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Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Economics

The following supporting documents together with a photocopy of the completed application form should reach our office by courier/post by Dec 7, 2023 (Thu).

Please quote the “Application No.” generated by the online application system on your documents sending to our division.

Address: Room 928, 9/F, Department of Economics, Esther Lee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin (Attn.: M.Phil. in Economics)

Official Transcripts (with a complete record of courses attended and examination results) and grading scheme of all tertiary level studies*;A copy of Degree Certificates (if applicable);Original score report showing the applicant has fulfilled the Graduate School’s English Language Proficiency Requirement (if applicable)^;Original GRE score report [Institution code: 3153; departmental code: 1801] (if applicable)&;Confidential Recommendations from two referees#;Applicants are responible to remind their referees that the submission deadline of confidential recommendation letter to support your application is Dec 7, 2023, or the earlier date stated in the application system.Application Fee Receipt (not necessary for credit card payment through online application);A copy of Identity Card or Passport;Resumei. CUHK qualifications (Bachelor’s or higher degrees):Photocopies of transcripts issued by CUHK are accepted (not applicable to CUHK (Shenzhen) qualifications).Applicants should first download the Transcript Submission Covering Sheet and attach it to the transcript copy. Please send the transcript copy to the relevant Graduate Division directly.The University reserves the right to require applicants to submit original transcripts.ii.Other qualifications:Photocopies will NOT be accepted. Applicants should download the Transcript Submission Covering Sheet and send it to the issuing universities to apply for official transcripts. Official transcripts should be sent directly to relevant Graduate Division in a sealed envelope from the issuing university.Certificates and transcripts, which are not in English or Chinese, should be accompanied by an official certified translation in English.Some universities may only issue electronic official transcripts to other institutions. In that event, official electronic transcripts should be sent to relevant Graduate Division directly from the issuing university.Applicants who obtained degrees from universities in Mainland China are required to provide a valid Online Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate (教育部學歷證書電子註冊備案表) and a valid Online Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate (中國高等教育學位線上驗證報告) issued by the CHESICC (學信網) together with their degree certificate(s) and graduation certificate.The University may require applicants to provide verification reports of the qualification obtained. Applicants will be notified by the Graduate Division concerned/Graduate School separately.

If you are currently in the final year of your study, you are required to submit the final official transcript before starting your postgraduate study at CUHK.

^ For TOEFL/GMAT/IELTS, applicants must request the test organization to send their official score reports directly to the Graduate School. Student copy of score report will NOT be accepted.

& Applicable to applicants who do not process a degree issued by a University in Hong Kong before the admission date of our programme only.

# The referees can submit the Confidential Recommendations via the submission link included in the invitation email sent by our application system. Applicants can request our application system to send out invitation emails to your referees in the application system after the completion of application fee payment. If your referees have a difficulty to submit the recommendation letter via the submission link, applicants can still download the hard copy recommendation form, which is downloadable in the application system, for their referees and invite them to fill in the hard copy form. The completed hard copy recommendation forms can then directly submit by your referees to us via econgrad@cuhk.edu.hk, or submit by the applicant with other printed copy of supporting documents to our office. However, referees have to sign across the seal of the envelopes if the recommendation letters have to be submitted to us via the applicants.

Please visit the Graduate School homepage for further information on general qualifications for admission, application periods, application procedures et cetera.
