

“Computational approaches for cross-scale complex liquid-multi-material coupling simulation”, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2023-2026 (PI).“Mixed Reality Laboratory Simulation for K-12 Education”, National Key Research & Development Project of China, May 2018-April 2021 (PI).“3D Digital Twins based on Learning and Mapping from Automobile Videos”, 2020-2021. (PI)“Augmented Reality Head-Up Display Systems”, SAIC Motor Co. Ltd., 2016-2019. (PI)“Data-Driven Computational Model and Approaches for Fluid Simulation”, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2018-2021 (PI).“Shape Preserving Theory and Approach for Fluid Animation”, NSFC, 2014- 2017 (PI).“Compressed Sampling for Large-scale Fluid Animation”, NSFC, 2012- 2015 (PI).“Detail Simulation for High Resolution Fluid Animation”, NSFC, 2010- 2012 (PI).“Key Technologies of Projector-based Spatial Augmented Reality,” National High Technology R&D Program of China, 2006- 2009 (PI).“Image based relighting and novel view synthesis,” Omron Research Grants, 2006-2008 (PI).“Augmented Reality Techniques for Unprepared Environment,” China Ministry of Education Fund, 2005- 2007 (PI).“Remote Rendering System for Digital Media Applications,” National High Technology R&D Program of China, 2005-2006.
