首页 >  数学一真题难度系数  > 基于综合难度系数模型的高考试题评价研究


基于综合难度系数模型的高考试题评价研究——以2020~2022年数学新高考I卷为例Research on the Evaluation of College Entrance Examination Items Based on the Comprehensive Difficulty Coefficient Model—A Case Study of the New Math College Entrance Examination I from 2020 to 2022 DOI: 10.12677/AE.2023.134350, PDF, HTML,XML, 被引量 下载:618  浏览:1,406 作者: 胡欣玥:西南大学教师教育学院,重庆 关键词: 综合难度系数模型;高考数学;试题分析;Comprehensive Difficulty Coefficient Model; College Entrance Examination Mathematics; Test Item Analysis 摘要: 试题难度是反应试题质量的重要指标,文章基于综合难度系数模型,以2020至2022年三套数学新高考I卷为研究对象,从背景因素、是否含参、运算水平、推理能力、知识含量、思维方向、认知水平7个维度进行难度分析,发现3套试卷难度逐年增加。试题呈现情境化、基础性、综合性、创新性等特点,在此基础上对中学数学教师提出建议:创设现实情境,开展教学活动;摒弃题海战术,重视知识本质;开展单元教学,构建知识体系。 Abstract: The difficulty of test items is an important index reflecting the quality of test items. Based on the comprehensive difficulty coefficient model, this paper takes the three sets of new mathematics college entrance examination I paper from 2020 to 2022 as the research object, from the background factors, whether to include parameters, calculation level, reasoning ability, knowledge content, thinking direction, cognitive level to carry out difficulty analysis, and found that the difficulty of the three sets of papers increased year by year. The questions present the characteristics of situationization, foundation, comprehensiveness and innovation. On this basis, some suggestions are put forward for middle school mathematics teachers: create realistic situation and carry out teaching activities; abandon the tactics of the sea of questions, pay attention to the essence of knowledge; carry out unit teaching and build knowledge system. 文章引用:胡欣玥. 基于综合难度系数模型的高考试题评价研究——以2020~2022年数学新高考I卷为例[J]. 教育进展, 2023, 13(4): 2235-2245. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2023.134350

1. 问题提出

教育评价事关教育发展方向,有什么样的评价指挥棒,就有什么样的办学导向 [1] 。高考是教育评价的重要载体,高考数学试题的难度一直以来都是老师、家长以及考生重点关注的问题。2019年颁布的《国务院办公厅关于新时代推进普通高中育人方式改革的指导意见》提出要科学设置试题难度,命题要符合相应学业质量标准,2019年公布的《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲》总纲中也强调高考应具有较高的信度、效度,必要的区分度和适当的难度。

