首页 >  江西省中学教师招聘考试真题及答案  > 【真题答案】2021年江西省《小学英语》教师招聘考试



1.Vocabulary and Structure(Questions 1 to 20)

Directions: In this par, there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there care four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1.The underlined 1....pronunciation except(B).

A. Check

B. technology

C. march

D. church

2.Nowadays, cycling, along with j.......ing(B)as one ...... round forms of exercise.

A. regard

B. is regarded

C. are regarded

D. regards

3.The outbrea............ovid-19 has meant an(C)change in our life and work.

A authentic

B. allergic

C. abrupt

D. absurd

4.一Are you going to .......Mom by Jia Ling?

一(B).It's said to be too good a film to miss.

A. No problem!

B. That's for sure.

C. Why bother?

D. Why me?

5.It was not until mum.......... the zoo,(D)was his favorite, ()he stopped crying.

A. where; which

B. which; which

C. that; which

D. which; that

6.We can observe that artificial...........has a(n)(A)on our lives in many years.

A. impact

B. impression

C. statement

D. judgement

7.一There is still a copy of the book“A Brief Histo...........rary. Will you go and borrow(D)?

一No, I'd rather buy ()in the bookstore.

A it ;it

B. one; one

C. one; it

D. it; one

8.On the double 11th day, my uncle's ........... fully sold ()shoes as last year, .......... dly make(D)progress.

A. as many twice; worse

B. twice as many; good

C. as many twice; bad

D. twice as many; better

9.一Would you please give some.......mprove. our efficiency?

一If you make(B)most of every class, there will be ()switch in grades.


B. the; a


D. the;/

10. She has ........ eams(C)to have a happy life.

A. rather than

B. more than

C. other than

D. less than

11.一It's my treat today. Is there anything..........u would like to have?

一(A)you choose is fine withme.

A. Whatever

B. Which

C. Anything what

D. No matter what

12. "Genius" is a ......... cept.(B)many different factories.

A. involved

B .involving

C. to involve

D. being involved

13.There must have been a large .......... Sanya last winter,(D)

A mustn't there

B haven't there

C didn't there

D. weren't there

14.(A)it rain tomorrow, we ....... put off the visit to the Water Cube.

A. Should

B Ware

C. Would

D. Could

15.一Will Ms. Smith go to ....... g ceremony this weekend?

一No, she has finally decided(C)。

A. not

B. not lo go

C. not to

D. not to go to

16. There have been many(A)in 1heir ______ still love each other.

A. ups and downs

B. from head to toe

C time and again

D. Over and over

17. Dob belongs to that club, w........ meet(C)to share ideas and thought.

A. originally

B. gradually

C. regularly

D. immediately

18. I still have some memories of my childhood.(C)。I remember the time when I

uShan Mountain with my friends.

A. In return

B .By chance

C. In particular

D. By contrast

19. Mr. and Mrs. Green w........ daughter(A),get married, and have a kid.

A. settle down

B keep off

B. get up

D. cut in

20. How long do you think(C)the car .......... a new mode.

A. will it be before

B. will it be when

C. it will be before

D. it will be when

II. Cloze(Questions 21 to 30)

Directions: There are I0 blanks in the following passage. .....w. that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet

Every cultivation language has two great class.. ... . .cabulary. First. there are those words(21)which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we learn from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we should know and use(22)we could not read or write. They concern the common things of life, and are the stock in

trade of all who use the(23). Such words may be called“popular”", since they(24)to the people at large and are not the exclusive share of a limited class. On the other hand, our language(25)a lot of words which are comparatively(26)used in daily conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little(27)occasion to use them at

home or in the market-place. Our first acquaintance with them pomes not from our mother's lips or from the talk of our schoolmates, but from books that we read, lectures that we(28)。or the more(29)conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic. Such words are called "learned" ' and the distinction between them and the"(30)”words is of great importance to ..... g of linguistic process.


22.A.evenif B.evenC.as ifD.as

23.A.lesson B.lifeC.letter D.language

24.A.burst B.belong C.bless D.bear

25.A.conducts B.concludesC.comprise D.composes

26.A.seldom B.everC.neverD.often

27.A. Mass B.method C.necessityD.note

28A. hear of B.attend C.hear from D.join

29A. former B.fitC. formal D.fare

30.A.polite B. popular C. peaceD.pretty

II. Reading Comprehension(Questions31 to 45)

Directions: There care 3 passages in this section Each passage iv followed by some questions or unfinished statements .For each of them there are four choices marked A B. C and D. You should choose the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


This new school year is especially for some elementary school students in Auckland, New Zealand. They became the world's first kids to be "taught'" by a digital teacher........ ke robot walking around the classroom, Will- the digital teacher ,is just a avatar that appears on the student's desktop. or smart phone screen, when ordered to come.

Just like humans, Will is able to instantly react to the students' responses to the topic. He not only responds to the kids' questions, but also picks up num-verbal cues. For instance, if a student smiles at ..... ......... students attention, but also allows the program 's developers to monitor their engagement, and make changes if needed.

Nikhil Ravishankar believes that Will-like avatars could be a new ......... 1ot of hope in the technology .However, regardless of how popular it becomes. Will is unlikely lo replace human educators any lime soon."

31.What was special ........... school students in Auckland?(D)

A. This was a new school year

B. They saw something digital

C. They have new desktop

D.A digital teacher taught them

32. From the ....... that(C)

A. Will cannot respond to the kid' questions

B. will can hardly pick up non-verbal cues

c will is very popular with the students

D. it is unlikely for Will to capture children attention

33.Wat is the be. ..... interaction?(D)

A. It can smile back

B It can use microphone

C. It can talk any topic

D. It can change if necessary

34.What's Ravishankar 's attitude to Will's r.......... ducators soon?(A)

A. Disapproving

B Diffident

C. Optimistic

D. Unclear

35.What .......... for the passage?(B)

A. Shortage of Human Teachers

B. World. first Digital Teachers

C New School Year

D. New Contributes to Education


Can you imagine the feeling of working in the universe? If you could desing............ike? Do you dream to be the next Einstein? This summer, you can experience all these things and more. All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination. [YG]

A recent study has found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes online each day. They usually chat with friends, play games or chock c mails. But next time you get on the web, try exploring the world instead.“with the Internet, the whole scope of history and the world is open to you." said Russell, Web search expert of Google.

“I like to tell my kids,‘whenever you have a question, Whenever you have a doubt, search it out."" says Russell.

Ready to launch a virtual journey of your own? Here are a few stating points to get you thinking and t如help you on your way. You can invite your parents along for the ride, too, Always ask ........... ems and software into your computer. And,check with a parent or adult before visiting any new website.

Navigate the world in 3-D with Google Earth Begin in outer space and zoom into the streets of any city, from Beijing to San Francisco. Or, visit ancient monuments and watch the changing rain forests over time. With the moon in Google Earth tool,you can walk in Neil Armstrong's famous footsteps. Take a guided tour of the ............ shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

36. The ........ ainly intended for(D).


B. adults



37. According to the passage, which ........ ing is true?(C)

A.The kids can download software into computer freely

B.Neil Armstrong traveled to the moon alone

C.The kids can find much information they need online

D.The kids can visit the new website freely without parents' guidance

38. From ..........c. the kids(B):

A.should never play games or chat online

B. can solve problems through the Internet

C. shouldn't spend any time on the Internet

D.should study hand instead of chatting online

39. According to the passage. if you .....ore.. you can(A).

A.use Google Earth

B. go to watch 3~D films

C. find a travel agency

D.take the spaceship

40. In which ........ site can we probably read the passage?(B)


B.Internet World




In a win for literary fiction amid declining sales, Sally Rooney's ............. een named Waterstones book in 2018.

Rooney's second novel, has sold 41, 000 copies in hardback in the UK since it was published in August-five times the sales of her 2017 debut,“Conversations With Friends". Al 27, Rooney is now the ......... .rd, which is given by Waterstones the UK 's biggest bookshop chain.[YG]

"Normal People" received almost universal applause at the time of release. Longlisted for the Man Booker prize, the book won novel of the year at the An Post Irish Book Awards in November of 2018 and has also been shortlisted for the Costa novel of the year, announced in January of 2019.

The readers" response to "Normal People" had been astonishing. As well as the universal praise, it has been a huge word-of-mouth hit. There 're customers returning to buy many copies as gills.“Normal People" strengthened Sally Rooney's reputation a the voice of her generation and one of the most exciting novelists around today. Its success is a testament to the health of literary fiction and indicates that there is still significant appetite for excellent storytelling.

The award, established in 2012, tends to go to books that are already bestsellers near Christmas. It has previously been won by the late American author John Williams's Stoner, the cookbook Polpo by Russell Norman, and last year s choice, Philip Pullman's La Belle Sauvage.

James Daunt, Waterstones' managing director, said Rooney's win was a sign of the healthy state of literary fiction, which has seen sales decrease over the last decade. "We are delighted to name it our book of the year," he said.

41.The curr..... ..... ation of literary fiction(A).

A doesn't enjoy popularity

B.Sells well in Waterstones

C.Is a big winner in 2018

D.Mainly tells love stories

42.What does the u....... in Paragraph 2 refer to?(D)




D.Rooney's second novel

43.According to the pas.. .... .nfer that“Normal People"(A).

A.received praise son after it was published

B. made its author the voice of children

C.won different awards in a lot of countries

D.was America's most popular book in 2018

44.The underlined word ......._ graph 4 is closest in meaning to(C).





45. What can ....... the passage?(B)

A.Waterstones is the UK‘S second biggest bookshop chain.

B. Rooney is the youngest winner of the award.

C.he award was established in 2018 [YG]

D.Sally Rooney is Waterstones' managing director.













Dear Allen,

I m delighted to receive your letter in which you asked about our arrangements for the World Reading Day.

What deserves to be mentioned most is the theme of the reading day-- -Reading Chinese Classics and Inheriting Chinese Culture. Obviously, its aim is to raise our awareness of passing on traditional Chinese culture.

It's widely acknowledged that reading benefits us in many ways. Not only can it broaden our horizons but it also deepens our thoughts. Therefore, a series of activities, such as Reading Salon, a Second-hand Book Exchange will take place on that day.

How I wish you could join us!


Li Hua





(3)能表演歌谣或简单的诗歌30-40首(含一级要求) :


(5)看懂英文动画片和程度相当的英语教学节目,每学年不少10小时(平均每周不少于20- 25分钟)。











[案例1]四年级上册Unit 3 What would you like? A Let's learn (5分)

在教完单词hamburger, sandwich, salad, ice -cream, tea和句子What would you like to eat? I'd like...之后,老师创设了一个让同学们点餐的语言运用情境,让英语课代表去问全班同学的点餐意愿,并要求其做好记录并汇报。

[案例2]五年级......... ere is a big bed. A Let's learn (5分)

(本课时主要内容是利用上节课学习的there be..句型来描述张鹏房间的物品学习坐词photo,clock,bike和plant)老师用PPT展示教材中的图片(张鹏房间的场景)

T: What time is it?

S s:I's 4 clock.开始教学clock。接下来老师又用Whose room is this? What does Zhang Peng like? What color does Zhang Peng like?等几个问题来引导学生作答,分别引出其他几个生词的教学。

[案例3]五年级...... can you do? B Read and write (5分)


(1) Group work;

A:What can you do?

B: I can cook the meal.

C: I can sing and dance..


I am...

I can...

I want to join you.


请根据以上三个案例的描述,分别判断这三个....... .功是否合理,并进行分析。如有不合理之处,请给出改进意见。







案例中:本节课的主要内容是利用上节课的学的there be句型来描述张鹏房间的物品学习新词,然而老师的提问What color does Zhang Peng like?等一系列问题, 不能直接引导出新词,也不能利用到there be句型,不符合本课的教学目标。

建议:老师可以利用张鹏房间的场景,通过图片或者视频等方式呈现单词,通过句型What's in the room.引出新单词,利用上节课学过的句型there ...来描述新词。



案例中,在阅读任务完成后,老师设计的写作活动。让学生在写作活动中,巩固运用语言。老师在写作活动前,做了示范,am.... I can..降低了写作的难度,让学生明白了要点,全体同学都能参与进来。又通过小组合作等方式,




请根据人民教育出版社义务教育教科书《英语(三年级起点)》四年级下册Unit 6 Shopping A Let's talk部分的教学内容,按要求完成下列教学设计任务。





1. Teaching objectives

Knowledge and skill objectives:

(1)Students can listen, speak and read the new words: shoes, skirts; and new sentence: Can I .... They ..... ;

(2)Students get the main idea of this dialogue and can use the correct pronunciation and intonation to read the dialogue and

pay attention to the meaning group in the dialogue during the process of the class.

Process and method objectives:

(1)Students' listening and speaking ability can be improved by the end of the class.

(2) Through practice and group work, S s can describe their clothes in daily life.

Emotion, attitude and value objectives:

(1)Students will develop the consciousness of appreciating their items.

(2) Students' awareness of observation will be cultivated .

2. Lend-in & Presentation

Create a situation that our school is going to hold a fashion show, every one of us should present as a fashion designer. So today let's design some new clothes you like for the competition.

Purpose: In this way, student's interest can be aroused and today's topic can be naturally introduced


①Present new sentences

Teacher shows the picture about a cloth shop, and say:“We will have an English party next Tuesday. And I want to go shopping to buy some new clothes for the party. I want to buy a new shoes, if the shop assistant offer to help me, what can I reply?" to elicit students to answer it and understand the new sentences firstly.

②Three listening tasks

First Listening

Play the tape for the first time and ask Students“How many people are there in the dialogue? And who are they?"

Second Listening

Play the tape for the second time and ask some more detailed questions such as "What size of shoes did Mike can wear?",“How many times did Mike change the shoes?"

Third Listening

Play the tape for the last time, Students read after the tape and pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.

Purpose: Students will have their first impression of the sentence structures, then master them through listening activities. Read after the tape can solve Students pronunciation, intonation and sense group in order to address the key points of this lesson.

3. Consolidation : Do a survey

Next Tuesday, we will be an English party. One of the four students will work as a researcher to investigate what other members of their group will wear to attend the party and take notes. After completing the task, the researchers of each group present their findings o0 the stage. At last, each group chooses a program by themselves and performs on the stage.

Purpose: Students can use English to do things in the real situation, and at the same time, performing the program can stimulate students' interest in learning.
