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据Legion Hoops报道,TMZ表示詹姆斯-沃西不确定,詹姆斯是否会在迈阿密获得一座雕像,对此你有什么想法?让我们来看看球迷们对此作何评价!

He definitely will. He’s their best player ever. May not be the greatest HEAT, but he’s the best player to ever play for them.  


So Michael Jordan should get a statue in Washington DC?


MJ didn’t bring two rings


Yeah I’m mostly bein sarcastic but that wasn’t the argument. The point was that he should get a statue cause he was the best player to ever play for that franchise. If that’s the standard, I think the bar is too low for a statue. Just imo.


I’m assuming he’s adding what LeBron contributed and what he did for the Heat organisation is beyond amazing and exceeded what they can ask for, during his 4 year stint in Miami. Not just being the best player to ever play for Miami.


Yeah most likely, I just think being the best player to ever play for a franchise shouldn’t factor in that much. Especially when it’s not for THAT long. He accomplished a ton. But to me a statue calls for a longer tenure.


I’m sure all lebron cares about is one in Cleveland anything else would just be a bonus.


He should. Right next to D Wade. Those legendary super teams will live forever.


Half his rings came from there, he’s getting a statue


James Worthy wouldn’t know what Miami plans on doing

So who gives a fuck if he said this?

And the likely outcome is a big 3 statue of them together




It’s not the end of the world if he doesn’t get a statue


LMAO that’d be pathetic if Lebron doesn’t get a statue


2 MVPs, 2 Championships, 2 Finals MVPs, but no statue?


He may not only playing 4 years for them. Same as LA. While he is iconic I only think long term players of a franchise deserve a statue. Retired jersey is fine. He definitely will have one in Cleveland he made them relevant and brought them their only title.


only like 3 players in Heat history that deserve a statue, D Wade is the only 100% no doubt yes statue, might as well give him one. or if they did a big statue for Wade with smaller statues of Bosh and Bron behind it would be cool.


The only appropriate statue for Lebron in Miami


Wade gets a statue, Lebron gets his jersey retired. I know he brought us 2 rings and 4 final appearances but he was only with us 4 years.


He’s definitely not getting a statue.  The way he left cemented that.  Lebron had every right to choose where he went in free agency but he played Miami that summer. 

The question should be “Will Pat Riley ever forgive Lebron for the way he went out?”  I don’t think so

他肯定不会得到雕像。他离开的方式决定了这一点。詹姆斯有权利在自由市场上选择去哪里,但他在那个夏天玩弄了迈阿密。 问题应该是"帕特·赖利会不会原谅詹姆斯的离开方式?"我认为不会。

I don’t think he will in Miami but wouldn’t be surprised if he did. Cleveland is a guarantee and LA to me is 50/50. So many greats from there but none better than the king


In 2014 I had no idea who LeBron was, I used to hear folks in my school talk about the Heat and the Spurs with such great pride.

Now it's clear to me, back then the Heat were special bcs of Bron.

Statue or not, the Heat mattered across borders bcs of him, nothings changing that.




although he was the most successful in Miami, he should get a statue in Cleveland if anything. Only person to lead the team in it’s time of existence to a title (their only one so far) as well as his home town


Why would he get it? Go to Miami, bandwagon with Wade Bosh and Allen, and then leave?

How is that statue worthy?

If he gets one it’ll be in Cleveland, if that, it’s like Durant getting a statue in Golden State. If you’re not gonna be loyal then you won’t get a statue.




