首页 >  教师资格英语面试真题及答案解析  > 2022下半年小学英语教师资格证面试真题及答案






小学英语教师资格证面试真题试讲一:At the beach

1.题目:At the beach






1. Teaching procedures

Step1:Lead in

Sing a song.

 Free talk: What do you like to do on such a sunny day?

Step 2:Pre-listening

1)Show some pictures about Sally, Peter and Paul who are at the beach and learn the new words.

2)Guide students to talk about the things happening in the pictures and have a prediction.

Step 3: While-listening

1) Ask students to listen to the dinlogue and answer the questions:Where are they?

Are they all swimmning?

2)listening:Ask students to listen to the dialogue  again and finish the T or F below :

Peter is doing his homework.

Peter puts the letter into a bottle and throws it to the sea.

Sally gets the letter from Peter.

3)Ask students to listen to the dialogue for the third time and read after it.

Step 4:Post-listening

1)Role play.

2)Make a new dialogue to talk about the things happening at the heach.

Step 5:Summary and homework

Summary: lead students to summarize what they have learned.

Homework:Practice the dialogue and make a new dislogue to talk about the things they are going to do at the beach.

5. Blackboard design

At the beach

Peter is doing his homework. T/F

Peter puts the letter into a bottle and throws it to the sea. T/F

Sally gets the letter from Peter.T/F




Amy: Mum, can Ihave a drink, please?

Mum: Yes.Here you are.

Amy:Can Iwatch TV. please?

Mum: Yes, you can.

Amy: Can Ihave anice cream, please?

Mum: No.you can't Look! 

Amy: I can go to the shop for an ice cream!

Mum: No, you can't go out!You're ill. But you can have these biscuits!

Amy: Thanks. Mum







Teaching Procedures



 Show students some pictures about food and drink. Review the words learnt about food and drinks.


1.Students watch the video clip and answer these questions: 

What's the talk about?

How many food and drink in the talk?

Can Amy have an ice cream? And why?

2. Lead students to pay attention to how to ask for permission. 

Then teaches the sentence pattern “Can I ...?” and the corresponding answer “Yes, you can” or “No, you can't.


1. Train game

Show different pictures for reference on the PPT. Students work in groups and the teacher asks the first one of each group with “Can I ...?” the first one of each group answer with “Yes.you can.or “No, you can't.” then asks the next one, in turn, the first group finishes will win the game.

2. Read in different roles 

Students work in pairs to read the conversation in different roles.


Task: the polite guest

The teacher creates a scene that students are invited to visit the cultural creative park, a comprehensive center. The polite ones are more popular here. Students work in groups to make a dialogue.


Students summarize what they have learnt in the lesson.


Students will try to ask for permission at home with their family members and be the little teacher.

五、Blackboard Design










Teaching Procedures



Teacher creates a situation that today is Xiongda’s birthday, and he will go to the zoo to celebrate it.

Il. Presentation 

1.Students watch the video and answer the following questions:

What animals does he see?

Can you use a word to describe the whale?

When does he go back to home?

What does he drink at the zoo?

2. The teacher leads in big, pig, six, milk through the questions.

And guides students to read them one by one.

3. Students find letter “i” in every word through Sharp Eyes game, and find the pronunciation of“i”.

Ⅲ. Practice

1.Train game

Show different pictures for reference on the PPT. Students work in groups and the teacher points different pictures.Students will read them one by one. 

2.True or False

The teacher some different cards. In these cards, there are some words with “i’ and the pronunciation of “is /l/. The teacher reads them one by one. But the pronunciation can be true or false. Students will use gestures to judge them.


Task: Grow an apple tree

Students draw an apple tree by themselves. The teacher will let them draw some apples on the tree, but they must write a letter with “i”on the apple, and the pronunciation of“is /l/. The more, the better.


Students summarize what they have learnt in the lesson.


Students will try to find more words with "i".

五、Blackboard Design

小学英语教师资格证面试真题试讲四:How many fish do you see?

1.题目:How many fish do you see?







Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead-in



1. Create a scene of going to the park to have a picnic and go fishing by showing a picture of the pool, among which there are something else such as five apples, seven trees and so on.

2.Encourage students to count the number of strees, apples and so on to review the knowledge about numbers one to ten learned before.

3.Ask the questions: how many fish do you see? Students count fish one by one and finally use the sentence: I see eleven/twelve...fish, leading in the key sentences.

4. Write down the key sentences and numbers and guide students to read the words. students read  one by one.

5. Teacher announces the picnic is over and school buses are coming to take them back to school. Teacher asks how many cars they could see and keep asking whether they could find the different between two sentences on the blackboard to teach students distinguish among countable nouns and uncountable nouns behind “how many?

Ⅲ. Practice

1.Teacher shows some pictures and all the sentences on PPT. Students read the phrases one by one.

2.Teacher plays a game called “fly a kite’ which rule is teacher takes a kite and students’voice would change according to the hand height of the teacher with students.

3.Teacher claps hands randomly  a time and students count carefully and speak out the true number as quickly as they can.


Present photos of the zoo on PPT, including many kinds of animals, trees, flowers and so on. And students use the new words and sentences structures to make a dialogue in pairs. Students discuss for 2 minutes, and then teacher asks some volunteers to make dialogues.


Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson.


Students go back home to count the number of furniture and make a dialogue with parents by using the new sentences and words of“How many...do you see?” “I see ...” 

Blackboard Design:





(1)试讲时间约 10分钟,采用英语授课





Teaching Procedures




1.Students watch the video about Mid-Autumn Festival and guess the content today.



Students read the passage within 3 minutes and conclude the content of the passage to check the prediction.

2. Careful-reading

Students read the passage again and answer the following questions:

①What is Wu's family do at going to Mid-Autumn Festival?

②What is his aunt going to make?

③What will his grandfather do?

④What are Wu and Robin going to read?

⑤What is the poem?


Students discuss with their partner: What are you going to do for Mid-Autumn Festival? and write down on the text book 


Students summarize what they have learnt today.


Students will try to find more Chinese traditional festivals andwrite their plan.

五、Blackboard Design










Teaching Procedures

I. Lead-in


The teacher shows the time table of Pedro's school.


1.Students listen to the conversation for the first time, and find the main idea.

2.Students listen to the conversation again, and answer the following questions:

①When does Pedro finish class in the morning? 

② When does Pedro go back to school after lunch?

③When does Pedro usually eat dinner in Spain?

3. Students read the conversation after the tape.

Ⅲ. Practice

1.Role play

Students play the roles of Zhang Peng and Pedro.

2. Make sentences

Students make sentences using the sentence structure“When do you ..."and "At.." according to their own school's time table. 

IV. Production

Students design their ideal time table and introduce it to their desk mate. And the teacher invites volunteers to show the conversation.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt to day.

VI. Homework

Students will try to find more time table of different countries

and introduce it next class.

五、Blacboard Design










Teaching Procedures


1. Daily greetings

2. The teacher lets students listen to the song named FourSeasons.

II. Presentation

1. Students listen to the conversation for the first time, and find the main idea of the passage about four seasons.

2. Students listen to the conversation for the second time,and answer the following questions:

①Which season does Mike like best? Why?

②Which season does Wu Yifan like best? Why?

Students answer the questions and read the questions and answers 3 times.The teacher shows different pictures about different seasons to help students understand the meaning.

3. Students read the conversation after the tape.

III. Practice

1.Guessing game

Students guess the season that the teacher likes best and make a conversation with the teacher.

2.Watch and See

Students watch a cartoon of Peppa's family. They are talking about the seasons. Students find the seasons Peppa's family like best and share them with the class.


Students draw their favorite seasons, and make a conversation to ask each other in pairs. They can use today's sentence structure.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today.

Ⅵ. Homework

Students will try to find the favorite seasons of their parents and share them in the next class.

五、Blackboard Design










Teaching Procedures

I. Lead-in

Greetings. and the teacher shows a map of a park, and lets students find some places just like the gate, the lake and so on.

II. Presentation

1. Students listen to the conversation for the first time, and find the main idea.

2. Students listen to the conversation for the second time, and draw the sentences about the routine to Su Hai's home.

3. Students read the answers 3 times and the teacher shows the map of the routine to help students to understand the sentences.

4. Students read the conversation after the tape.

III. Practice

4 students are in a group. One acts as Yang Ling, and the other one acts as Su Hai. They do the role play of the conversation.

The teacher draws a routine from the school to the library. Students observe the map and make a conversation about it.

IV. Production

Students draw the routine about their own home. And they make a conversation to introduce the routine to their home. The teacher invites some volunteers to show the conversation.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today.

VI. Homework

Students will try to find other places to introduce the routine.

五、Blackboard Design










Teaching Procedures

I. Lead-in


II. Presentation

1. Show some pictures about fruit: an apple, a banana, an orange, a pear. The teacher guides them to know the new words and students read them after the tape.

2. Show more fruit like two apples, guide students to find the differences between an apple and two apples. Other words are in the same way.

3. Students watch a video about shopping, and grasp the sentences "How much are they?""Five yuan, please.”

4. Students read the dialogue after the tape.

II. Practice

Role play

Two students are in one group. One acts as a seller, and the other one acts as a customer. They do the role play of the dialogue.

Point and Say

The teacher points at different pictures of different fruit. Students say the correct words with proper form.

IV. Production

Students draw a picture of a fruit by themselves and introduce the fruit in their shop, And invite some students to buy fruit to make adialogue.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today.

VI. Homework

Students will try to find more fruit in daily life. and share them next class.

五、Blackboard Design










Teaching Procedures

I. Lead-in


show some models of different transportation, like bike, car and so on.

II. Presentation

1. Students listen to the conversation for the first time, and find the main idea of the passage about transportation.

2. Students listen to the conversation again, andanswer the following questions.

Has Amy got a bike?

Has Sam got a bike?

Has Mr. Smart got a car? Has Ms. Smart got a car?

3. Students read the answers 3 times and the teacher shows the pictures to help students to understand the sentences.

4. Students read the conversation after the tape.


1.Role play

several students  in a group. One acts as Ling Ling, and the other one acts as Da Ming. They do the role play of the conversation.

2. Do and Say

The teacher does some actions just like riding bike to let two students make a conversation to ask and answer "Has the teacher gota bike?"

IV. Production

Task: Make a survey

Four students are in one group. One is the reporter. The reporterasks somequestions about the members' family,like "Has yourmother got a bike?”. They can make a conversation and show it on the platform.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today.

VI. Homework

Students will try to find more transportation in life and share them.

五、Blackboard Design










Teaching Procedures

I. Lead-in


II. Presentation

Students look at a calendar of one week and find the words to express every day.

Then the teacher shows a school calendar to show the new words about the subjects and the teacher does some actions to guide students to understand the new words, like playing football. Students read the new words and spell them.

3. According to the school calendar,students learn the new sentences “What do you have on ...""I have ...".

4. Students read the dialogue after the tape.

Ⅲ. Practice

1.Do and Say

The teacher does some actions like “sing a song"' to let students guess the subject.

2. Point and Say

The teacher points at the calendar on different days,and asks"What do we have on ...", and students answer "We have ...".

IV. Production

Task: Ideal School Calendar

Students can design their own ideal school calendar, and share it with desk-mates.They can make a conversation using today's knowledge.


Students summarize what they have learnt today.

VI. Homework

Students will try to find more subjects and share them.

五、Blackboard Design










Teaching Procedures

I. Lead-in

1. Greeting.

2.Ask students: What do you usually do? Why?

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Students listen to the dialogue for the first time, and find the main idea about the passage is talking about Peter's hobbies.

2.Students listen to the dialogue again, and answer the following questions:

①What are Peter's hobbies?

②Does Peter like reading stories?

③Does Peter like doing kung fu and swimming?

④Does Peter like singing?

3. Students read the dialogue after the tape.

Ⅲ. Practice

1.Role play

Students play the roles of Oliver and Zhang Peng to introduce Peter's hobbies.

2.Do and Say

The teacher shows Peppa's family's pictures. They are doing different activities. And let students do the actions to introducePeppa 's family 's hobbies.

IV. Prodution

Four students in one group. First, they introduce their own hobbies to each other. Then they can introduce others' hobbies to make a conversation.


Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson.

VI. Homework

Students collect more hobbies of different people. Then introduce it to the class next time.

五、Blackboard Design









Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in

The teacher shows some pictures about activities learnt before.Students rob to say them out in English.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. The teacher plays the tape of the chant to lead in key frequency words often, always, never and sometimes.

2. The teacher shows videos to present their friends’ habits and leads students to distinguish the frequency words in the real scene.

3.Students read the sentences after the tape

Ⅲ. Practice

1.Students work with their partners to read the sentences in the textbook in turns.

2. Students work in pairs to talk about their habits using frequency words.

IV. Consolidation

Create a scene: The school wants to know students' habits so a survey is made. Students work in groups of four. One member acts the little journalist and asks the others about their habits. Then the journalist needs to give a report to the whole class.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt today. 

VL. Homework

1. Students review the usage of frequency words.

2.Students make survey about their friends' habit.

Blackboard Design:












Teaching Procedures:

I. Lead-in


Show students some pictures about different fruit and food and students review the names of them.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Students listen to the tape and confirm their predictions. Get familiar with the topic of tastes.

2.Students listen again and learn the sentence patterns "How is it?"and"It's..." to ask and answer the tastes.

3.Students read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

Ⅲ. Practice

1.Students work in pairs to role play the conversation

2.Students role play the conversation and then try to make short conversation with the given food on the screen according to the text.

IV. Production

Create a scene: You are the taste tester in a first-class hotel. You are to test all the food there. Work in groups to make a short play according to the situation and act it out in the front.

V. Summary

Students  summarize the lesson and the teacher makes supplements. 

VI. Homework

Students will share the short play with their parents after school. 

Blackboard Design:略










Teaching Procedures

I. Lead-in

Greetings and the teacher sings a song named Happy New Year.


1. Students watch the video about New Year party and the teacher gives some sentences to describe it, like:

The New Year is nearly here. Let's cheer together, my dear. Can you hear the music? It's Happy New Year!

2.The teacher leads in“dear, hear, near, year"through thedescription. And guides students to read them one by one.

3. Students find letter combination"ear" in every word through Sharp Eyes game,and find that the pronunciation of letter combination "fear” is /ɪə(r)/ by reading loudly.

Ⅲ. Practice

1.Read loudly

The teacher shows different word cards on the PPT with letter combination"ear”. Students work in two groups and the teacher points at different cards. Students will read them one by one loudly.

2. Pick apples

The teacher draws an apple tree on the blackboard and gives students word cards. There is a word with letter combination"ear”and sounds like /ɪə(r)/ or not. If the word concludes letter combination“ear" and sounds like /ɪə(r)/, they can put the apple on the tree. If not,they can't.

IV. Production

Students draw an apple tree by themselves. The teacher will let them draw some apples on the tree, but they must write a word with letter combination"ear"and sounding like /ɪə(r)/ on the apple.The more, the better.

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in the lesson.

VI. Homework

Students will try to find more words with letter combination "ear”and sounding like /ɪə(r)/.

五、Blackboard Design



第一场上午7: 30-7: 45

第二场上午9: 30-9: 45

第三场下午13: 30-13: 45

第四场下午15: 30-15: 45













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