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托福TPO48[综合写作&独立写作]写作试题+范文汇总2023-11-06 18:13:30来源:网络 【动态】2019托福考试日期托福考试报名费用报名入口考点大全考试指南转考退考【推荐】托福资料箱2019美国节假日安排托福考位2019托福考试改革深度解析发布会【直播】学托福就上新东方在线!11.18-11.27,和我一起学!【申请】2019美国大学TOP100申请截止日期【备考指导】托福听力备考全攻略最新世界大学排名新托福阅读背景知识《托福年度报告》



The reading passage indicates three methods to prevent the decline of endangered frog populations. However, based on the listening, none of the methods mentioned in the reading offers a practical solution for slowing down the decline in frog populations. There are problems with each of the method described in the reading.

First of all, the reading claims that reducing pesticides use in agricultural areas where endangered frogs inhabit can be effective in preventing the decline of frog populations. However, the lecture contradicts what the reading maintains. According to the listening, this approach is not economically practical or fair. Farmers rely on pesticides to decrease crop losses and stay competitiveness in the market. If farmers have to follow strict rules regarding pesticides use, they will be at severe disadvantage. They would lose more crops and have lower yield.

Second, the author of the reading holds the opinion that a new treatment against the skin fungus would significantly reduce the harm of pesticides to frogs. However, the professor in the lecture refutes this point by saying that there are two problems with this plan. The treatments must be applied to each frog, so using them on a large scale is difficult. It requires capturing and treating each frog. In addition, the treatments do not prevent the frogs from passing the fungus onto their offspring. Thus, the treatments have to be applied again and again. As a result, applying this treatment is complicated and expensive.

Finally, from the reading, we know that to protect lakes and marshes from excessive water use and development can help frog species recover. But the listening challenges this point. It contends that The third method cannot save frog populations. The biggest threat is global warming. Global warming has contributed to the disappearance of many water and wetland habitats, causing species to go extinct. Thus, prohibiting humans from using water or building near frog habitats is unlikely to prevent the ongoing habitat changes caused by global warming.


A quick reflection of daily life in this day and age reveals that contemporaries live in a more complex life. To be specific, a large proportion of high school seniors and college students plan to study overseas; for working adults, instead of being an ordinary employee all throughout career, they must consider career advancement, otherwise they would be eliminated by peers. In this situation, it is generally believed that the ability to plan and organize is essential to people nowadays. For this opinion, I tend to disagree with it.

Although I must concede that students have more choices compared with students in the past, it does not necessarily mean that they must be armed with the ability to make plans. It is because their schools can help them make specific and achievable plans according to their particular circumstance. For example, to achieve a high score in TOEFL, some of my classmates registered English courses in New Oriental School, the leading language training provider in my country. Tutors in this language tutoring center gives them a plan that enables them to finish their TOEFL, SAT and even GRE at smoothing pace: in their high school sophomore year, they must have their first TOEFL attempt and then begin their SAT courses. This schedule makes it easy for them to proceed their language study without being armed with the ability to plan and organize. This case strongly indicates that the ability to plan and organize is not that necessary to modern students.

It is the similar story with working adults. Take my English teacher as an example. Serving New Oriental School as a TOEFL writing teacher, he at the beginning was responsible for one-on-one teaching. One year later, his leader asked him to study CELTA which is a training session provided by Cambridge University. After receiving CELTA certification, he was asked to prepare another course-GRE writing for the next semester. Now, he has developed into an experienced teacher who can teach both TOEFL and GRE writing and who can train new teachers without experience. As a matter of fact, he is not good at planning and organizing. It is his leader who helped him to be clear about career development. Thus, the ability to plan and organize is not vital to modern working adults.

In conclusion, although the ever-changing world is becoming increasingly complicated, people do not need to have the ability to plan and organize.
