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1 阅读课Mid-autumn Festival2 Shall we go to the museum(play football,visit friend ,buy a book)3 why are you shopping today4 Look and say: How does Yang Ling get to Su Hai's home?5 little monkey6 阅读课 think and write cinderella的故事7 口语课 麦克和他的grandpa上周做了什么。8 Where is it?一些介词in on under beside 还有句型where is...?it is ...9 小红理想是做演员,觉得数理化不重要。试讲“do you like?”10 "story time 1.Look at my toy cars. They are nice.how many cars do you have,Mike?Thirteen.2.What doyou have,Helen?I have some stickers。"11 Mary's New Bag12 seasons 的story time,文本内容是只提到这两个季节: In spring, it is warm. We fly kite. We go boating. We like spring. In summer, it is hot. We eat ice-cream. We swim.然后下面四个单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter.13 How many numbers do you see?14 How many fish dou you see?15 口语课 关于where are you from16 read and write The king's new clothes17 What are Petter's hobbies?18 阅读课 jacky's family介绍家人和他们的工作19 Rhyme time 讲的是动物有关的韵律20 story time Yang Ling生病打电话请假21 Do a role play 三个主题是Cough Toothache Cold22 题目:New Words (单词brown, library, brother, umbrella, green, grapes, grandpa, grow23 Timetable 两个句型What day is it today?What do we have on Mondays?24 题目:Talk quietly John和Tom在读书,John告诉Tom要talk quietly,在这里能read books后面还有个match say and act三副图片分别是work quietly , talk quietly ,Keep the desk clean.要求:创设情景,提现文明教育,示范朗读,学生口语表达好像 25 语音题 gr br 注意语音语调26 阅读课 favourite season27 Where’s your white cap?主要单词white cap bedroom kitchen 句子Where's…? Is it in…?重点讲解句型


2023年1月7号2 play a game 3 单词加语音语调,gr grandpa grapes br brown brother4 favorite season,阅读课,阅读对话回答三个问题5 Jimmy's dream (Jimmy is a student. He likes stars very much...)6 句型 where is my cap?7 what are peter's hobbies?8 toy car, how many cars?9 语音题 at the zoo10 new words关于 br和gr 的单词发音11 What day is it today ?what class do we have?周一到周日名称,还有数学课英语课的名字等等12 How does Yangling get to Limei's home13 阅读 Helping our parents14 阅读课,讲的是一个家庭在早上分别在干什么15 In China16 松鼠和熊争论表演老师,story time17 at the beach 18 my friend19 my room20 how tall are you21 shapes22 rabbits23 阅读 story time our animal friends24 阅读 story time 一个家庭星期六噪声的活动 爸爸和我洗车 妈妈做饭25 阅读 story time 讲两个动物朋友 要求角色扮演 体现保护动物的意识26 语音 ow 读音



1 考的是一般将来时的语法 2 语法课 if whether3 词汇课necessary,outgoing,athletic4 词汇课 构词法 predicted predicting predictions5 but转折关系 语篇 6 写作课 sonia写给Henry的信 主要内容是说自己一周都很忙,最后说周五要不要一起看电影。要求讲解信的结构7 词汇课 perhaps和probably8 写作课 书信格式9 语法课 宾语从句10 语法课 一般将来时11 语音课 word stress12 语篇mobile phone 讲解议论文格式13 阅读课 UNICEF联合国儿童基金会14 口语课 keep a bird15 写作课 Einstein16 口语课 club17 听力课 关于outdoor activity的,两个人对话,聊各自喜欢什么户外活动,一个是骑马,一个是露营18 语音课 Mr fuller Wendy 拼写experiments 升降调 陈述句和一般疑问句19 语音课 文本是五个短语 good boy d不发音 sit down t不发音那种,Glad to meet you一共五个20 口语课 A:What would you like to do in the future? B:I don't know. A:What do you enjoy in your free time? B:I like playing sports. A:Maybe you will become a PE teacher. B:That's a good idea!讲交际性口语21 口语教学 达芬奇22 听力课 主题interesting books


1 口语 where is your penpal from? Jodie penpal2 "口语题:A:What's your favorite subject? B: Maths. Our teacher uses a lot ofgames. He makes the class veryinteresting. Also l like to work withnumbers.A: OK. Do you know the numbers of class?B: Yes. There are sensual students in ourclass- 18 boys and 17girls. I can rememberall their birthdays!A:You are amazing."3 听力:what should I do if I burn my hands4 写作 写信 动物园讷讷不能保护好动物5 词汇 affected,disagreements,last6 词汇 enjoy stress out improve7 词汇 stand enjoy mind 老人想变美8 语音 color influence moods9 语音 元音 双元音10 阅读 uncef联合国儿童基金会 设计细节性阅读环节11 helping hands 诗歌形式 韵律 尾韵12 听力 do you like tv ads13 听力 how to look after animals14 口语试讲,can i use your computer15 语篇教学 mobile phones 让讲解议论文的结构16 宾语从句 how what who 疑问关系副词17 be going to18 词汇athlete profession charity 19 词汇 influence energetic represent characteristic 重音 stress20 语音 gate like rice may shout 等单词字母和字母组合发音21 the world memory championship 设计阅读前活动22 口语 where are you from? where are you live?


1 "cocaine的文章:语法题,讲定语从句和条件状语从句(老师说条件状语从句也要一起讲)句子:users who inject the drug are more in danger if they share the same needles with other users."2 阅读课 Robert is puzzled about his sister because he could not understand why girls could talk for so long.3 写作课 中澳饮食对比4 human cloning 设计听前活动5 听力课 要求设计体现说话者意图的听力活动。材料是关于musical instrument6 stylus pen(electronic doctionary)7 词汇课,讲构词法,文章是学校的那篇,enthusiastic, friendly, classroom, website, textbook8 写作课 advertisement9 词汇课 famouse singer Marisette10 口语课 对话,I think… In my opinion…11 词汇课 famouse singer Marisette12 词汇课my new school词汇:enthusiastic, friendly, classrooms,websites, textbook. 13 父亲因为换工作要搬家 语篇 让分析衔接词14 口语课 pop art exhibition,讲词don't like, prefer, I'd like to15 阅读课 adolescent 关于吸毒酗酒抽烟16 阅读课 classic literature17 口语课 NBA player18 语法课 段落中的动词ing用法(就是伴随状态)19 词汇课 齐白石 讲词汇 traditional natural special20 听力课 关于Paris Airport Custom机场海关 讲的是有两个人携带鸟类入境


1 traditional,special,natural词汇题,题本是齐白石2 阅读课 olympics3 语法cocaine 定语从句和状语从句4 语音课:stress5 语法题:Joseph Haydn的文章 讲解划线having worked there for 30 years,haydn move to London6 阅读课 关于recorders ,由德国发明家发明,后来日本工程师改进 cassette recorders7 听力 Oliver twist8 an embarrass experience in New York restaurant 词汇教学outgoing cautious noticed staring whispered9 阅读 classic literature10 听力 an electronic dictionary11 口语 Keep a bird12 语篇衔接 a great Russian composers 划线单词:he his 一个作品名13 词汇instrument album spilt up broken up一个乐队14 写作课 newzealand travel plan15 听力 some measures to protect students' eyesight16 词汇 travellers cheque humor17 词汇 considered perceived18 语法 that 定语从句19 语法 杨利伟着陆 过去进行时20 词汇 an embarrassing experience: outgoing cautious notice staring whisper21 听力课:a special dictionary22 听力教学 The new Mark 204D23 介绍柴可夫斯基的生平 考语篇的衔接24 口语课,一个讨论广告的对话A:What do you think about advertisements?B:I think advertisements are dangerous25 语音 youth travel26 "语法 内容:Frederick William I,the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that .... The gift wastheAmberRoom. which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colorlike honey.... which took the country's best artistsabout ten years to make."27 语音 finishing nets28 词汇 关于beatles 单词 break up album split up instrument29 语法 定语从句 users who reject 和毒品有关30 语法 内容:没有题目,大概就是Sigmund friend help people solve problem。划线who how what,讲宾语从句



题目来源1月4日 上午 广东省 广州市 面试考题

试讲题目1.题目:I’ve got a new friend


Dear Lucy,

Thank you for your letter. Happy birthday to you! I’m ten now. I will be eleven next year.

Beijing isn’t cold now. It’s warm.

I’ve got a new friend, too. Her name is Mengmeng. She’ got short hair. She’s very clever. Here is a photo of Mengmeng and me. We were at the Great Wall.









1.How can teachers improve their ability to manage the class?




I’ve got a new friend

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can read and recognize some key words and phrases, such as “short hair” and “clever”.

Students can master the sentence structures “She’s got ......” and “She’s ......”.

Ability aim:

Students can describe their new friends by using the target words and sentence patterns in their daily life.

Emotional aims:

Students can enhance their interest of learning English.

Students can realize the importance of having friends and loving their friends.

Key and difficult points:

Key Point: How to describe their new friends by using the target words and sentence patterns.

Difficult Point: How to realize the importance of having friends and loving their friends.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Invite students to sing a song named Mary Had A Little Lamb. The song is like this:

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,

Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.

And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went,

and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

Then ask students a question, “The little lamb is Mary’s friend. Do you know how to introduce your friend?”

Step 2: Pre-listening

1. Draw a picture of a famous cartoon character named Curnane.

2. Teach the key words and phrases, such as “short hair” and “clever”.

Step 3: While-listening

1. Extensive listening

Read the passage for students and ask them what the tape is about. Then invite one student to answer. (It’s a letter from Amy to Lucy.)

2. Intensive listening

Play the tape for the second time and ask students several questions:

“Who is Amy’s best friend? What’s she like?”

“Where were they?”

Then ask two volunteers to write his or her answer on the blackboard. And teach the new sentence patterns about how to introduce new friends: “She’s got _______. She’s _______.”

Play the tape for the third time and ask students to repeat after the tape.

Step 4: Post-listening

Let students work in pairs. Ask students to draw a picture of their new friends and introduce him or her by using the key words and sentence patterns. Five minutes later, invite some students to share and give some comments.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: Invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson.

Homework: Ask students to introduce their new friends to their parents.

Blackboard design:

Teaching reflection


1. How can teachers improve their ability to manage the class?



The class management can improve teaching efficiency and realize the teaching aims of this class.

First, establishing prestige is the foundation. Teachers’ prestige can arouse students' positive emotional experience and enable them to keep order. Second, full preparation is the guarantee. Third, controlling teaching process is the key. Teachers should organize the class well and learn to adjust it according to students’ response. Fourth, good teacher-student relationship is the essence. A democratic and equal teaching environment can help create a relaxing atmosphere.




2. In your opinion, how could we become a qualified English teacher?

【Suggested version】

I think, a qualified English teacher needs to meet the following requirements:

First, he should have enough professional knowledge. Students are hunger for knowledge, and teaching content is constantly updated. Only with high professional qualities can a teacher meet the requirements of the students and keep pace with the times.

Second, he should love teaching. Love is the source of power. The work of teachers is very hard. The love for teaching and students can help teachers keep motivated in teaching.

Finally, he should also keep learning. Our society is developing. The goal of teaching is to serve a better life. Therefore, we should keep learning, so as to update our teaching philosophy and serve the students better.





