首页 >  济南英语中考真题  > 2021年山东省济南市中考英语听力



1.A.My name's Jill.

B. I have an eraser. 

C.This is my uncle

2.A.Have a good lunch.

B. Let's play a game.

C. It's nice and warm.

3.A. Is that your bicycle?

B.Are you still at school?

C.Do they get on well?

4.A.I don't mind the noise.

B.I am not good at science.

C.He didn't do the dishes.

5.A.How is everything going?

B.Where did he go yesterday?

C. What does she look like?


6.Where is the ruler?

A.In the bookcase.

B.Under the table.

C.On the chair.

7.What is Jenny's favorite animal?

A.The monkey.

B.The koala.

C.The tiger.

8.What is Tom's mother doing?

A.Making the bed.

B.Cleaning the room.

C. Washing the clothes.

9.What did Mary do on the weekend?

A.She went fishing.

B.She went camping.

C. She went shopping.

10.When are they going to play tennis?

A.On Sunday afternoon.

B. On Saturday morning.

C. On Sunday evening.

C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。听对话前,你将有40秒钟的读题时间; 听完后,你将有40秒钟的答题时间。对话听两遍。

11.What does Sam want to do?

A.Go to the zoo.

B.Go for a walk.

C. Go to the movies.

12.What kind of soup is Lucy making?

A. Chicken soup.

B. Russian soup.

C. Vegetable soup.

13.Who taught Lucy to make the soup?

A. Her mother.

B.Her aunt.

C. Her brother.

14.When will the soup be ready?

A.At 10:00.

B.At 11:00.

C.At 12:00.

15. How will Sam go to Lucy's house?

A.By subway.

B.By bike.

C.By bus.


16. What did the king promise for the magic water?

A. Some meat.

B.Some land.

C. Some gold.

17.Where did the two brothers get the water?

A. From a pool.

B.From a river.

C. From the sea.

18. Why did the king want to kill the brothers?

A. They cheated him.

B. They stole his money.

C. They talked back to him.

19.Who gave Lisa a magic leaf?

A.Her father.

B. A villager.

C.The birds.

20.What wish did Lisa make after she got the magic leaf?

A.To be at the lake.

B. To meet the prince.

C. To live in the palace.



6-10 BACBA

11-15 BAABC

16-20 CBACA


济南市 2021年九年级学业水平考试英语听力测试试音开始。


1.This is my uncle.

2.Let's play a game.

3.Are you still at school?

4. He didn't do the dishes.

5.How is everything going?


6.M:I can't find my ruler.

W: Look! It's under the table.

7.M: Jenny, let's see the monkeys first.

W:Monkeys? Great! They are my favorite animals.

8.M: Mom, I need help with my homework.

W: Wait a minute, Tom.I'm washing the clothes right now.

9.M:Hi, Mary. Did you have a good weekend?

W: Yes. I went camping with my family.

10.M: Can you play tennis with me on Saturday morning?

W:Sorry, I have to go to the dentist. What about Sunday afternoon?



W: Hello, Lucy speaking

M:Hi, Lucy! This is Sam.I want to go for a walk along the beach. Can you go with me?

W: Oh, I'm afraid I can't. I'm busy right now. I'm making chicken soup.

M: You can make chicken soup? Did you learn that from your mother?

W: Yes. She is good at cooking.

M: When will the soup be ready?

W:It will be ready at eleven o'clock. Would you like to try some?

M: Yes, I'd love to. Chicken soup is my favorite!

W: Come now! It will be ready when you arrive by bike.

M:My brother has ridden my bike to the museum. So,I'll take the bus. See you soon!

W: See you!


Once upon a time,there was a king. His son was dying. 

Only the water from a lake very far away could save the prince. The king promised half of his gold for the water.The news reached a farmer and his two sons and young daughter Lisa.

 "Let's go to find the lake and its magic water,"said the two sons.

But after many days of difficult travel, they didn't find the lake. 

They brought some water from a river to the king. Of course the prince didn't get well and the king would kill the two brothers for cheating him.

Lisa decided to go herself, taking some corn to eat. She walked all day, then she stopped to rest. She noticed three birds in the trees above her. 

"Please share some of my corn!"she said.

 "Thank you! Where are you traveling?"asked the birds.

Lisa told them the story.

"A long, dangerous journey! You need our help,"said the birds.

 They gave her a magic leaf, "Make a wish,and shake the leaf. Your wish will come true,"

they told her.Lisa made a wish to be at the lake.She shook the leaf, and then there she was!

Lisa got the magic water and brought it to the king. The prince drank the water and was saved."Take half of my gold!"said the king.Lisa didn't want the gold. She asked the king to free her two brothers. The king agreed. 

Then Lisa and her two brothers went home together.

