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托福口语试题库(含答案):学生必须通过体检才能从高中毕业2023-05-10 11:26:56来源:新东方



Do you agree or disagree: students must pass a physical exam before they can graduate from high school.


Well, I think require students to pass physical fitness exam is a bad idea because it's unnecessary, and probably it will have a bad influence on their graduation. As high school students, the have heavy loads of study, and a lot of things on their plates. They need to spend more than 10 hours a day on study, you know, having classes, doing homework or preparing for sat and applying for university, etc. It is not difficult to tell that they will not have extra time to deal with this fitness exam. Even worse, if they fail the exam, they can not graduate. Even though school does this for students’ good, just using this opportunity to push students to do more exercise and get stronger, the whole thing gonna backfire.

