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跨文化交际(西北大学)2020知到期末测验答案打开右边网址即可查题http://wk.pkbff.com查题解析答案参考,同时提供大学网课,选修课 ,外语类,财会类,建筑类,职业资格,学历考试,类,外贸类,计算机类等考试;是一个料下载与在线考试系统、,是各类考生顺利通过考试的好帮手!

中国大学MOOC: 1881年唐胥铁路通车时,中国工人试制成功了一台0-3-0型的蒸汽机车,中国工人称这台机车为()机车。

倘若说王国维的《蝶恋花“百尺朱楼临大道”》 一词可能隐含着佛理,亦说得通,下列有关说法不正确的是()。

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The title of the song shows a sense of _________.



创业是一种动态发展的过程。( )

中国大学MOOC: 《湘君湘夫人图》题材取自哪里?

坡屋顶多采用斜率法,平屋顶多采用( )



对于的管理,要严格执行 “ 五双 ” 制度 “ 五双 ” 指的是

Which statements are correct


Intercultural communicationis the communicative interaction between people from varying culture.A:错,B:对Culture shockis a mental state that comes from the transition that occurs when you go from a familiar environment to an unfamilA:对,B:错Major perspectives on ethics includeA:错,B:对Co-culturesare groups having traits differing from the dominant culture.A:对,B:错Dominantculture controls the societal institutions—government, education and socialA:错,B:对We should strikea balance between a respect for diverse cultures and a respect for the common culture we all share.A:对,B:错Communication has a consequence.A:对,B:错Government is not one element of culture.A:错,B:对Culture is based on symbols.A:对,B:错Culture and communication are so intertwined that it is easy to think that cultureis communication and communication is culture.A:错,B:对The elements that come culture are religion, history, values, social organizations,and language.A:对,B:错Culture is learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols,and is a dynamic and integrated system.A:错,B:对Cultural patterns cannot be contradictory.A:错,B:对Nuclear family is the most typical pattern in most Eastern cultures.A:对,B:错The family a person is born into will determine his/her personality.A:错,B:对Some of the effects of globalization have altered the idea of traditional families for billions of people.A:错,B:对The cohesion of traditional families can be destroyed by economic migration.A:错,B:对Which one is not a function of the family? A: Offering a job,B:Economic function,C:Reproductive function ,D:Identity functionWhich of the following cultures do not allow young women to adopt their husband’s name? A:The Muslim Community,B:The United States ,C:Indian,D:LatinoWhich of the following cultures tends to stress individualism?A:Japanese,B:Indian,C:The Muslim Community,D:GermanWhich of the following cultures tends not to stress collectivism?A:French,B:Asian,C:Indian,D:MexicanThe U.S. scores highest on the Individualism/Collectivism Index meaning that this country values and rewards Collectivism more than the others cited.A:错,B:对People from high-context cultures tend to be attuned to their surroundings and can easily express and interpret emotions verbally.A:错,B:对In past-oriented cultures, history, established religions, and tradition are extremely important.A:对,B:错Cultural Patterns refer to culturally based beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors shared by people in the world.A:错,B:对Uncertainty avoidanceis the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by amA:错,B:对Power distanceis the extent in which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a couA:错,B:对French is the official language in Quebec Canada.A:对,B:错The relationship between the selected sign and the agreed meaning is quite arbitrary.A:错,B:对Dialects are not languages.A:错,B:对In Saudi Arabia it is a taboo to ask about a person’s family.A:对,B:错In Japan, a person’s social ition will determine the type of language and choice of words to use during every interaction.A:错,B:对Which of the following choices does not contribute to categorizing people into groups?A:Age,B:Economic levels,C:Gender,D:HistoryWhich of the following choices is not language variation?A:Dialect,B:Vocabulary ,C:Slang,D:AccentWhich of the following choices is not the relationship between language and culture? A:Synergy,B:Hypothesis,C:Connected,D:InterelatedWhich of the following choices is not used for consecutive translation?A:Informal gatherings,B:Soundproof booth,C:Business meetings ,D:Small gatheringsWhich one will impede understanding and should not be used?A:Exaggeration,B:Appreciation ,C:Humor ,D:Metaphor People tend to believe verbal messages instead of nonverbal messages.A:对,B:错Different situations or environments produce different nonverbal messages.A:对,B:错There are universal facial expressions for which people have similar meanings.A:错,B:对Many Asian cultures restrain and suppress facial expressions.A:错,B:对Japanese take silence as a way of talking.A:对,B:错Which of the following things is not used to judge a person? A:Manner of dress,B:Food,C:Jewelry,D:MakeupWhich of the following countries considers smiling as a sign of shallowness? A: Germany,B:Japan,C:Korea ,D:ThailandCulturally diverse communication rules prescribe the appropriate behaviors for avariety of social contexts.A:错,B:对Rules concerning informality, formality, assertiveness, interpersonal harmony, and social status can be found in every communication setting.A:对,B:错Intercultural communication does not occurs in domestic business settings.A:错,B:对The development of appropriate communication strategies is requisite for creatingeffective classroom messages.A:错,B:对Business cultures influence management styles, leadership, and decision making. A:错,B:对Intercultural communicationis the communicative interaction between people from varying culture.A:错,B:对Culture shockis a mental state that comes from the transition that occurs when you go from a familiar environment to an unfamilA:错,B:对Major perspectives on ethics includeA:错,B:对Co-culturesare groups having traits differing from the dominant culture.A:对,B:错Dominantculture controls the societal institutions—government, education and socialA:错,B:对Nuclear family is the most typical pattern in most Eastern cultures.A:对,B:错The family a person is born into will determine his/her personality.A:错,B:对Some of the effects of globalization have altered the idea of traditional families for billions of people.A:错,B:对We should strikea balance between a respect for diverse cultures and a respect for the common culture we all share.A:错,B:对The cohesion of traditional families can be destroyed by economic migration.A:错,B:对Communication has a consequence.A:错,B:对Which one is not a function of the family? A: Offering a job,B:Identity function,C:Economic function,D:Reproductive function Government is not one element of culture.A:错,B:对Which of the following cultures do not allow young women to adopt their husband’s name? A:Latino,B:Indian,C:The United States ,D:The Muslim CommunityCulture is based on symbols.A:对,B:错Which of the following cultures tends to stress individualism?A:The Muslim Community,B:Indian,C:German,D:JapaneseCulture and communication are so intertwined that it is easy to think that cultureis communication and communication is culture.A:错,B:对Which of the following cultures tends not to stress collectivism?A:Mexican,B:French,C:Indian,D:AsianThe elements that come culture are religion, history, values, social organizations,and language.A:对,B:错Culture is learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols,and is a dynamic and integrated system.A:对,B:错Cultural patterns cannot be contradictory.A:错,B:对The U.S. scores highest on the Individualism/Collectivism Index meaning that this country values and rewards Collectivism more than the others cited.A:错,B:对People from high-context cultures tend to be attuned to their surroundings and can easily express and interpret emotions verbally.A:错,B:对In past-oriented cultures, history, established religions, and tradition are extremely important.A:对,B:错Cultural Patterns refer to culturally based beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors shared by people in the world.A:错,B:对Uncertainty avoidanceis the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by amA:对,B:错Power distanceis the extent in which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a couA:对,B:错French is the official language in Quebec Canada.A:对,B:错The relationship between the selected sign and the agreed meaning is quite arbitrary.A:错,B:对Dialects are not languages.A:对,B:错In Saudi Arabia it is a taboo to ask about a person’s family.A:对,B:错In Japan, a person’s social ition will determine the type of language and choice of words to use during every interaction.A:对,B:错Which of the following choices does not contribute to categorizing people into groups?A:Age,B:Economic levels,C:History,D:GenderWhich of the following choices is not language variation?A:Slang,B:Dialect,C:Accent,D:Vocabulary Which of the following choices is not the relationship between language and culture? A:Hypothesis,B:Interelated,C:Synergy,D:ConnectedWhich of the following choices is not used for consecutive translation?A:Business meetings ,B:Small gatherings,C:Soundproof booth,D:Informal gatheringsWhich one will impede understanding and should not be used?A:Exaggeration,B:Appreciation ,C:Metaphor ,D:Humor

