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1. Fang, Ke, Danqing Shi, Yunzi Qian, Yin Li, and Junjie Yu.The Collider. Leonardo 52.2 (2019): 177-178.

2. Zhu, Fengyuan, Ke Fang, and Xiaojuan Ma. Exploring the effects of strategy and arousal of cueing in computer-human persuasion. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2017

3. Ma, Xiaojuan, Ke Fang, and Fengyuan Zhu. From Breakage to Icebreaker: Inspiration for Designing Technological Support for Human-Human Interaction. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 2016.

4. Yu, Junjie, Ke Fang, and Zhiyong Fu. Co-pulse: Light Based Emotional Design in Musical Performances. International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media. Springer, Cham, 2014.

5. 师丹青, 方可, 陆志聪, 敖梦星, 刘畅, & 徐迎庆. Smart Flash: 主动风格相机原型设计. 装饰 10 (2014): 90-92.

6. Li, Jiahao, Ke Fang, Yuan Zeng, and Ye Yan. Expanding Intersubjectivity: A Metaverse VR Practice. In 2022 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR), pp. 202-209. IEEE, 2022.

7. Li, Jiahao, Ke Fang, and Wai Kin Victor Chan. Parallel Dance: A Social Game on Campus Public Screens. In 2022 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), pp. 586-587. IEEE, 2022.

8. Li, Jiahao, Ke Fang, Xing Sun, Zhouyi Li, Xinyang Wen, and Wai Kin Victor Chan. Gulliver’s Game: Multiviewer and Vtuber Extreme Asymmetric Game. In 2022 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), pp. 598-599. IEEE, 2022.
