首页 >  授课型硕士可以申请读博吗  > 在澳洲读完授课型硕士可以直接申请博士学位吗?




很多的同学朋友会担心授课式硕士(coursework)学位会不会比研究型(research)硕士学位“水”或者含金量不高,这是要参照同学们自己的目标,如果你的目标是尽早工作的话,授课型硕士并不会给你找工作带来什么负面的影响,工作面试更加看重的是学校的品牌,在校的成绩和项目以及是否有研究成果。对于工科来说科研成果可能是决定面试成果与否的一个很重要的因素,但是澳洲的授课型硕士(coursework)同样也具备research path,一般设置在第二学年,绩点达到要求后可以选修。



大多数同学的情况都是申请了授课型硕士(coursework),然后在国外发现了自己也有资格申请Ph(Doctor of Philosophy)想要继续深造,开始了解如何申请澳大利亚的博士或者其他欧美国家的博士学位。下面就是我收集的一些资料,请大家选择自己感兴趣的部分查看:


这个要看各个学校的安排和具体要求,就我所在的墨尔本来说,墨尔本大学,皇家墨尔本理工学院以及莫纳什大学官方给出的建议,很遗憾,都是不可以。 如果授课型硕士想转研究型硕士,官方给出的意见是重新申请研究型硕士,然后之前授课型硕士退学。相信大家也同意这不是我们所理解的“转”。我估计其他学校也是一样。


看情况定, 这个问题是由你的授课型硕士课程设置和目标学校博士的入学要求共同决定的。 以下是部分学校的Ph Enter Requirement。 



Doctor of Philosophy - Business an Economics (DR-PHILBE)

The following are minimum entry requirements an o not guarantee entry:

In orer to be consiere for entry, you must have complete:

a. a four-year bachelor egree in a relevant iscipline which inclues a substantial research component equivalent to at least 25% of one year of full-time stuy an have achieve a minimum weighte average of 75% (80% for Economics) in the final year subjects or (University of Melbourne) equivalent, or

b. a masters egree in a relevant iscipline which inclues a substantial research component equivalent to at least 25% of one year of full-time stuy an achieve a minimum weighte average of 75% or (University of Melbourne) equivalent, or

c. a qualification an professional experience consiere to be equivalent.****


工科(Engineering an IT)

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering an IT)

To be consiere for entry to a PhD you must emonstrate that you meet the following criteria:

Minimum qualifications

You are normally require to have complete at least a four-year honours unergrauate egree.


Not all international unergrauate egrees are consiere equivalent to an Australian four-year honours unergrauate egree. Our Research Higher Degree Committee uses Australian Government Country Eucation Profiles to etermine equivalency.

As a general guieline, if your qualification leas irectly to amission to research in your home country then your qualification will most likely be eligible for grauate research at the University of Melbourne.

Minimum level of acaemic achievement

You are normally require to have achieve an overall H1 (80–100%) grae in your unergrauate egree or your masters egree, or be in the top 5% of your grauating cohort.

Relevance of the egree

Your complete egree must be in an area that is relevant to the intene grauate research program, incluing sufficient specialisation such that you will have alreay evelope an unerstaning an appreciation of a boy of knowlege relevant to your intene PhD. ****


Monash 对所有PhD申请者的 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Stanar entry

The minimum qualifications for amission to PhD enrolment are:

1.a bachelor's egree requiring at least four years of full-time stuy in a relevant fiel, an which normally inclues a research component in the fourth year, leaing to an honours 1 or 2A in a relevant fiel;__

2.a master's egree that entails work, normally incluing a significant research component, incluing at least 25% of one full time equivalent year of work, incluing a thesis. It is normally expecte that a grae of honours 2A has been obtaine for the research thesis or project. Where ungrae, examiners' reports will be taken into account;

同墨大,对硕士学位的要求是有 25% of one year of full-time stuy的 research component,并且对这部分有具体的成绩要求

. 读完授课型硕士适不适合申请澳大利亚的博士?


最后如果确定想申PhD,不建议读Master by coursework。Master by coursework的课程设置并不是为PhD做准备的,如果题主目标就是PhD那么这两年可以说是在浪费时间。其次,如果你是想用Master by coursework作为跳板来申请PhD,那我更不建议,你作为Master by coursework毕业想qualifie for PhD是需要你有非常优秀的成绩的,基本上要你们本专业这一届学生里的前几名,其实是在给自己增加难度的。
