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【小站原创】官方真题Official10托福听力Conversation1文本+真题+答案解析2018年01月31日17:46 来源:小站整理参与(0)阅读(19377)摘要:官方真题Official托福模考软件是目前市面上最好用的托福备考资料了,托福考生一般都会拿官方真题Official来进行托福考试的练习。这里小编将为大家整理了完整理了官方真题Official10托福听力Conversation1文本+真题+答案解析,帮助大家更好的进行托福听力备考




Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and her Photography Professor.

Student: Professor Johnson, there is something that’s been on my mind.

Professor: OK?

Student: Remember last week, you told us that it's really important to get our photography into a show, basically as soon as we can?

Professor: Yup, it's a big step, no question.

Student: Thing is, I am sitting here and I am just not sure how I’d get there. I mean I’ve got some work I like, but is it really what a gallery is looking for? How would I know? How do I make the right contacts to get it into a show, I just really don't...

Professor: OK, hold on, slow down. Um…these are questions that, well, just about every young artist has to struggle with. OK, the first thing you should do is you absolutely have to stay true to your artistic vision; take the pictures you want to take.

Don't start trying to catch the flavor of the month and be trendy because you think you’ll get into a show – that never works, because you wind up creating something you don't really believe in. It’s uninspired, and won’t make any shows. I've seen it happen so many times. This doesn't mean that you should go into a cave. Keep up with trends, even think about how your work might fit in with them, but don't mindlessly follow them.

Student: Well, yeah, I can see that. I think though I have always been able to stay pretty true to what I want to create, not what others want me to create. I think that comes through in my work.

Professor: OK, just remember that is one thing to create work that you really want to create when it’s in the classroom. The only thing at stake is your grade. But work created outside the classroom? That can be in a different story. I'm not talking about technique or things like that. It's just that there is so much more at stake when you are out there making art for a living. There’s a lot of pressure to become something you are not, and people often surrender to that pressure.

Student: But to get stuff exhibited…

Professor: Well, you need to be a bit of an opportunist. You know, common sense things like always having a sample of your work on hand to give to people. You won’t believe the kind of contacts and opportunities you can get in this way. And try to get your work seen in the places like restaurants, bookstores. You’d be surprised how word gets around about photography in places like that.

Student: OK, it's just so hard to think about all of those practical things and make good work, you know.


Question 1 of 5

Why does the student go to see the professor?

A. To discuss the latest trends in the photography shows.

B. To find out why some of her work was not selected for a show.

C. To discuss how to get her photographs exhibited.

D. To find out about a student photography show on campus.

Question 2 of 5

According to the professor,what is the best way to create work that is likely to be chosen for a show?.

A. By taking photographs that fit with current trends.

B. By following one's own artistic views.

C. By consulting experienced photographers.

D. By learning what gallery owners are interested in.

Question 3 of 5

What does the professor imply about photography created outside of the classroom?

A. It is usually technically stronger than work created for a class.

B. It tends to be more interesting than class work.

C. It faces increased pressure to be trendy.

D. It is more likely to be exhibited than is work created for a class.

Question 4 of 5

According to the professor,what are two ways young photographers can market their work.Click on 2 answers.

A. Share examples of their work with others.

B. Hire a professional agent to sell their work.

C. Display their work in places other than gallery.

D. Ask a professor to recommend their work to gallery owners.

Question 5 of 5

playWhy does the student say this?

A. To ask the professor to reevaluate her work.

B. To indicate that she understands the importance of sharing her work.

C. To show that she disagrees with the professor's opinion.

D. To suggest that her work has met the professor's criteria.


Question 1 of 5


题目解析:这类型题目的定位句一般在对话的开头。这本篇对话的开头,学生先提出自己有个问 题,并说明这个问题是:学生不知道怎样才能创作出能够去展览的作品。所以答案为C。

Question 2 of 5


题目解析:教授在了解到学生的问题之后提出: the first thing you should do is you absolutely have to stay true to your artistic vision。所以能体现自己的艺术风格的作品是可能被选上的。答案应选B。

Question 3 of 5


题目解析:教授对学生说在学校里创作的时候要记得遵循自己的想法,而在社会上的创作,That could be in different story,即情况就不同了。There are a lot of pressures to become something you are not, and people often surrendered to that pressure.说明在社会上创作时人们可能因为各 种压力而刻意地追求流行趋势,希望得到别人的认可。所以答案为C选项。

Question 4 of 5


题目解析:在倒数第二段中教授告诉学生要学会为自己创造机会,并提出了两种可行的方法: always having a sample if you worked on hand to give the people,即随身带着自己的作品向别人展示,也就是 A 答案;try to get your work seen in the places like restaurants, bookstores,即 在各种不同的地方让自己的作品得到展示,也就是C答案。

Question 5 of 5


题目解析:学生说I think that comes through my work 是为了表明自己的作品总是在展示她自己的想法,这正是教授向她提出的要求,所以学生说这句话是为了说明自己的作品总是能满足教授的这一条要求。

