



    §  基本信息






    §  主要学习和工作经历

1987.06-1996.08  武汉钢铁集团公司 教师/翻译

1996.09-1999.06  华中科技大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业 硕士研究生

1999.07-2002.08  武汉理工大学外国语学院 讲师

2002.09-2009.08  武汉理工大学外国语学院 副教授

2004.10-2005.09  英国曼彻斯特大学翻译与跨文化研究中心(CTIS)访问学者

2009.09- 至今    武汉理工大学外国语学院   教授

2010.09-2013.06  华中师范大学英语语言文学专业 博士研究生

2013.07-2013.07   香港城市大学中文、翻译及语言学系 访问教授

    §  主授课程



    §  学位论文

    §  硕士:汉语“副职”英译的语料库调查研究.(导师:冯跃进教授).华中科技大学. 1999. (A Corpus Analysis of the English Translation of Chinese Subordinate Ranks/Titles. Supervisor: Prof. FENG Yuejin. HUST. 1999)

    §  博士:基于语料库的汉英法律施为动词应用研究——以台湾海峡汉英双语法律文本为例.(导师:廖美珍教授).华中师范大学.2013.(Applications of the Performative Verbs in Chinese and English Bilingual Legal Texts: A Corpus–based Case Study of the Chinese and English Bilingual Legal Texts in Greater China. Supervisor: Prof. LIAO Meizhen. Central China Normal University. 2013.)

    §  主要论文

1)陈伟. 翻译英语语料库与基于翻译英语语料库的描述性翻译研究[J].《外国语》2007年第1期;

2)陈伟. 国际英语语料库英国英语分库解析[J].《外语学刊》2006年第5期;

3)陈伟、许之所. 基干网络资源的大学生英语写作能力培养模式研究[J].《外语界》2008年第4期;

4)陈伟. 基于语料库的当代英语同源宾语结构特征调查研究[J].《语言研究》2010年第1期;

5)冯跃进、陈伟. 汉语“副职”英译的语料库调查研究[J].《外国语》1999年第2期;

6)陈伟. 汉语“会议”英译的语料库调查研究[J].《上海科技翻译》2000年第2期;


8)陈伟、廖美珍. 我国大陆地区汉语法律施为动词应用语料库调查研究[J].《语言文字应用》2014年第2期;


10)陈雅茹、陈伟. 论中医多词术语的英译[J].《外国语文研究》2017年第4期;

11)Chen, Yaru & Chen, Wei. English translation of long traditional Chinese medicine term: A corpus-based study. Terminology, 2018(2);

12)Koch, Pamela T., Koch, Bradley J., Huang, Kun & Chen, Wei. Beauty is in the eye of the QQ user: Instant messaging in China. In Goggin, G. & M. McLelland (eds.). Internationalizing Internet Studies: Beyond Anglophone Paradigms. New York/London: Routledge. 2008.

    §  国内和国际研讨会主旨演讲


2)2014年5月23-25日上海交通大学第一届实证翻译研究国际会议,“A corpus-based pragmatic analysis of the English translation of Chinese performative verbs in legal texts of Chinese Mainland”;

3)2021年6月11-13日武汉理工大学第7届翻译认知研究国际研讨会,“Chinese translation of discourse markers in the English speeches delivered by Chief Justices of Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal: A corpus-based cognitive study”. 

    §  参编书籍





    §  主要科研项目



3)参与2010年国家社科基金重大项目“大规模英汉平行语料库的建立和加工(10zd&127)”的子项目“专门英汉平行语料库的研制与应用” (2010-2014),已结题。


    §  指导的校优硕士学位论文

1)李佳佳.《台湾刑法英译文本显化现象语料库调查研究》.2013年;(Li, Jiajia. The Explicitation in the English Translation of Criminal Law of Taiwan: A Corpus-based Study. Wuhan University of Technology, 2013.)

2)吴 军.《商业运作中的口译策略研究——基于“武汉DK自酿啤酒坊”项目口译为例》.2015年;(Wu, Jun. Interpreting Strategies for the Business Operations—A Case Study of Interpreting in “Wuhan DK Brauhaus Project”. Wuhan University of Technology, 2015.)

3)李宫帅.《基于语料库的香港普通法英文三明治句式汉译研究》. 2016年;(Li, Gongshuai. Chinese Translation of English Sandwich Sentences in Hong Kong Common Law: A Corpus-based Study. Wuhan University of Technology, 2016.)

4)饶琼.《基于语料库的中美合同法中模糊限制语的对比分析》,2017年;(Rao, Qiong. A Corpus-based Contrastive Analysis of the Hedges in Chinese and American Contract Laws. Wuhan University of Technology, 2017.)

5)汪婧.《基于语料库的美国最高法院刑事庭审问答互动研究》,2018年;(Wang, Jing. Question-response Interaction in Criminal Courtroom Discourse of the Supreme Court of the United States: A Corpus-based Study. Wuhan University of Technology, 2017.)

6)陈雅茹.《基于语料库的《黄帝内经•素问》问答互动英译评价对比研究》,2019年;(Chen, Yaru. A Corpus-based Comparative Appraisal Study of the English Translation of Question-response Interaction in Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen. Wuhan University of Technology, 2017.)

    §  社会兼职




国际知名刊物Terminology、Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine和Journal of New Mathematics & Natural Computation审稿人



    §  English Bio

Prof./Dr. Wei CHEN is Full Professor of English Linguistics and Translation Studies in School of Foreign Languages at Wuhan University of Technology, China. His research interests include corpus linguistics, translation studies, pragmatics, forensic linguistics, legal translation and TCM terminology translation. He was an Honorary Visiting Academic in the Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies at University of Manchester, UK. from October 2004 to September 2005 and also a Visiting Professor in the Department of Chinese, Translation & Linguistics at City University of Hong Kong in 2013. He was the Principal Investigator of the national projects “Chinese/English Parallel Corpus of Legal Texts in Greater China: Construction and Research” (09BYY019) and “Chinese-English Parallel Corpus of Chinese Marxist Classics: Construction and Systematic Research” (22BYY022) funded by the National Social Science Fund of China. With great efforts within 5 years, he has successfully completed building “Chinese/English Parallel Corpus of Legal Texts in Greater China (China’s Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong)”, with a corpus size of 10 million words/characters stratifiedly sampled from 40 million words/characters of effective Chinese/English legal texts of the three regions and POS-tagged with Lancaster MLCT and Sinica CKIP autotag 1.0 respectively, which is the first and the largest of that kind in the world. He is both an expert reviewer of the national and ministrial projects, and an invited peer reviewer of some international journals such as Terminology, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, as well as Journal of New Mathematics & Natural Computation.

Prof./Dr. Wei CHEN

Professor of English Linguistics and Translation Studies

School of Foreign Languages

Wuhan University of Technology

Wuhan 430070



