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近日,申请Duke ECE 的学生陆续收到了面试邀请,杜克大学会在每年3月对于申请ECE的学生进行批量面试,面试结束2周内收到录取结果,这边对于常见问题进行分享。


面试官两位,由Admission Officer 进行面试而非Faculty,一男一女,面试问题大同小异,不会涉及专业领域问题讨论。



H同学,国内知名211大学光信息专业,T102,GRE 320, GPA 3.7,面试后一周收到录取。



1、 自我介绍,打招呼,出示证件-

Hi there,(good morning`) I'm XXX. XX is my first name and XXX is my family name. I was born on mm/dd/yyyy. Here is my passport.

 2、Describe the town where you grow up. Compare it with which where you go to college.

Before I came to Nanjing for further college study, I had been living in Wuhu, a mid-size city near Yangtze River, for 17 years. In ancient time, WH is one of the four biggest rice markets. And now, it’s famous for Fang Te fantasy land, the biggest amusement park in China.

Em… comparing WH with NJ…Actually, in terms of living-habits, weather and dialect, there is no much difference between WH&NJ since they are really close to each other in distance. But when it comes to infrastructure, I thick NJ does provide much more chances to any advanced things, such as metro, airport and various high-speed railway lines.3、如果从教室进来会看到什么?


In china, students are getting used to listening to lectures, and taking notes in class. They seldom put hands up unless asked. Moreover, Chinese students do work very hard that they make all efforts to study well when they experience much heavier burden in study. While, in the US, students are encouraged to think more and are more likely to do creative works. Rather than showing the solutions, lectures tend to encourage them to work out the problem on their own. I think it is the culture that shapes the difference. So, it is hard to tell which one is better.


Honestly, Duke is one of my dream schools. Not only because its world leading academic quality, but also its free learning atmosphere. I have talked with several Duke Undergraduates and graduates, when I heard of their awesome experience both in life and study, I began to dream about studying in duke. As a fast learner, I deem my learning habits would help me to succeed with DUKE education.

Also, duke’s ECE School honors high reputation in the us. So I think I can learn about various advanced knowledge here.

And besides, I know that Duke owns the best basketball team in America, and I am a great sports enthusiast. I hope I could have the chance to watch a live show in the near future.


Of course, I always help my roommates catch up with others in their academic study. Since I focus highly in class, I develop comprehensive understandings of the textbooks and always do well in the exams. So, I usually explain the difficult parts to them and help them correct the wrong solutions. What’s more, at the beginning, they are unwilling to study in the library, but now we usually go with each other to the library, consulting relative materials. It is delighted to see their positive attitudes towards study.

6、爱好\特长(体育艺术方面)Any Performance & Achievement?

Actually, I’m interested in drawing. I have learnt it since 4 years old. But when I grew up, the study burden got much heavier, I’ve no enough time for learning drawing, so I turned it to a hobby gradually. I began to mimic comics from magazines. And now in college, I have taken part in several campus events, designing the poster and leaflet.


I think it must be being patient. With dozens of works, students have to arrange their time rationally, and make sure of the quality of their works meanwhile. So, students have to work like a high-speed processor. But things always far from satisfactory, so I deem that when facing with difficulties keeping patient could help a lot. So that they can analyze the situation more quickly and think about the solution more comprehensively.


I think, being patient, too. Although the knowledge on the textbook is fresh to students, professors have repeated them terms by terms. Every question students arise, they might have answered it dozens of times. So, I think they are ought to be patient, otherwise the knowledge may not be explained clearly.


Actually, since I highly focused in class and reviewed the knowledge timely, I seldom have such worries of falling behind others. And, I praise myself as a wayward young lady that I never regard difficulties as barriers. So, if I fall behind others, I would spend more time in the library, immersing myself in textbooks, reviewing relative materials. In addition, I’d like to ask teachers for help. Since that I couldn’t change the disappointing score on the transcript, the only thing I can do is to prevent it from getting worse.

10、介绍下自己本科的学习情况,what is the most important aspect in undergraduate study?

Now I’m a senior student of Nanjing University of science and technology, major in Optical Information of Science and Technology. Because of talent, intelligence and good learning habits, I am top 5 in my peers and I have won many prizes of scholarships. Also, I’m active in various research and extracurricular activities.

The most important aspect, I think, is that the study opens up a new world to EE. Before I got in touch with such applications mentioned in class, such as artificial intelligence, signal processing, I never combined coding with our real life, I deem that coding is used to solve some virtual problems, far away from us. But after four-year learning, I found that coding is far more useful than I think. That is really a big change to me.

11、本科阶段的学术成就 \ your biggest academic achievement

Now I’m a senior student of Nanjing University of science and technology, major in Optical Information of Science and Technology. Because of talent, intelligence and good learning habits, I am top 5 in my peers and I have won many prizes of scholarships. Also, I’m active in various research and extracurricular activities. Thanks to various academic competitions, which help me became a person with good communication skills, a group leader, and an active co-worker simultaneously.


I am the leader when attending Mathematical Contest in Modeling. Team work does bring many benefits, for example, when facing with difficulties, we have triple solutions to deal with the problem so that we were working in high efficiency. However, when it is hard to mediate different ideals from others, I did come across some challenges I did come across some challenge. For example, once, one of the group member A, couldn’t understand the point of view proposed by B, and we have to stop our work, explaining it to A before we could move on. So, as a leader, I need to solve not only the problem itself, but also the problem between group members. And it greatly developed my teamwork sprit.


20、Difference between undergraduate and graduate?

I studied in Chinese education system for 16 years.  I think in the graduate stage, I need more free space to pursue my engineering career. Unlike the all-side undergraduate study, graduate students ought to pay more attention to a single direction deeply. In addition, at the best time of my life, it is really awesome to get in touch with different culture, experience unfamiliar things.

14、how do you feel about living in an area near a big city?

I deem that it must be very convenient. Both modern facilities and rural views are available. Combining the advanced city with the leisure countryside, we can buy various articles sold in the markets but avoid the noisy made by traffics. It must a wonderful experience.(= =+)

15、how do you prepare for a midterm / final exam?

To me, it is such a long cycle. I would always highly focus in class.

Right after the lecture, I would go over the textbooks and notes several times until I get a comprehensive understanding of the contents. Then, make sure to go over regularly. So that I could be more effecient and effective in preparation right before the exams.

16、Which event or person in the past had a significant impact on your application for ECE? \ How do you develop an interest in ECE? \ How do you know this major?


Oh, it must be my father. He is a professor from Anhui normal university, major in signal processing. Because of him, I could get access to coding in an early age. I started to participate in the annual national Olympic Contest of Informatics since 7th grade, and won national prizes several times. After picking optical information science and technology in the university, I relight the interest of coding, especially coding combined with signal and image processing. Without him, I might never access to the fantastic coding world.

17、到美国来的difficulty和challenge是什么? / 美国国生活的区别

It must be the culture and habits. It might take me up to several weeks to get accustomed to the unfamiliar life. Apart from my original life, my families, my friends, I would feel lonely and a little bit helpless at the very beginning. Luckily, I will meet new friends and grow up. I think it is a challenge that every international students need to come over. I am pretty sure that I will enjoy my life in the US.


I would like to be a women engineer in future. Since both my interests and skills are relative to this position. I prefer to do works relative to image processing, such as facial recognition. But you know, in china, factories and labor markets prefer male engineers to females, so I might face with a tough employment situation. I need to work harder during my graduate period so that I could get a satisfied working opportunity after my graduation.


25、有没有什么application material上面没有的希望我们知道的


I have attended a lot activities, the most impressive one is the one-month voluntary work of the youth Olympic Game hold in NJ, 2014. I’m in charge of serving the athletes, arranging the food, guiding them to the locker room, warm-up hall and the competition area. Although I was exhausted every day, I did enjoy this work. Since I think it enhance my communicating skills, serving skills and emergency response capacity.


Students do have various choices. In my campus, there are several canteens, a cafeteria and a western restaurant, all of them serving different kinds of dishes. In addition, it only takes 15 minutes to the city center, which provides much more options of dishes.

If you ask me how to find food in America, I think I might cook by myself since I am getting used to Chinese food.


I’ve got an admission of Upenn, and still waiting for the other schools~~~~~~~



面的是Tony~人很好~特意为Tony化了妆但是信号不好改成audio了 so sad


先上来自我介绍 拿护照 全是套路~

问的问题都是面经里面的 但是会根据你的回答问小问题

1. 介绍自己的家乡

我这里提到家乡有一个中国最大的amusement park 然后tony就问我建了几年了,是不是经常去玩其实刚开始挺紧张的 感觉说的不太好



我说了一些方法然后他让我举例子 我就说了大一的时候高数mid-term exam 没考好 后来找了老师 什么的


其实这里刚听到问题的时候有点方 因为我以为第二个问题问了就不会问这个了所以我把答案都在第二问说了 于是我就避重就轻说了最重要的是参加了很多学术比赛,虽然可能没有获得很好成绩但是锻炼了我的能力blabla

于是tony就让我举一个例子说学术比赛我说了数模竞赛的teamwork 然后我身为leader需要调解 比如有一次怎么怎么样 我觉得这样锻炼了我的什么能力

Tony又再一次问我 那你们最后用什么方法调解了




说了extracurricular activities


我问了internship和final decision


感觉Tony特别喜欢顺着你的回答来问问题所以尽量不要出大漏洞 不然他问起来就答不上来了


