首页 >  湖北省翻译大赛真题题库  > 湖北省第22届翻译大赛非英语专业B组笔译初赛试题




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I. Each of the following Chinese phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choiceand fill in the blanks. (15%)

[ ] 1. 肉馅饺子

A. dumplings with meat

B. meat -dumplings

C. meat dumplings

[ ] 2. 在休假

A. in holiday

B .on holiday

C .during holiday

[ ] 3. 形像工程

A .face project

B. image project

C. appearance project

[ ] 4. 庙会

A. temple gathering

B. temple meeting

C. temple fair

[ ] 5. 云海

A. sea of clouds

B. clouds sea

C. clouds in the sea

[ ] 6. 世界观

A. world view

B. world vision

C. world horizon

[ ] 7. 风水

A. wind and water

B. feng shui

C. wind water

[ ] 8. 喜洋洋

A. happy and gay

B. all the world rejoice

C. pleasant and joy

[ ] 9. 开门见山

A. to open the door and see the mountain

B. to come straight to the point

C. to open the mountain

[ ] 10. 观棋不语

A. don’t talk when watching chess

B. no talk when watching chess

C. not talking when watching chess

II. Each of the following English phrases is followed by three Chinese versions marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choiceand fill in the blanks. (15%)

[ ] 1. fishing boats at dusk

A. 黄昏锤钓

B. 黎明锤钓

C. 渔舟唱晚

[ ] 2. the mountain and flowing water

A. 山高水长

B. 高山流水

C. 水绕山梁

[ ] 3. on the spot assessment

A. 现场评估

B. 实地考察

C. 定点调查

[ ] 4. beauty products

A. 化妆品

B. 漂亮产品

C. 整形产品

[ ] 5. start up business services

A. 开启商业模式

B. 开启商业服务

C. 创业服务

[ ] 6. a blue -blooded man

A. 一个贵族

B. 一个蓝色的人

C. 一个蓝眼睛的人

[ ] 7. a pig-headed man

A. 蠢人

B. 倔人

C. 笨人

[ ] 8. as proud as a peacock

A. 非常骄傲地

B. 似孔雀开屏地

C. 骄傲的孔雀

[ ] 9. to cut from the same cloth

A. 从同块布上剪下

B. 如出一辙

C. 剪布料

[ ] 10. Dead president



C. 美钞

III. Each of the following Chinese sentences is followed by three English versions marked A,B and C separately, tick off the best choiceand fill in the blanks. (40%)

[ ]1. 过去人们只有在过节的时才吃饺子,现在饺子已是家常饭食了。

A. In the past, people ate dumplings only on festival occasions. Now they have become common fare in the home

B. Before, people ate dumplings occasionally , now they are common food homely.

C. People enjoyed jiaozhi in the old days rarely , now they often have them.

[ ] 2. 我对这类人很反感。

A. I don’t like such kind of man.

B. I have no opinion of that sort of man.

C.I think they are not good man.

[ ] 3. Bert差一点就没通过口语考试。

A.Bert failed the spoken language exam.

B.Bert almost passed the spoken language exam.

C. Bert passed the spoken language exam with the skin of his teeth.

[ ] 4. 做这样的实验,我们必须非常仔细。

A.We can’t be too careful in doing such experiments.

B.We must be too careful in doing such experiments.

C. We should’t be too careful in doing such experiments.

[ ] 5. 就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解自己的儿子。

A. A best father should know his son.

B. It’s a good father that knows his son.

C. Even a good father that does’nt know his son.

[ ] 6. 他经常给杂志社
