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绝密★启用前2023—2024学年江西省高三12月统一调研测试英 语注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。 写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt A. 19. 15 B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15答案是C。1. What time is it now A. 7: 20 B. 7: 50. C. 8: 20.2. What are the speakers talking about A. A cross-country bike ride. B. A vacation plan. C. A physical checkup.3. What does Robert offer to do for Grace A. Pick some roses for her. B. Buy her an ice cream. C. Take her for a walk.4. What's the problem with the man's Internet service A. His Wi-Fi is broken. B. His computer has broken. C. His Internet fee is overdue.5. What are the police looking into A. Who cut the car tires. B. What caused the accident. C. How many cars were stolen.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the woman suggest A. Driving the man to work every day.B. Sharing her car with her families.C. Taking turns to share a ride to work.7. What day is it today A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Why did the man fail to call back A. His phone failed to work.B. His grandma took his phone.C. He forgot the woman's number.9. What makes the man feel exhausted now A. He didn't sleep well. B. He worked overtime. C. He woke up too early.10. How does the woman feel about the rule A. Reasonable. B. Strange. C. Harmful.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What's the probable relationship between the speakers A. Workmates. B. Boss and employee. C. Interviewer and interviewee.12. What did the man major in at college A. Astronomy. B. Economics. C. Information technology.13. When will the man be contacted A. In two days. B. In a week. C. In more than a week听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What makes the man relieved A. The tests are over.B. He came out first in the exam.C. His mother is making delicious food.15. What does the woman want to make for a change A. Carrot cake. B. Cherry pie. C. Sandwiches.16. What will the man finish tomorrow A. His doctorate essay. B. A science project. C. His teaching work17. What will the man do next A. Engage in his research. B. Help the woman with the cooking. C. Listen to some music.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Where did the story happen A. Downtown. B. On the beach C. In the busy streets.19. What was the man doing A. Throwing the starfish into the sea.B. Approaching the speaker with a fish.C. Catching the fish washed up to shore.20. What did the man's reply mean A. He could save all the fish. B. He was performing his duty. C. His action was meaningful.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ABooks We Love returns with new titles handpicked by NPR staff and trusted critics. Find 11 years of recommendations all in one place.MobilityLydia KieslingLydia Kiesling pulls off a feat in this novel about fossil fuels and climate change. A big part of why Mobiliry works so well is Kiesling's choice of hero: a foreign service guy named Bunny. As the 1990s teenager witnessed the global fight for oil and trips into an oil career in Texas in young adulthood, he worries about our climate-damaged future.LimitlessJeanna SmialekNew York Times reporter Jeanna covers the organization the Federal Reserve (Fed), and explains how important the Fed is to the lives of ordinary people and details the changing role of the Fed among worldwide financial crisis. Through human-level storytelling, she makes the Fed's decision-making feel refreshingly transparent.Land of Milk and HoneyC Pam ZhangSet in a future where the Earth suffers widespread crop failures and food shortages, the story follows a chef who finds herself in a world of cooking delights among a landscape of scarcity and despair. It's a deep exploration of human nature, leaving you questioning the delicate balance between survival and the price we are willing to pay for pleasure in a world on the brink.The Right CallSally JenkinsSally Jenkins has made the highest achievements in sports, by individuals and by teams. With The Right Call, she looks back to capture what makes some athletes and coaches reach the peak of their game. Whatever part of life you want to do well in, this book will have you rethinking whatyou do and how you might do it differently.21. What can we learn from Limitless A. A climate-damaged future. B. The Fed's influence on people's lives.C. A delighted chef. D. The crop failures in the world.22. What do Mobiliry and Land of Milk and Honey have in common A. Both aim at ways to tackle food problems.B. Both investigate the qualities of athletes.C. Both deal with global financial systems.D. Both are concerned with the environment.23. Whose book can motivate a reader to be outstanding A. Jeanna Smialek's. B. C Pam Zhang's. C. Sally Jenkins's. D. Lydia Kiesling's.BHaving decided to join Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (游行) with our five-year-old daughter, Kerry, we caught the dawn train to Grand Central along with hundreds of excited celebrants. Like many other families, we packed a small backpack with sliced turkey sandwiches and juice boxes—eating in New York City is expensive. Kerry was wide-eyed and a little overwhelmed.As the train pulled into the terminal (终点站) , everyone rose and anxiously waited to head toward the parade route along Fifth Avenue. We waited until everyone stepped off onto the platform. As we walked up to the entrance to the terminal, Kerry spotted a homeless woman sitting in the shadows, invisible to all except my curious daughter. “What's that ” she asked in confusion. Linda and I looked at each other. We gave a simple and honest explanation.The following year, we decided to attend the parade again. So the night before Thanksgiving we went shopping for sliced turkey for sandwiches. Again, Kerry caught us off guard. “Can we bring some sandwiches for those people ” she asked. We knew immediately whom she meant. This was a golden opportunity to honor Kerry's sense of charity. That night we prepared two dozen sandwiches into our overstuffed backpack.The next morning we took the train into Manhatan again but there was a different excitement in our little family. We were still inside the terminal when Kerry spotted the first homeless man siting motionless in a dark corner. She extracted a sandwich and took it over to him. Neither spoke a word. Then we were off to the parade, stopping along the way to distribute the rest of the sandwiches, except one for each of us. Somehow, no giant Thanksgiving sit-down feast ever tasted as good as those sandwiches.Decades later, Kerry still fulfills her sense of kindness and generosity on this day, and passes on her good example with her daughters. There's nothing like sharing a turkey sandwich with new friends.24. Why did the author take some sandwiches on the first parade A. To follow in others' footsteps. B. To save expenses on food.C. To obey the parade tradition. D. To distribute them to homeless people.25. What made Kerry confused at the terminal A. That some people were homeless.B. Where they could go for the parade.C. That the homeless was invisible to others.D. Why people rushed to the parade route hurriedly.26. What excited the family on the next parade A. They were inside the same terminal. B. They'd attend a Thanksgiving feast.C. They had their backpack overstuffed. D. They'd do charity for the homeless.27. What have Kerry's daughters learned from her A. Helping others is helping ourselves.B. One should do things independently.C. Performing acts of kindness is a good virtue.D. Traditional festivals should not be forgotten.CThe rainforests are alive with the sound of animals. If you want to measure the biodiversity of a land, listen for animal calls rather than dig for tracks. But such “bioacoustic (生物声音) analysis” is time-consuming and requires an expert pair of ears.A group of researchers led by Jorg Muller, an ecologist at the University of Wurzburg in Germany, describe a better way: have a computer do the job. Smartphone apps already exist that identify birds, bats or mammals simply by listening to their sounds. Their idea was to apply the principle to conservation work. The researchers took recordings from 43 sites in the Ecuadorean rainforest. Sound recordings were taken four times every hour, over two weeks. The various calls were identified by an expert, and then used to construct a list of the species present. As expected, the longer the land had been free from agricultural activity, the greater the biodiversity it hosted.Then it was the computer's turn. The researchers put their recordings into artificial-inteligence models that had been trained, using sound samples from elsewhere in Ecuador, to identify 75 bird species from their calls. “We found that the AI tools could identify the sounds as well as the experts,” says Dr. Muller.Since not everything in a rainforest makes a noise, Dr. Muller and his colleagues used light- traps to capture night-flying insects, and DNA analysis to identify them. Reassuringly, they found that the diversity of noisy animals was a reliable replacement for the diversity of the quieter ones, too.The results may have relevance outside ecology departments, too. Under pressure from their customers, firms such as L'Oreal, a make-up company, and Shell, an oil firm, have been spending money on forest restoration projects. Dr. Muller hopes that an automated approach to checking the results could help monitor such efforts, and give a standardised way to measurewhether they are working as well as their sponsors say.28. What's the disadvantage of bioacoustic analysis A. It calls for some digging work.B. It takes an expert a lot of time.C. It can only be performed on land. D. It can't be done on a large scale.29. How did the researchers carry out their research A. They fed the recordings to AI models for identification.B. They strengthened the reservation of the rainforest species.C. They limited agricultural activities to allow for biodiversity.D. They built up a list of endangered species for protection.30. What does the author indicate by mentioning L'Oreal and Shell A. The AI model can be used in research on automation.B. Customers have realized the importance of the research.C. Large companies have taken action to protect the environment.D. The research can help measure the effect of forest restoration.31. What can be a suitable title for the text A. Promote Rainforest Biodiversity Through AIB. Protect a Forest's Inhabitants by ListeningC. Identify the Calls of the Wild With AI AidD. Find a Way to Monitor Deforestation SituationDScientists who study the intersection of conflict and human behavior say it's essential to understand the biology behind some of these bitter interactions. As social beings, humans form strong bonds with groups that could help us survive against outside threats.Olga Klimecki, a neurology researcher in Germany, says brain scans show how powerfully social identity can shape our emotional response to situations. For example, if someone sees a fellow member of the group in pain, the brain will react with empathy. “My brain would imitate the suffering of the other person by reactivating how I feel when I'm feeling bad,” Klimecki explains. But if it is an adversary who is experiencing pain, the same empathetic region of the brain isn't active, and we also see more activation related to joy.Worse still, conflict literally weakens our brain's ability to feel love. Klimecki says studies show couples who just argued have less activity in regions of the brain that sense attachment and fondness. Conflict deepens quickly when we feel it threatening things we hold dearest—our values or our people. We dig in deeper, becoming less rational (理性的).So, facing an urgent situation first requires releasing a brain dominated by defensive emotion. Phillips, a veteran conflict-resolution expert, says it means saying to your opponent, for example: “I understand this is core to your identity and your community, and I respect your sacred values.”If you're in a heated argument, Klimecki, the neurologist, suggests taking “microbreaks” to help regain perspective. She also suggests taking measures to reduce stress, because stress reduces function in a part of the brain that helps us think rationally. So, she advises getting more sleep, trying deep breathing or thinking of something that makes you feel positive. All these can cut down stress and give you greater capacity to handle conflict better, and hopefully keep dialogue open with your friends and loved ones, even when you disagree.32. What does Olga Klimecki find in his research A. People show their weakness facing threats.B. We tend to show great sympathy to the weak.C. We have a social identity to protect ourselves.D. Social identity decides our situational response.33. What does the underlined word “adversary” in paragraph 2 mean A. Friend. B. Enemy. C. Victim. D. Volunteer.34. What do the studies of arguing couples show A. People in conflict don't see things rationally.B. Conflicts arise when the brain senses no love.C. We need a sense of attachment to stop conflict.D. Fondness of each other helps couples face threats.35. What does the last paragraph focus on A. How to connect with people of the same identity.B. Where to seek help in time of a heated argument.C. What to do to become rational after an argument.D. Who to rely on to remove your irrational feeling.第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。Toymakers are developing new games to target people aged over 65 . They suggest the products could help older people increase their brain skills.36However, some experts have raised doubts about their claims.37It's now including images of older people in its marketing efforts. The move came after the company Educational Insights noticed last year that its toys were popular with older customers. Long before the pandemic, many adults purchased Legos or collectible items to connect with their inner child. During the pandemic, many adults used animals and robotic pets as companions during lockdown.38About 5 percent of the total U. S. toy sales are for males ages 35 and over, up 13 percent since last year. About 4 percent of total U. S. toy sales are for females ages 35 and over, up 9 percent since last year.39But grandparents who bought toys for their grandchild have big spending power. And grandparents spent on average 7 percent more per toy than the total market during the fourth quarter of 2022. They make up the highest. amount spent across all buyer groups.Still, some scientists warn of these products' limitations. Brain games like crossword puzzles help preserve mental abilities such as reasoning or thinking.40It's such cognitive skills that determine how we perform everyday living activities, such as job performance or maintaining independent living. Additionally, researchers also said that there is limited evidence to date that playing games can greatly reduce loneliness.A. They could also reduce loneliness.B. But the games don't promote the cognitive skills.C. There has been a sharp growth of the trend ever since.D. Educational Insights produces toys for young children.E. Sales data for the over 65 group hasn't been estimated.F. Evidence shows that toy sales are targeted at adult buyers.G. People get better in specific skills if they play the games.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I came to the U. S. for my undergraduate studies. I got used to life here and did well41. After graduation I stayed to pursue a Ph. D. in biology. During graduate school, though, I was convinced I wasn't42for science. So I decided to pursue a career as a consultant.43. But six months after that, I was laid off.Like any person who loses their job, I felt anger and anxiety. I could have one-year .44of my student visa when I could work, but I was only allowed 90 days of unemployment before I had to leave the country. I felt painfully45.After taking a few days to46from the shock, I began my47. Whereas in my Previous post-Ph. D. job search I had.48science because of lack of confidence, now I needed to explore every possible49. That's when the surprises really started. When I contacted major corporations whose labs I might be interested in working in, many50enthusiastically. They saw my Ph. D. as51that I was capable of learning and persevering.And I knew from the experience that obtaining a visa while working at a university is relatively straightforward. Perhaps academic science had a place for me after all.Working now at a university lab, I've begun my life as a postdoc, and I'm beginning to52my confidence. Some days are really hard, but most days are exciting,53me of the joys of reading papers, learning about new.54findings, and working with my new lab mates and enjoying their55. I'm grateful I was forced to give science—and myself—a second chance.41. A. traditionally B. economicallyC. academicallyD. psychologically42. A. arranged B. preservedC. allowedD. meant43. A. therefore B. instead C. otherwiseD. too44. A. transformationB. devotionC. decisionD. extension45. A. unwelcomeB. unconcernedC. astonishedD. delighted46. A. escapeB. separateC. learnD. recover47. A. educationB. presentation C. application D. foundation48. A. laid out B. ruled outC. pulled upD. kept up49. A. rangeB. change C. detailD. option50. A. admitted B. predictedC. respondedD. illustrated51. A. evidence B. justice C. certification D. comparison52. A. recognizeB. regain C. review D. reproduce53. A. remindingB. ridding C. curing D. warning54. A. dailyB. scientificC. complexD. thorough55. A. company B. advice C. situationD. occupation第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Guzheng is a musical instrument that56(beautiful)represents Chinese culture. In Sydney, Australia, Zhou Yunan founded a guzheng school57the aim of promoting traditional Chinese music.After obtaining a master's degree in guzheng, Zhou immigrated to Australia with her family. She noticed that many overseas Chinese are eager to get their children58(expose)to Chinese traditional culture, but lack the opportunities to do so,59inspired her to promote guzheng culture and found a guzheng school in Sydney in 2017.“It's not easy to promote traditional Chinese musical instruments overseas. On one hand, there is a60(short)of professional guzheng teachers,” Zhou said. “On the other hand, guzheng isn't a mainstream instrument in Sydney, so establishing the school's reputation was61(challenge).”Gladly, now guzheng62(choose)by many of her students when applying for scholarships. Some even select it as63music exam subject for the college entrance examination.“In my view, guzheng serves as a bridge that connects overseas Chinese with their homeland,64(allow)performers to convey their longing for home to the audience,” Zhou said. In recent years, an increasing number of overseas Chinese65(participate)in promoting traditional Chinese culture, sparking a surge in Chinese style and trends in Sydney.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)假设你是学生会主席李华,你校外教Mike 的视听课 (audio-visual class)很受学生们喜爱,但是声音过大干扰到了其他班级上课。请你给外教写封邮件,内容包括:1. 反映问题;2. 提出建议。注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Mike,_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours;Li Hua第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。My second year in college had started. I hadn't decided whether to fly home for Thanksgiving yet. Although I had missed the holiday the year before, I didn't have the money for the ticket, plus I wasn't sure I could get enough time off from my part-time job.All that wondering changed when my mom called. She got right to the point: “Your grandmother isn't doing well. Your dad and I decided you should fly out there for Thanksgiving. We thought you would want to come along so I covered your ticket. We'll fly from Alabama, and you can fly from Minnesota. We will meet in Northern Califomia the afternoon before Thanksgiving. Your dad and the younger kids will join us shortly later.”I met her at the Oakland airport, and we took a taxi to our hotel. When we got in the door, Mom called my grandpa, “We would like to come over and enjoy this Thanksgiving together, Dad.” Mom was anxious to see her parents, especially her mother, who was really fragile. When we finally got to their house, we got to say hello and then Grandpa helped Grandma lie down again and led us to the living room, telling us we would eat Thanksgiving dinner at noon. Then he went into the kitchen.Soon Dad, my brother Peer and my sister Mary arrived, joining us. Mom paced the floor. Finally, I asked her what the matter was. “He can't cook,” she murmured. “How's he supposed to fix a Thanksgiving meal for us ” I tried to reason with her. “Can't you smell the dinner Grandma is upstairs resting. Grandpa is the only one who could be cooking.” But we couldn't see through the kitchen door.She had an idea. “Let's sneak out of the front door and see what's going on. Then we will know how Grandpa is really cooking.”注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I followed her around the house to the kitchen windows. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Seeing the cut on Grandpa's finger through the windows, Mom hurriedly pushed open the kitchen door. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2023—2024学年江西省高三12月统一调研测试英语参考答案及评分细则听力材料Text 1W: Time for you to wake up, Henry.M: Just five more minutes, all right I stayed up going over my lessons and feel tired now.W: But your 8: 20 class will begin in an hour, and the traffic is usually bad. So we must leave half an hour early.Text 2M: Nice to see you, Mrs. Browning. I'm happy that you've decided to come in for your annual physical examination.W: Yes, Dr. Smith. I'm going on a cross-country bike ride on vacation and want to make sure that I don't have any problems.M: We'll look at your heart and lungs, do a few blood tests, and see that your eyes, ears, and nose are all working as they should be.Text 3W: It's really the best time to take a walk through the park. The roses smell beautiful.M: I feel the same exact way. Look how nice the mountains look today, against the spring sun. There's a man selling ice cream. Would you like one, Grace W: It can't be a better choice, but I'm on a diet. Thanks, Robert.Text 4W: Hello. How can I help you M: This morning I found my wireless devices unable to connect with the Wi-Fi at home. I wonder if you could come and have a look.W: Let me see. Well, your account shows that your Internet fee is due today, so you can't get access to the Internet.M: I see. I thought my Wi-Fi was broken.Text 5W: We had a problem at school. Someone cut the tires of the cars parked in the student parking lot.M: How many tires were cut W: Two cars had one or two tires cut, and the police are looking into the case.M: That's terrible. I hope they can catch the person and get him punished.Text 6W: Henry, since we share much of the way to work, what about carpooling After all, it's good for the environment as well as our pocket.M: That is a smart idea! I live on Broadway in Los Angeles, and you live two streets down. So we can share our car going to work.W: I can drive on Mondays and Tuesdays.M: I'll drive for the rest of the week then. Shall we start on Wednesday W: Well, we can start tomorrow, on Tuesday. I'll pick you up at 8 am, then. My car is green, and I'm sure you won't miss it.M: By the way, how long does it usually take you to drive to work W: Let me see. Well, except for rush hour, it usually takes a quarter of an hour.Text 7W: You didn't call me back last night as you promised. Was your phone out of order M: I'm sorry. My grandma took away my phone, saying it was too late to be talking on the phone.W: You said you'd call me at 10 pm.M: That's the time she sent me to bed.W: How can anyone sleep so early M: She said that was her usual bed time, and that we should all obey this rule as a usual practice.W: I guess old people need to sleep longer.M: Not really. She woke me up at 5 am this morning.W: Wow! Your grandma really loves sunlight.M: But waking up so early makes me feel so exhausted, obviously lacking enough sleep. So I think such a rule strange. W: Well, actually I find her suggestion reasonable.Text 8M: Thank you so much for interviewing me this evening.W: Happy to meet with you. Now, as we can see from your resume, you majored in economics at college.M: Yeah. I had meant to study astronomy, but ended up in economics.W: That's the kind of qualifications we need for our projects. Do you prefer group projects M: I like to work alone on something and then bring those things to the group.W: Do you value a steady job more or one that offers a chance to move ahead M: I want to grow in my job and move ahead.W: Do you mind working in another state when you're needed M: I need to stay in the area because of family.W: How much do you expect to get from the job per year M: $75, 000 per year.W: Thanks for your interest in this job. We'll contact you two days later.M: Thank you. I thought I'd wait for a week or even longer.Text 9M: Mom, I am home. I'm glad that the tests are over. What a relief!W: You have been studying so hard in the past few weeks. Now, you can relax and enjoy life. I am baking cake. This is your favourite carrot cake.M: It looks inviting, and I bet it is delicious.W: Since this is the cherry season, let's make a cherry pie for a change. I know you're tired of sandwiches. Tomorrow I will get some cherries at the supermarket, and we can start baking in the afternoon when you get home from school.M: I need to finish a science project tomorrow, and get home at 3: 30. Will it be too late to start baking, mom If so, you can start without me. After all, I've been busy these days preparing my doctorate essay. These days there are a lot of lessons to attend and lots of research to do.W: 3: 30 pm is fine. It is a deal.M: Now, mom, I'll simply withdraw into my study listening to some music to relax myself. Call me whenever dinner is ready. I don't want to be late for roast beef, cream of mushroom soup, carrot cake. . .W: OK. You can depend on it .Text 10W: As I drove out of the busy streets downtown and walked down a deserted beach at sunset, I saw a man picking something up and throwing it out into the water. As I approached even closer, I noticed that he was picking up starfish washed up on the beach and throwing them back into the water one at a time.Feeling puzzled, I approached the man and asked what he was doing. “I'm throwing these starfish back into the ocean. It's low tide now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If I don't throw them back into the sea, they'll die up here from lack of oxygen.”“I understand,” I replied, “but there must be thousands of starfish on this beach. You can't possibly get to all of them. Don't you realize this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches up and down this coast Can't you see that you can't possibly make a difference ”The man smiled, bent down, and picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the sea. Then he replied, “Make a difference to that one!”答案解析1-5 ACBCA6-10 CABCA11-15 CBAAB16-20 BCBACA
