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经典 SQL 数据库笔试题及答案整理


1、依据以下学生表、班级表,按要求写 SQL


1、 select * from student a left join class b on a.c_id = b.id where score = ( select max(score) from student)

2、 select b.name,count(*),avg(score) as avgScore from student a,class b where a.c_id = b.id group by b.name order by avgScore;

2、Table A 保存客户的基本信息;Table B 保存客户的资产负债信息。按要求写 SQL


(1)select ID from A where name = '李四'; (2)select NO,NAME,ID from A,B where A.NO = B.NO AND DEPOSIT >= 1000; (3)select COUNTRY,count(*) FROM A GROUP BY COUNTRY;

(4)SELECT '80 后' as 年龄段,sum(CREDIT) AS '信用卡余额' FROM A,B WHERE A.NO = B.NO AND BIRTH >= 19800101 AND BIRTH < 19900101 UNION SELECT '90 后' as 年龄段,sum(CREDIT) AS '信用卡余额' FROM A,B WHERE A.NO = B.NO AND BIRTH >= 19900101 AND BIRTH < 20000101;

3、数据库(编写示例 sql)


select orderNo, if(status=1,'新建','处理中') from OrderTrans;select DATE_FORMAT(a.crttime,'%m-%d-%Y') ,username,count(*) from testCase a,User b where a.crtUser = b.UserId group by DATE_FORMAT(a.crttime,'%m-%d-%Y'),b.username, having status = '成功';select count(*),sum(amount),DATE_FORMAT(crttime,'%m-%d-%Y') from OrderInfo group by DATE_FORMAT(crttime,'%m-%d-%Y');

4、现有三张数据表如下:学生资料表:记录学生基本信息;课程表:记录课程基本信息;成绩表:记录每人各门课程成绩的信息,1 个学生对应多个成绩,1 个成绩只属于一个学生,一个课程


Select * from students where jg = ‘湖北’ and birthday = ‘1992-6-1’ order by no asc;Select avg(so.cj),min(so.cj),max(so.cj),sum(so.cj) from student st,course c,source so where st.no = so.no and c.kebh=so.kebh and st.name = ‘王华’ group by st.no;Select st.no,st.name,st.bj,c.kebh,c.kcmc,so.cj from student st,course c,source so where st.no = so.no and c.kebh=so.kebh and st.name = ‘张三’ order by so.cj desc;

5、有三张表 Contacts 库 Consultant 表、Basket 库 BaseOrder 表、Basket 库 OrderDetails 表,按要求写 SQL


Select Consultant.SubsidiaryID, BaseOrder.* from Consultant, BaseOrder where Consultant.ConsultantID = BaseOrder.ConsultantID and Consultant.SubsidiaryID = 29 order by Orderid desc;Select BaseOrder.ConsultantID,sum(OrderDetails.TotalPrice) from BaseOrder,OrderDetails where BaseOrder.Orderid=OrderDetails.Orderid and month(OrderDate) = 5 group by BaseOrder.ConsultantID;Insert into Consultant (ConsultantID,ConstultantStatusID,SubsidiaryID,Name) values (200000,10,29,’Gary’);Delete from Consultant where Name like ‘%Gary%’;Update BaseOrder set OrderDate = sysdate() where ConsultantID in (select ConsultantID from BaseOrder where ConsultantID=100003 order by OrderDate desc limit 0,1);



