


约翰·霍普金斯大学(英语:The Johns Hopkins University,简称JHU),是美国第一所研究型大学,它的成功引发了美国其它大学向研究型大学转型。美国国家科学基金会(NSF)连续31年将该校列为全美科研经费开支最高的大学。学校以医学、公共卫生、空间科学、国际关系、历史学、文学及音乐等学科而闻名世界,也是哈勃空间望远镜和詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜的地面控制中心所在地。2020年US NEWS排名第十,其中生物医学工程系超过三十年排名同类第一。


- Biomedical Data Science

- Biomedical Imaging & Instrumentation

- Computational Medicine

- Genomics and Systems Biology

- Neuroengineering

- Immunoengineering

- Translational Cell & Tissue Engineering

学费 Tuition

- 第一年按照JHU标准缴纳学费(53740美元,每年有浮动)。

- 第二年起按照清华大学标准缴纳学费。


- 不超过2页的个人简介(Personal Statement),简介内容应涵盖个人研究志向、兴趣、职业目标等(英文);

- 不少于2封推荐信,其中至少有一封推荐信之推荐人对申请人的个人学术情况有较深入的了解(英文);

- 本科成绩单(英文);

- 英语水平测试成绩,申请人需提供托福成绩。如在申请提交之日尚未有托福成绩者可以提供国家英语六级、或清华水平2成绩,作为英语水平参考。所有预录取的申请人须在2024年5月1日之前将官方托福成绩送达JHU;

- GRE成绩,在申请提交之日不要求,但须在2024年5月1日之前将官方GRE成绩送达JHU,GRE可向JHU申请豁免,录取委员会采取“一事一议”方式决定是否提交;


- 其他申请人相关的学术能力证明材料,如学术论文;




地址:北京市海淀区清华大学罗姆楼5-207 电子工程系教学办








申请截止日期 Deadlines







联系方式 Contact Us


Tel: 010-62783053





In order to enhance the level of internationalization and expand international influence, the Department of Electronic Engineering and Biomedical Engineering of Tsinghua University and the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Johns Hopkins University jointly established a dual master's degree program. The project is set up for two years. In the first year, I will focus on course learning for theoretical study at Johns Hopkins University, and the second year will focus on scientific research and practice at Tsinghua University for thesis work. If they successfully complete their studies and meet the graduation requirements of the relevant faculties of both schools, students can obtain master degrees from Tsinghua University and Johns Hopkins University.

The Johns Hopkins University is the first research university in the United States. Its success has triggered the transformation of other American universities into research universities. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has listed the school as the nation's most expensive university for research funding for 31 consecutive years. The school is world-renowned for subjects such as medicine, public health, space science, international relations, history, literature, and music. It is also the location of the ground control center for the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope. In 2020, US NEWS ranked tenth, among which the Department of Biomedical Engineering ranked first in its class for more than 30 years.

Participating in this dual master's program, the first year of the students studying in JHU Biomedical Engineering is mainly based on course learning. After returning to Tsinghua in the second year, students choose tutors for scientific research training in the Department of Electronics or Department of Biomedicine, and enter the Department of Electronic Engineering or Department of Biomedical Engineering to conduct master's thesis work according to the administrative department of the thesis tutor selected by the student. Covers seven major elective courses and scientific research branch directions in biomedical engineering:

- Biomedical Data Science

- Biomedical Imaging & Instrumentation

- Computational Medicine

- Genomics and Systems Biology

- Neuroengineering

- Immunoengineering

- Translational Cell & Tissue Engineerin


-Pay tuition fees in accordance with JHU standards in the first year ($53,740, variable annually).

-Tuition fees shall be paid in accordance with Tsinghua University standards in the second year.

Students applying for this project need to prepare the following materials:

-An English personal profile of no more than 2 pages, the content of the profile should cover personal research ambitions, interests, career goals, etc.

-No less than 2 letters of recommendation, and at least one of the recommenders has a deep understanding of the applicant's personal academic situation.

-Undergraduate transcripts (in English).

-English proficiency test scores, applicants need to provide TOEFL scores. If you do not have a TOEFL score on the date of application submission, you can provide National English Level 6 or Tsinghua Level 2 scores

As a reference for English proficiency. All pre-admitted applicants must send their official TOEFL scores to JHU before May 1, 2024.

-GRE scores are not required on the date of application submission, but the official GRE scores must be sent to JHU before May 1, 2024 (The exam waiver can be approved by the dual degree program committee case-by-case)

-Other proof materials related to the applicant's academic ability, such as academic papers.

All applicants must submit application materials through the Tsinghua University Graduate Admissions Website (http://yz.tsinghua.edu.cn) before the deadline.

For students who apply through the graduate application system of the Department of Electronics, please send to:

Email: yiningguo@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Address: Teaching Office, Department of Electronic Engineering, 5-207 Roma Building, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing

Email: yiningguo@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Address: Teaching Office, Department of Electronic Engineering, 5-207 Roma Building, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing

Post Code: 100084

(Please indicate the application for the THU-JHU dual degree program)

Students who apply through the postgraduate application system of the Department of Biomedicine, please send to:


Address: B333, Academic Affairs Office, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing

Post Code: 100084

(Please indicate the application for the THU-JHU dual degree program)

Deadlines for application

-Applicants who are eligible for the exemption must submit all applications online before the beginning of September 2023. At the same time, submit all application materials for the exemption to the teaching office of the department as required.

-Applicants who participate in the national graduate examination must submit all applications online in March 2024(the specific time will be updated later).

(Specific requirements are subject to the information published on the Tsinghua University Graduate Admissions Network)

Useful link

National graduate examination


Tsinghua graduate admission


Contact Us

Department of Electronic Engineering

Tel: 010-62783053

E-mail: yiningguo@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Department of Biomedicine

Tel: 010-62798074

