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官方真题Official48托福独立口语Task2真题+解析+思路+范文2017年12月12日17:42 来源:小站整理参与(0)阅读(39836)摘要:对于托福备考的考生来说官方真题Official是大家在备考时必备的工具,最新的官方真题Official托福模考软件更新到50多套题了,小站官网论坛都有下载。那么这50多套题大家都练习得怎么样呢?多多练习对于你的托福考试成绩提升是非常有帮助的。这里小编为大家准备了官方真题Official48托福独立口语Task2真题+解析+思路+范文。




Some people like to shop in large grocery stores and department stores. Other people prefer to shop in small specialty stores or shops. Which do you prefer? Explain why.


(1)specifically express your stand.

(2)ideally include 2 reasons for your preference.


(1)Shop in large grocery stores and department stores

1)They provide me with more choices of goods.

2)They will save my time since I can buy all I want at one time.

(2)Shop in small specialty shops

1)They often surprise me with exquisite designs. It is more enjoyable to shop there.

2)Workers there are often well-trained and they can give me more professional advices.


(1) As far as I am concerned, I prefer to

(2) There are a couple of reasons for my preference

(3) First of all,

(4) In addition to that,


I prefer to shop in a large grocery and department store because of the convenience. First, they offer a wide variety of products. I can go and buy my fresh vegetables, my dry goods as well as shop for whatever else I may need for my house. Whether I need clothes, electronics or tools, I do not have to go to many different stores to do all my shopping. Second, I find that prices are often lower at the department store because they sell a lot more products than smaller stores do. This allows me to save more money and I am either able to buy more things that I need or splurge on a luxury item, such as a really nice pair of jeans compared to buying the cheaper and lower quality pair.


I would rather shop in small specialty stores or shops because they give a better shopping experience. First, they are often much quieter. A small shop has fewer customers so there are less people shouting over each other to make their purchases or find what the need to buy. I find I can relax and take my time purchasing what I need to buy and enjoy conversation with either the shop owners or other shoppers. Second, it is easier to find what I am looking for when I got to a specific shop. If I need to get meat, I go to the butcher or if I need a certain tool, I go to the hardware store. Smaller stores also have a bigger selection of the products they are selling so I can choose depending on quality or price. Often in the bigger shops, it is difficult to find what I am looking for and if they have it, they will have much less options.

