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推荐一部电影英语作文_专业满分英语作文2篇 作者:樱桃梗 •2024-02-27 10:12:25• 阅读 767

关于”推荐一部电影“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Recommend a movie。以下是关于推荐一部电影的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

关于”推荐一部电影“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Recommend a movie。以下是关于推荐一部电影的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Recommend a movie

Title: Recommended Movie - The Pursuit of Happyness



In today's fast-paced world, finding happiness can sometimes feel like an elusive goal. However, there are movies that inspire and remind us that through perseverance and a positive mindset, we can achieve our dreams. One such movie is "The Pursuit of Happyness," a heartwarming and thought-provoking film directed by Gabriele Muccino.



"The Pursuit of Happyness" is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, played by Will Smith. Chris, a struggling salesman, faces a series of challenges that leave him homeless and with the sole responsibility of caring for his young son, Christopher. Despite these hardships, Chris never loses hope and takes on an unpaid internship at a prestigious brokerage firm. Determined to provide a better life for his son, he battles through numerous obstacles with unwavering determination and an unwavering spirit.


Impacted Life Lessons(给人启迪的生活教训):

"The Pursuit of Happyness" delivers several powerful life lessons. Firstly, it teaches us that never giving up, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, can lead to success. Chris Gardner's determination to create a better life for himself and his son resonates deeply with viewers, inspiring them to persevere in their own goals.


Secondly, the film highlights the significance of self-belief. Chris Gardner, despite his lack of formal education and experience, manages to prove himself to potential employers through his hard work and determination. This emphasizes the importance of having faith in oneself, especially during challenging times.



"The Pursuit of Happyness" is a movie that captures the essence of human struggle, determination, and hope. It reminds us that happiness is not a destination but a journey, and it is only through our own efforts that we can make our dreams a reality. This remarkable film serves as a reminder that with the right mindset and unwavering determination, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve happiness, regardless of the cirtances.


By watching "The Pursuit of Happyness," viewers are encouraged to never give up on their dreams, to believe in themselves, and to remain hopeful even in the face of adversity. This inspiring movie serves as a reminder that true happiness is within reach if we are willing to fight for it.



1. Elusive (adj): difficult to find, catch, or achieve - 难以捉摸的

2. Perseverance (n): persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success - 毅力

3. Thought-provoking (adj): causing people to think seriously about something - 发人深省的

4. Struggling (adj): experiencing difficulty and a great effort to do something - 苦苦挣扎的

5. Homeless (adj): without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets - 无家可归的

6. Responsibility (n): a duty or task that you are required or expected to do - 责任

7. Hardships (n): severe suffering or privation - 艰难困苦

8. Internship (n): a period of time during which a student or new graduate gets practical experience in a job - 实习

9. Unwavering (adj): steady and determined, not faltering or wavering - 坚定不移的

10. Resonates (v): evoke or suggest images, memories, or emotions - 引起共鸣



Independence Day is a 1996 American science fiction action film directed by Roland Emmerich and written by Emmerich and Dean Devlin. The film stars Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch, Randy Quaid and Robert Loggia. The plot centers on the 4th of July holiday, when an alien mothership begins an attack on Earth. With the help of a scientist and a fighter pilot, the President of the United States attempts to stave off the invasion and save the world from destruction.

