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I. Each of the following Chinese phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (15%)

[ ] 1.武汉城市圈

A. Wuhan city ring

B. Wuhan urban circle

C. Wuhan nearby cities

[ ] 2.故作镇定

A. blow a whistle

B. whistle for calm

C. whistle in the dark

[ ] 3.不法之徒

A. unlawful person

B. illegal man

C. lawless person

[ ] 4.善意谎言

A. white lie

B. good-willed lie

C. malicious lie

[ ] 5.直达航班

A. straight flight

B. straightforward flight

C. nonstop flight

[ ] 6.热干面

A. hot -and-dry noodles

B. hot and dry noodle

C. hot dry noodle

[ ] 7.江汉平原

A. Jianghan plateau

B. Jianghan plain

C. Jianghan flatlands

[ ] 8.票友

A. amateur friends

B. amateur performers

C. ticket friends

[ ] 9.给跪了

A. being speechless.

B. to knell down

C. to beg for

[ ] 10.草根大众

A. mass people

B. the grassroots

C. the grassroot people

II. Each of the following English phrases is followed by three Chinese versions marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (15%)

[ ] 1. a green thumb

A. 绿色手指

B. 干净的大拇指

C. 园艺技能

[ ] 2. wet behind the ears

A. 乳臭未干的

B. 耳后湿润

C. 耳根软

[ ] 3. an Achilles’s heel

A. 阿基里斯的脚踝

B. 先天残疾

C. 致命弱点

[ ] 4. As straight as an arrow

A. 如弓箭般笔直


C. 硬朗挺拔

[ ] 5. diamond cut diamond

A. 硬碰硬

B. 棋逢对手

C. 针尖对麦芒

[ ] 6. a big fish

A. 一条大鱼

B. 一个有钱人

C. 大人物

[ ]7. the lion’s mouth

A. 虎口脱险

B. 虎口

C. 虎穴

[ ] 8. master key

A. 专用钥匙

B. 备用钥匙

C. 万能钥匙

[ ] 9.China Unicom

A. 中国移动

B. 中国电信

C. 中国联通

[ ] 10. Free-lance professionals

A. 自由职业

B. 自由职业人

C. 特约职业

III. Each of the following Chinese sentences is followed by three English versions marked A,B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (40%)

[ ] 1. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

A. So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood.

B. As long as green hills remain, there would never be a shortage of firewood.

C. So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage with firewood.

[ ] 2. 那个坏消息让所有人着急的像热锅上的蚂蚁。

A. The bad news had made all of us like ants on a hot pan.

B. The bad news had made all of us anxious as cats on hot bricks.

C. The bad news had made all of us as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

[ ] 3. 学生们三三两两地坐在教室里。

A. The students sat in the classroom in twos and threes.

B. The students sat in the classroom by twos and threes.

C. The students sat in the classroom of two and three.

[ ] 4. 这些发展中国家,土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。

A. These developing countries occupy vast territory, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.

B. These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.

C. These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass large population and abound in natural resources.

[ ] 5. 全球化这一简单事实使得世界上所有国家都受到了各类危机的影响。

A. The simple fact of globalization has dictated that all countries in the world have been effected by all kinds of crisis.

B. The simple fact of globalization dictates that all countries of the world have been affected by a tsunami of crisis.

C. The simple fact of globalization dictates that all countries, the world over, have been affected by a tsunami of crises.

[ ] 6. 我非常感谢你替我保守秘密。

A. I am very appreciative for you for keeping the secret for me.

B. I am very appreciated to you for keeping the secret for me.

C. I am very appreciative of you for keeping the secret for me.

[ ] 7. 瀑布高68米,宽81米,每秒流量900多立方米。

A. The waterfall is of a height of 68 meters, a width of 81 meters and a volume of 700 cubic meters water per second.

B. The waterfall is 68 meters high, 81 meters wide and with a flow of 700 cubical meters water per second.

C. The waterfall is 68 meters high, 81 meters wide and with a flow of 700 cubic meters of water per second.

[ ] 8. 他直到晚上很晚才回家。

A. He came home really late.

B. He didn’t come home until late in the evening.

C. He came home until late in the evening.

[ ] 9. 环境与发展是当今国际社会普遍关注的问题。

A. At present, environment and development are the major concerns of the international community.

B. At present, environment and development are the general issues in the international society.

C. At present, environment and development are the common issues in the international community.

[ ] 10. 中国土豪对穿金戴银的热衷已成为全球奢侈品行业的支柱。

A. Chinese rich men’s love for gold and silver has become the backbone of the world luxurious goods industry.

B. Chinese vulgar rich’s love for bling has become the backbone of the global luxury goods industry.

C. Chinese rich people’s love for gold has become the backbone of the global luxury goods industries.

[ ] 11.澳门赌场星罗棋布,遂成为澳门80后快速致富的重要场所。

A. Casinos spread like stars in Macao and they have become important places for Macao post-80s to realize their quick-get-rich dreams.

B. Casinos sprang up like mushrooms in Macao and they have become important places for Macao post-80s to realize their get-rich-quick dreams.

C. Casinos sprang up like stars in Macao and they have become important places for Macao post-80s to realize their get-rich-quick dreams.

[ ] 12. 在此次事故中,约有20名工人受伤。

A. In the accident, about 20 workers were injured.

B. In the accident, there were about 20 workers were wounded.

C. In the accident, about 20 workers were hurt.

[ ] 13.隐形飞机可以帮助飞行员在空中不被发现。

A. Stealth aircraft help pilots to evade detection in sky.

B. Invisible aircraft help pilots evade detection in the sky.

C. Stealth aircraft help pilots evade detection in the sky.

[ ] 14. 大雨倾盆而下。

A. It’s raining in basins.

B. It’s raining in pots.

C. It’s raining in buckets.

[ ] 15. 国内生产总值达到56.9万亿元,比去年增长7.7%。

A. The GDP has reached 56.9 trillion Yuan, an increase of7.7% over the previous year.

B. The GDP has reached 56.9 trillion Yuan, an increase of7.7% than the previous year.

C. The GNP has reached 56.9 trillion Yuan, an increase of7.7% over the previous year.

[ ] 16.地球的大小是月球的49倍。

A. The earth is 49 times larger than the moon.

B. The earth is 48 times the size of the moon.

C. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.

[ ] 17. 我想去休息室休息一下。

A. I want to have a rest in the rest room.

B. I want to have a rest in the lounge.

C. I want to have rest in the rest room.

[ ] 18. 我们应该在平等互利的基础上开展对外贸易。

A. We should carry on foreign trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

B. We should carry about foreign trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

C. We should carry around foreign trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. [ ] 19. 世界上有很多事情是你没有想到的。

A. Many things happen out of your expectation in this world.

B. Many things happen over your expectation in this world.

C. Many things happen beyond your expectation in this world.

[ ] 20. 我们应该选择并推进前一种趋势,警惕并抑制后一种趋势。

A. We should opt to and facilitate the former scenario and against the latter.

B. We should opt to and facilitate the previous scenario and guard against the latter.

C. We should opt for and facilitate the former scenario and guard against the latter.

IV. Translate the following passage into Chinese (15%):

Aggressive monetary expansion in a big economy suffering from weak demand and subdued inflation is good for the rest of the world, not bad. The International Monetary fund concluded that America’s first rounds of monetary laxity boosted its trading partners’ output by as much as 0.3%. The dollar did weaken, but that became a motivation for Japan’s stepped-up assault on deflation. European officials, fearful that their countries’ exports are caught in the crossfire, have entertained loopy ideas such as directly managing the value of the euro. Instead, the euro zone should stop grumbling and start emulating Japan.

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