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I. Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases:(每题2分,计20分)


B. the weak are the prey of the strong


A. flee helter skelter


D. convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law




A. an army fighting for a just cause has high morale


B. have a facile pen


C. express deep solicitude for


B. with strength yet to spare


C. maneuver among various political groupings

(10)责有莜归Responsibility to have You

D. responsibility rests where it belongs

II. Choose the best version among the four given.(每题2分,计40分)

11.她是一个坚强的女人,在体格上、在精神上都是如此,我每天都从她身上吸取精神食粮。She is a strong woman, in the physical, the spirit is so, every day I learn from spiritual food from her body.

12.他相识不久就想动手动脚。He soon want to know all hands.

13.科技的发展似乎对纸张的使用没有太大的影响,正如医学的进步也不能铲除病毒。The development of science and technology seems to be the use of paper without too much influence, as advances in medical science also can't rooting out the virus.


Year several times, I will I was evident frustration and vent to the kids.


This is a the unknown: how to become an astronaut? No standards can follow, can consult to unprecedented.

16.这棵树在秋天身披金灿灿的树叶,显得格外美丽。This tree in a golden autumn

leaves, seem extremely beautiful.

17.在参加工作面试之前,这个求职者在自己的房间里反复演练。In the job

interviews before, this job seekers in his room and drill.

18.在新的环境中生活和工作,对刚毕业的学生来说,通常都是很大的挑战。In the

new environment live and work, to graduate students, are usually great challenges.


直在我们的思想和语言中反映出来。One thousand years, people have long believed in Greek mythology and Roman mythology, and you can see these myths have been in our thought and language shows.

20.尽管这部影片做了很多宣传,我个人认为故事情节没有什么新意。Although the film do a lot of publicity, I personally think story no new idea.

21.当地警方已经逮捕了那些向店主勒索保护费的歹徒。Local police have arrested those to the shopkeeper blackmail the protection money.

22.有时大人也会上小孩的当。Sometimes adults also meeting when the child.

23.此外,英语得到了极大的丰富和发展,受益于许多其他语言。In addition, English has been greatly enriched and development, benefit from many other languages.

24.将军给突击队配备的是其最勇猛的战士。The general to the commandos is its most equipped hardy warriors.

25.从一开始,他就和足球结下了不解之缘。From the beginning, he and football has the indissoluble bond.

26.野生的花朵散发出甜美迷人的芳香,随风荡漾,蜜蜂哼着悠扬的曲调在欢快地采集着花粉。Wild flower emit sweet charming fragrance, the wind ripples, bees humming a melodious tune in a cheerful collecting pollen.

27. 但在我生活的大部分时间里,我一直不承认我看不见,而是装作看得见。But most

of the time in my life, I've been not admit that I see, but pretend to see.


浮荡。In front of me I see is a piece of empty and dimly discernible, in the past like a phantom in this one FuDang in its emptiness.。

29.只有勇气非凡的人才会相信看不见的事情,并且把所有的赌注都压在没有亮出的牌上。Only courage special person would believe see things, and took all bets were on no flash CARDS

30.那次会议耗费时间,却不会解决问题。The meeting is time-consuming, but will

not solve the problem.

III. Select the best version among the four choices:(每题2分,计40分)

31. He wants a lawyer who understands his case, who sympathizes with him and who has

been there himself.他希望雇佣一个律师谁了解他的情况,同情他并亲自到过那个地方。

32. These songs are part of our past. They’re about a good period when honor and

respect were valued.这些歌曲都是部分我们的过去。他们关于一个好的时期,荣誉和尊重被重视。

33.48. The workers threatened an all out strike but a word in season saved the day.工人们威胁一个全力以赴罢工,但一个字的季节,才扭转了局面。
