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【必备资料】托福官方真题Official4口语Task4真题文本及答案解析2016年04月13日15:17 来源:小站整理参与(0)阅读(11262)摘要:在托福口语备考的过程中,想要快速提升自己的口语表达能力,相信官方真题Official资料就会你带来不小的帮助。那么,在以下内容中,就为大家带来托福官方真题Official口语真题文本及答案解析,在托福口语备考中不妨一试哦。


托福官方真题Official4口语task4题目 Reading Part:

Nonverbal Languages

Nonverbal language refers to human emotional expressions without involving verbal statements. Facial expressions and body moments are the two mostly attributed types of nonverbal languages. It is generally believed that nonverbal languages function as the enhancement of emotional expressions when they consist with verbal languages.

Under the circumstances that nonverbal languages and verbal languages contradict in the contents they express, nonverbal languages are more likely to release people’s true emotions.

托福官方真题Official4口语task4题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology course.

Professor (male) Last month, my favorite uncle paid me a surprise visit. I hadn’t seen him in many years. The door bell rang, I opened the door and there was uncle Pete. Now, I am sure when I saw him I said something like, “Uncle Pete, what a surprise! How nice to see you.” Anyway, my wife was standing next to me, and according to her, I wasn’t really aware of this, my eyes got really wide and I broke into a huge big smile, she said I was really jumping up and down like a little boy. Well, anyway, later that evening uncle Pete told me how very good he felt when he saw how happy I was to see him.

But compared that with this: my daughter, she’s six, we were building a bird house together last week, and I was showing her how to use a hammer and a nail. And, of course, stupid me, I wasn ’t being very careful when I smashed my thumb with the hammer. Boy, it hurt! I almost felt like screaming, but I didn’t want to upset my daughter, so I said, “Don’t worry, honey. It’s nothing.” Meanwhile, I was shaking my hand as if that would stop my thumb from hurting and my face was contorted in pain.

My voice was trembling, too. So, even though I told my daughter I was OK, I am sure she didn't believe me, because she kept asking me if I was OK.

托福官方真题Official4口语task4题目 Question:

Explain how the examples from the professor’s lecture illustrate the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication.


1. Reading key

(1.1) Main idea: relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication

(1.1.1) Agree with one another: enhance and support each other

(1.1.2) Conflict with one another: nonverbal is more accurate

2. Listening key

(2.1) Example 1:

(2.1.1) Uncle visits

(2.1.2) Verbal: so happy to see you!

(2.1.3) Nonverbal: jumping up and down, huge big smile, eyes got really wide

Nonverbal signals enhance verbal message

(2.2) Example 2:

(2.2.1) Teaches daughter how to use a hummer and nail

(2.2.2) Verbal: it’s fine, it’s alright

(2.2.3) Nonverbal: shakes hand, face full of pain

(2.2.4) Nonverbal signals are telling the truth


In the lecture, the professor talks about the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication. The first example is that his uncle Pete gave him a surprise visit. His eyes got wide, he broke into a huge big smile, and he was jumping up and down like a little boy. His expression enhanced how happy he was to see Uncle Pete. The second example is he hurt his thumb when teaching his daughter how to work with a hammer. Even though he kept saying he’s fine, he was shaking his hand and his face was twisted in pain. Those expressions told his daughter the truth: he was really in a lot of pain.
