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【必备资料】托福官方真题Official5口语Task6真题文本及答案解析2016年04月13日16:03 来源:小站整理参与(0)阅读(7691)摘要:对于托福口语的备考来说,官方真题Official是一项备考的必选资料,一直以来都是备考学生的必备之选。那么,在以下内容中我们为大家带来官方真题Official口语真题文本及答案解析,希望能为你的备考带来帮助。


托福官方真题Official5口语task6题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.

Professor (female) Why do we do the things we d o? What drives us to participate in certain activities, to buy a certain car or even to choose a certain career? In other words, what motivates us to do what we do?

Well, in studies of motivation, psychologists distinguish between two very different types, our reasons for doing something, our motivations can be extrinsic, in other words, based on some kind of external reward like praise or money. Or they can be intrinsic, meaning we engage in the activity because it pleases us internally.

Both create strong forces that lead us to behave in certain ways. However, intrinsic motivation is generally considered to be more long-lasting than the other. As I said, extrinsic motivation is external. It’s the desire to behave in a certain way in order to obtain some kind of external reward. A child, for example, who regularly does small jobs around the house, does them not because she enjoys taking out the garbage or doing the dishes but because she knows if she does these things she’ll be given a small amount of money for doing them. But how motivated would the child be to continue doing the work if her parents suddenly stop giving her money for it?

With intrinsic, or internal motivation, we want to do something because we enjoy it, or get us a sense of accomplishment from it. Most people who are internally motivated get pleasure from the activity. So they just feel good about doing it. For example, I go to the gym several times a week. I don’t go because I’m training for a marathon or anything, I just enjoy it. I have more energy after I exercise and I know it’s good for my health. So it makes me feel good about myself. And that’s what’s kept me going there for the past five years.


Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two types of motivation.


1. Listening key

(1.1) Main idea: two types of motivation

(1.2) Extrinsic motivation: outside rewards

(1.2.1) Example: small girl takes out garbage when given money, not because she enjoys doing it; she’ll stop doing it when the money stops

(1.3) Intrinsic motivation: happens naturally

(1.3.1) Example: professor goes to the gym to run; she knows her action is good for her health; she feels better after exercising; she’s more energetic after working out; she’s been going for five years

(1.4) Difference: intrinsic motivation lasts a lot longer than extrinsic motivation


The professor talks about two types of motivation in the lecture, Extrinsic motivation is based on some kind of external reward, but does not last long. For example, a child does the dishes and takes out the garbage when given a small amount of money. But she’s likely to stop doing it when her parents stop giving her money. Intrinsic motivation happens when some one is enjoying doing something. For example, the professor goes to the gym because she knows that her action is good for her well being, and it makes her feel good about herself. Intrinsic motivation lasts longer because it comes from within. She has been going there for five years.
