses on herself and her own pleasure. And Jo, like Alcott herself, tries to have a career (事业) in writing and care for her family at the same time.作文56.学习成绩与学习习惯密切相关。你身边是否有一些同学不但聪明,而且还很刻苦,学习效率就是不高。不良的学习习惯,比如注意力不集中或不合理的时间安排等因素,都可能导致学习效率不高。请以How to develop good study habits为主题,写一篇不少于80字的短文。注意结合自身情况分析原因,并给出合理可行的建议。要点:1. 说明你或周边的朋友是否存在学习效率不高的问题;2. 分析出现学习效率不高的原因,并举例说明;3. 给出建议。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________试卷第1页,共3页试卷第1页,共3页参考答案:听力1.C2.A3.A4.C5.C6.A7.C8.C9.A10.B11.C12.A13.B14.B15.A16.C17.A18.A19.C20.B笔试1.B2.C3.B4.B5.B6.A7.A8.C9.B10.B11.B12.C13.C14.A15.B16.C17.B18.C19.A20.B21.A22.A23.C24.B25.A26.T27.F28.F29.T30.T31.serious32.pollute33.What34.Let’s35.to36.In Qinghai.37.Because they may get hit by boats or caught by fishing nets.38.Diseases.39.We should report the animal to the authorities instead of just feeding it.40.Yes. Because without feeding, some wild animals would die of hunger./No. Because it may mess with the natural order./Because feeding wild animals may lead them to depend on humans for food. (答案不唯一)41.friends42.musician43.a44.beautifully45.his46.singing47.excited48.After49.died50.of51.这本书是以作者与她的三个姐妹亲身的成长经历为依据著作的。52.The main theme in the story is the importance of family.53.四姐妹/姐妹们正在抱怨因为她们贫穷而不得不去工作。54.They must try to accept the bad things in their lives and stay/keep cheerful.55.通过马奇家四姐妹的成长经历,她探索了那个时代妇女的不同生活方式。56.例文I have noticed that some of my classmates are not achieving high study efficiency, though they are intelligent and hardworking. There are two reasons why they have these problems.One possible reason for low study efficiency is the lack of focus when they study. For example, some students are easily distracted by their phones or social media while studying. Another reason is poor time management. Many students tend to leave their homework or studying until the last minute. Although they always finish their homework on time, they don’t do it carefully. To develop good study habits and improve study efficiency, it is important to address these issues. Firstly, it is crucial to create a suitable study environment. This can be done by turning off smartphones or placing them in a different room while studying. Additionally, planning specific study time each day and keeping it can help with time management. Breaking down tasks into smaller can also lead to better study habits. Seeking help from teachers or classmates can further enhance understanding and improve efficiency.All in all, developing good study habits is essential for improving study efficiency.答案第1页,共2页答案第1页,共2页

