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托福口语健康类素材汇总整理2018-08-15 11:37:31来源:新东方 【动态】2019托福考试日期托福考试报名费用报名入口考点大全考试指南转考退考【推荐】托福资料箱2019美国节假日安排托福考位2019托福考试改革深度解析发布会【直播】学托福就上新东方在线!11.18-11.27,和我一起学!【申请】2019美国大学TOP100申请截止日期【备考指导】托福听力备考全攻略最新世界大学排名新托福阅读背景知识《托福年度报告》


来源:新东方专栏作家 薛鹏


1. A is healthier than B …… 比…… 更加健康

2. A is more wholesome in comparison with B …… 比…… 更加健康

3. currently = nowadays = at present 现在

4. several decades ago = in the past 过去

5. keep fit = remain healthy 保持健康

6. ……is physically detrimental = …… is health-threatening …… …… 是有害健康的

7. food containing too much addictives 包含有太多添加剂的食品

8. fake and exaggerated food ads that promote the sales of unhealthy foods 促进了非健康食品销量的不良广告

9. Being presented with junk food stimulates our desire to consume them. 接触到太多的垃圾食品激发了我们消费的渴望。

10. …… is low in nutritional value 营养价值低

点评:谈及快餐 , 罐头食品, 加工食品。

11. People can eat fresh fruits and vegetables that seldom suffer from the invasion of insecticides / pesticides 人们可以吃到很少受到杀虫剂侵蚀的新鲜的水果蔬菜。

解析:insect (昆虫) + cid(杀)+e = insecticide 杀虫剂

12. Currently,crops are more likely to expose to the contamination from paper mills and chemical plants. 现在, 庄稼更有可能受到化工厂,造纸厂的污染。

13. …… improve people’s health index 提高人的健康指数

14. strengthen one’s immune system 增强人的免疫力

15. Health enables us to brave career challenges energetically and harmonize family life optimistically. 健康使我们精力充沛地应对事业的挑战以及乐观地实现家庭和谐

16. greedy owners of food shops or avaricious bosses of resultants 贪婪的食品店业主或者贪婪的饭店老板

17. desire to reap fabulous profits illegally 渴望去非法谋取暴利

18. use ingredients containing toxic contents 使用含有有毒的成分的食材

解析: ingredients 做饭的原料

19. canned food,take-away food 罐头食品,熟食食品

20. the awareness of health management 健康管理的意识

