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【小站原创】官方真题Official35托福独立口语真题文本及答案解析2017年06月08日15:51 来源:小站教育作者:小站托福编辑参与(0)阅读(17713)摘要:在托福口语的备考中,想要快速适应口语的练习,一份好的备考资料是必不可少的。我们就为大家带来官方真题Official35托福独立口语真题文本及答案解析,希望能为大家托福口语备考带来帮助。




Your friend is planning to take a year off to travel before starting university, do you think this is a good idea, why or why not?


I think it is a good idea for my friend to spend one year to travel before go to university. One reason is travel can help us broaden our horizon. Traveling around will help us learn from different history as well as various culture. The second reason is travel can help us to relax after nervous application. Students will get very tired after taking exams and writing application letters. So after they get the offer from the college they want to attend, the first thing they want to do is to relax. Therefore, travel is a good choice for them to refresh themselves. This is why I think taking one year to travel before university is a good idea.


