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2017-03-24 17:12




【 liuxue86.com - 留学费用 】

学校名称: 日本早稻田大学 早稲田大学


学费:535800 人民币




Graduate School of Social Sciences

Master's Program

Registration, academic, and membership fees for students admitted September 2013

(Denomination: Japanese Yen)

 First YearSecond YearAcacemic Year2016201720172018SemesterFallSpringFallSpringAdmission Fee200,000000Academic FeesTuition Fee274,500276,500276,500278,500Educational Environment Improvement Fee60,00060,00060,00060,000Seminar Fee1,5001,5001,5001,500Membership FeesAcademic Society Enrollment Fee1,000000Academic Society Membership Fee500500500500Student Health Promotion Mutual Aid Association Fee1,5001,5001,5001,500Sub Total539,000340,000340,000342,000Total879,000682,000


Cases in which students are exempted from paying admission fee: a) students who graduated from Waseda University Undergraduate Schools, b) students that were previously enrolled at a Waseda University Graduate School (in which case the admission fee has already been paid)

Students who graduated from the School of Social Sciences are not required to pay academic society enrollment fee.

In principle, payment of Waseda University school fees is carried out by bank account transfer. The date for the account transfer of the spring semester is May 1. From the second year, the date for the account transfer for the fall semester is October 1. Payments can also be carried out using a payment slip. If paying through a payment slip, the deadline is October 1 for the fall semester and April 15 for the spring semester.

When enrolling in designated courses offered by other graduate schools or centers, other fees (such as field work fees, etc.) may be required separately.

If the status of a student is deemed to have been forfeited prior to completion of studies as a result of non-payment of school fees, the student in question shall be dismissed and shall be considered to have withdrawn from the graduate school at the end of the last semester for which tuition fees were paid. If a student knows in advance that tuition fees will not be paid by the specified date, he or she is requested to consult with the school office.


