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1、Jane is from ______ France, and she is studying in China as ______ exchange student.

A.the; /        B./; a            C.the; an         D./; an

2、He didn't go to the bar. ______. he went to the library to do some reading.

A.Otherwise     B.Besides        C.Moreover       D.Instead

3、I didn't realize the influence of different culture ______ I began to do business with foreign businessmen.

A.since        B.after          C.until          D.while

4、—Would you please not park your car in front of my house?

—Oh, ______.

A.not at all         B.you're welcome    C.I am sorry          D.it doesn't matter

5、My sister and I have the same hobby, and ______ of us like playing the guitar.

A.all          B.both          C.either         D.neither

6、—Daddy, have you seen my key?

—No, I guess you ______ it.

A.lost                B.have lost            C.are losing           D.lose

7、The plane leaving for Hongkong didn't ______ on time because of the heavy rain.

A.put off          B.turn off           C.lay off            D.take off

8、Each of us has a life ______, which will guide us to a bright future.

A.goal         B.time          C.cycle          D.jacket

9、People today are living a fast life. They have ______ time talking with each other.

A.less            B.fewer             C.many more        D.much more

10、—It's very important for us to keep ______.

—Right. We should learn how to protect ourselves when we're in danger.

A.rapid        B.safe           C.lucky          D.social

11、It was in the lab ______ we students used to do experiments.

A.that        B.where         C.which         D.what

12、—I wonder if Mr. Green will come to Jane's birthday party this weekend.

—I think he will come if he ______.

A.invites                                   B.has invited

C.is invited                                  D.will have been invited

13、______ we all know, we can develop good habits by practicing.

A.As         B.Which         C.That          D.What

14、The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I ______ the trouble to carry my raincoat with me.

A.should have taken                    B.could have taken

C.needn't have taken                   D.mustn't have taken

15、Children and parents should communicate more to ______ the gap between them.

A.narrow      B.open         C.widen         D.shorten

16、A business needs insurance ______ risks such as fire and flood.

A.at         B.for           C.against        D.from

17、I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life ______ so happy.

A.did I feel        B.I felt                C.I had felt           D.had I felt

18、______ spelling mistakes, you are supposed to check your answers before turning in the papers.

A.Avoid          B.Avoiding          C.Avoided           D.To avoid

19、If we ______ enough rain last year, we could have gained a good harvest.

A.have           B.had               C.have had          D.had had

20、In 2015, Beijing won the right to host the 24th Winter Olympics, ______ it the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

A.to make       B.making           C.makes            D.made



In a time when it's so easy to feel isolated, all of us need to feel seen and heard. But these two neighbors could only hear each other first. Back in January, Ciorgio posted a video on TikTok about his new neighbor. The post began a series of clips over the next month that showed that the two neighbors played out together in the form of two pianos separated by one wall.

Giorgio started their friendship by writing a note to his neighbor, thinking highly of the stranger on his wonderful skill and asking him to perform a song: My Heart Will Go On. The next day, the song was heard through the wall, and Giorgio was both touched and overjoyed. Their note exchanges soon turned into piano duets through the wall.

They continued doing their piano duets every weekend around 2 p. m. , until Giorgio finally got the chance to meet his partner face-to-face. "Well, today I have met my neighbor, and let me tell you, it is better than expected," Giorgio wrote. "His name is Emil. He is 78 years old, originally from Poland. He lost his wife last December due to COVID-19, and all he has left is the piano."

Giorgio went on to explain that Emil's reason for playing every weekend at 2 p. m. was that his wife always loved it at that time. Emil was quick to thank Giorgio for giving him company, friendship, and the motivation to keep playing. That's when Giorgio added, "I promise that I'll play with him until he moves out." And so he did!

Though Emil's time in this apartment was short before he left for some reason, the friendship became a memory to last a lifetime.

21、What was the video Giorgio posted about? ______

A.How these two neighbors felt isolated.

B.What these two neighbors heard and saw.

C.How these two neighbors played the piano.

D.What these two neighbors played.

22、Why did Giorgio write a note to his neighbor? ______

A.To invite him to dinner.                B.To require him to pay back the money.

C.To ask him to play a song.            D.To get a chance to meet him.

23、Giorgio's neighbor loved to play the piano at 2 p. m. every weekend because ______.

A.he thought it impolite to disturb others' nap

B.he wanted to remember his deceased wife

C.he always felt full of inspiration at that time

D.he planned to play the guitar at 3 p. m.

24、Which of the following can best describe this story? ______

A.Educational and ironic.                  B.Interesting and funny.

C.Boring and plain.                     D.Warm and heartbreaking.

25、What is the best title for the passage? ______

A.What Is a Good Neighbor?               B.Correct Ways to Know New Friends

C.A Friendship Based on the Piano       D.The Society Under COVID-19

Zhurong, China's first Mars rover, sends back a photo of the planet's surface.

On May 15, 2021, China's Tianwen 1 probe made a historic landing on Mars! People all over the world applauded the successful landing, as it was very hard to pull off.

In July 2020, Tianwen 1 was launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center. In February, the probe entered Mars' orbit. Experts said the difficulty of sending the probe into orbit was equal to hitting a golf ball from Paris and landing it in a hole in Tokyo. But it still couldn't match the difficulty of the final landing stage, which is also called the "nine minutes of terror(恐怖)". How did Tianwen 1 do it? Let's take a look.

Nine minutes of terror:

Within nine minutes, the probe had to slow its speed from 20,000 km per hour to zero, landing from 125 km above Mars. Since the probe was 320 million km away from Earth, there was a signal delay(延迟) of over 10 minutes if the research team tried to control it from Earth. So the probe had to carry out the landing by itself!

The drag(空气阻力) created by the atmosphere slowed it down first. During this process, the surface of the craft heated up to 2,100℃, which could melt the craft! Fortunately, it had a heat shield(抗热涂层) to protect it.

Next, a parachute(降落伞) opened to further reduce the craft's speed. This was also a dangerous process, as the parachute's ropes could break due to the craft's high speed. Researchers used special materials to make the ropes strong enough to stay in one piece.

At 1.5 km above Mars, the craft fired its retrorockets(反向火箭) as another way to help it slow down. At 100 meters, the craft stayed in the air and used its sensors(传感器) to check the landing area. It had to move away from obstacles(障碍物) such as rocks before finally touching down.

Following the US and Russia, China is now the third country in the world to successfully land a probe on Mars. It will give Chinese scientists their first opportunity to closely study the Red Planet. Tianwen 1 makes it to Mars.

26、The underlined phrase "pull off" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to "______".

A.study    B.fail    C.check    D.achieve

27、What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean? ______

A.The distance from Earth to Mars is the same as that from Paris to Tokyo.

B.The experts recalled that their study on the probe was exciting like playing golf.

C.The cost to launch a probe is too expensive.

D.It is rather difficult to send the probe correctly into the expected orbit.

28、Why did China launch the Tianwen 1 probe? ______

A.To test its newly invented material.

B.To acquire entertainment from the universe.

C.To do research and pave the way for further study on Mars.

D.To be the third country succeeding in exploring Mars.

29、Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? ______

A.The landing stage is more difficult than the former one.

B.The probe has to land on Mars under the control of researchers to ensure safety.

C.The heat shield on the surface of the craft can protect it from being melted by high temperature.

D.There are another two countries that have already landed a probe on Mars before China.

30、This passage is most likely to appear in ______.

A.a science magazine    B.a comic book

C.fiction    D.an advertisement






个人优势 :







Dear Sir or Madam,




Looking forward to your early reply!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

