首页 >  汉阳大学中文授课研究生  > 2022年武汉大学来华留学生招生简章(研究生) 2022 Wuhan University Admission Prospectus for International Applicants (Postgraduate Programs)

2022年武汉大学来华留学生招生简章(研究生) 2022 Wuhan University Admission Prospectus for International Applicants (Postgraduate Programs)

一、申请资格 Eligibility

1. 身体健康、品行端正的外国公民。硕士申请者需具有与中国学士学位相当的学位,博士申请者需具有与中国硕士学位相当的学位。

Applicants should be healthy and well-behaved, and have a foreign citizenship. Applicants for Master’s degree programs should have an undergraduate study background equivalent to that of the Chinese Bachelor’s degree. Applicants for Doctoral programs should have a Master study background equivalent to that of the Chinese Master’s degree.

2.  学习成绩优良,提供下列证明及材料(所需完整材料参见附件一):

Applicants should have good academic records, and provide the following documents (See attachment I for complete materials required).


Master’s degree program applicants should submit an academic transcript of undergraduate study. Doctoral degree program applicants should submit academic transcripts of both graduate and undergraduate studies. (original /notarized copy in English or Chinese)

2.2 个人陈述和研究计划 (800字以上), 博士专业申请者需要另外提交简要的研究经历

Personal statement and research plan (over 800 words). Doctoral degree program applicants need to submit a brief introduction of research experience.

2.3 两份副教授或相应职称以上学者推荐信

Two recommendation letters from scholars who have title of associate professor or higher.


Applicants who have any learning experiences in any universities or colleges in

China should provide Discipline Records from those institutions in China.

3. 汉语水平Chinese Language Requirements

3.1 理工科、医科、文科申请者达到HSK五级(含)以上,可以直接进入中文授课专业学习;

A minimum of HSK Level 5 certificate is required for applicants who would like to study in the programs of science, engineering, medicine and liberal arts.

3.2 汉语水平未达到要求者可以申请汉语进修,汉语水平达到学校要求后,再申请进入专业院系学习.

Applicants, who haven’t reached the required Chinese language level, can apply to study Chinese language in Wuhan University first. After obtaining HSK Level 5 certificate , they can apply for the major study.

4. 英语水平English Language Requirements

母语非英语的英文授课项目申请者需提供英语水平证明,TOEFL需达到80分 , IELTS需达到 5.5。不能提供标准化英语测试证明的,需进行英语笔试或面试。

For non-native English speakers who apply for English medium programs, they should provide a score report of English Proficiency test (TOEFL 80+/ IELTS 5.5+). For applicants who cannot offer the above-mentioned standardized English test results, they will be required to participate in an additional oral or written English test organized by Wuhan University.

二、申请流程Application Procedures

1. 网上申请Online Application

请在录取时间内登录武汉大学国际学生申请系统,注册并登录后按要求真实、完整地填写《武汉大学来华留学生入学申请表》,并按照系统要求上传相关证明附件并交纳报名费 (详见附件一)。

Please log into the online application system at "Wuhan University International Students Service System” (http://admission.whu.edu.cn) within the application period. After registration, please complete the "Wuhan University Application Form for International Students" correctly and completely, and upload the supporting documents and pay the application fee as required ( Please see more details in  attachment I : List of uploading documents in the online application system ).

2. 综合测评Comprehensive Evaluation

2.1材料评审Documents Review


Applicants should submit all information and documents accurately and completely before the deadline for the evaluation by Wuhan University. Otherwise, the application will be not considered.

2.2 考核与面试Examination & Interview


Applicants who pass the application document review will enter the interview stage. Subsequently, the interview time and mode will be informed .  Outstanding applicants recognized by Wuhan University will be exempted from the interview.

3. 签证申请Visa Application



Admitted applicants must bring their passport, “Admission Notice”, “Visa Application Form (JW202/201)”, “Physical Examination Record Form” as well as all physical examination reports including Blood Test Record to the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate or other official agencies authorized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China to apply for a student visa (X1/X2 visa).

Notice: If admitted applicants hold other types of visa rather than student visa (X1/X2 visa), they will not be registered at Wuhan University.  

三、招生专业Postgraduate Programs


For the graduate programs offered to international students, please see the details in attachment II ”Postgraduate Program Available to International Applicant to Wuhan University (Chinese Medium)”. And please indicate between "professional degree" and "academic degree".

四、学制与学位的颁发与授予 Schooling Length, Degree & Diploma


The schooling of Master’s degree programs in Wuhan University lasts two to three years, while doctoral degree programs last three to four years. The programs are delivered in Chinese (part of them in English). A graduation certificate will be awarded to students who have met all graduation requirements. A master’s degree or doctoral degree will be awarded to students who have met the related requirements of degree conferment.

五、费用 Costs


For details of costs, please see attachment IV ”Tuition Fee and Costs of International Students”


Notice:Admitted degree students must pay their first-year tuition fee during their registration in Wuhan University. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to register.

六、新生奖学金 Scholarships for New Students

1. 中国政府奖学金-国别双边项目 Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral program

请直接与本国留学生派遣部门联系(一般为中国驻当地使领馆),具体申请要求,请登录中国国家留学生基金委网站http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina 或 http://www.campuschina.org, 以及武汉大学网站http://admission.whu.edu.cn。

Please apply directly to the dispatching authorities for overseas study in your home country (usually the local Chinese Embassy or Consulate). For more details of application, please visit CSC website at http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina or http://www.campuschina.org, and the Wuhan University website

http:// admission.whu.edu.cn.

2. 中国政府奖学金-中国高校自主招生项目(高校研究生项目,丝绸之路项目和中非友谊项目) Chinese Government Scholarship- Chinese University's Independent Enrollment program(Chinese University Program, Belt & Road Program, China-Africa Friendship Program)

此项目可招收硕士研究生和博士研究生,请直接与武汉大学联系。具体申请要求,请登录武汉大学网站http://admission.whu.edu.cn以及中国国家留学生基金委网站http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina 或 http://www.campuschina.org

This program may support Master degree students and Phd students. Please apply directly to Wuhan University. For more details of application, please visit CSC website at http://www.csc.edu.cn/studyinchina or http://www.campuschina.org, and the Wuhan University website http://admission.whu.edu.cn.

3.  国际中文教师奖学金 International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship


For applicants who want to study Chinese Language, this Scholarship is available. Please visit http://www.chinese.cn.

4. 商务部援外学历学位项目奖学金 Ministry of Commerce Scholarship

请直接与中国驻当地使馆经商处联系和申请,商务部“国际法和中国法硕士项目(武汉大学)”和“援外高级学历学位教育专项计划”。 上述项目可招收硕士研究生和博士研究生,具体申请要求详见http://www.admission.whu.edu.cn and http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua.

Please apply directly to the Economic and Commercial Counselor’s Office (ECCO)of the Chinese Embassy in your country. Master program of Chinese Law and International Law (Wuhan University) and MOFCOM(Ministry of Commerce) Scholarship Program may support master degree students and Phd students. For more details of application, please visit http://www.admission.whu.edu.cn and http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua.

5. 中国政府奖学金-东盟菁英奖学金项目、国家开发银行项目 Chinese Government Scholarship - China Development Bank Scholarship Program; Asian-China Young Leaders Scholarship Program

该项目计划重点资助友华人士来武汉大学攻读硕士或博士学历学位。请直接与本国留学生派遣部门联系(国家开发银行办事处和东盟办事处)。具体申请要求,请登录中国国家留学生基金委网站http://www.campuschina.org, 以及武汉大学网站http://www.admission.whu.edu.cn。

This program focuses on supporting oversea applicants to study for master's or doctor's degree at Wuhan University.  Please apply directly to the dispatching authorities for overseas study in your home  country (apply to the local China Development Bank Branches and the local Asian Offices). For more details of application, please visit CSC website http://www.campuschina.org, and the Wuhan University website http://www.admission.whu.edu.cn.

七、申请、录取、报到时间 Application, Admission & Registration Period

1. 申请时间Application Period

1.1 自费生 Self-sponsor Applicants

申请时间为2021年11月10日至2022年6月15日。Application period is between Nov. 10,2021 and Jun. 15,2022.

1.2中国政府奖学金生 Application Period for Chinese Government Scholarship Applicants


The usual period of application is between early December (2021) and March 31,(2022).

1.3国际中文教师奖学金 International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship


The usual period of application is between early March (2022) and early May (2022).


Note:About application period for Chinese Government Scholarship, please pay attention to website information: http://www.csc.edu.cn/ and http://admission.whu.edu.cn/. Time for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship application can be found at http://www.hanban.org/ and http://admission.whu.edu.cn/

2. 录取时间Admission Period


Based on overall evaluation of the document and interview of the applicants, Wuhan University will issue the admission results by batch. Please check the admission result at the website http://admission.whu.edu.cn .

注明: 申请中国政府奖学金、国际中文教师奖学金请查阅相应网站公布时间      

Notice: For applicants who apply for Chinese Government Scholarships and  International  Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship,please check the relevant online application system to get admission results.

3. 报到时间Registration Period


The usual registration period is between 1st and 10th September. Please check the “admission notice” for the registration time for new students.


When registering at Wuhan University, the admitted students should provide their personal and ordinary passport (diplomatic passport and business passport will not be accepted), “Admission notice”, “Visa Application Form (JW202/JW201)” and student visa. Original documents of degree or diploma should also be provided for rechecking during the official registration. Otherwise, the admission will be considered invalid.

八、住宿 Accommodation


School of International Education, Wuhan University, will reserve on-campus dormitories for new students who register within the registration period.

九、联系方式 Address  & Contact




电话: 0086-27-68753912

传真: 0086-27-87863154

Admission Office, School of International Education

Wuhan University

Maple Garden,Wuhan University, Luojiashan Street, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430072, P.R. China

Webside:  http://admission.whu.edu.cn/  

Tel: 0086-27-68753912

Fax: 0086-27-87863154
