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英语作文怎么准备_考研高分英语作文5篇 作者:caily •2024-09-02 10:19:22• 阅读 262

关于”怎么准备“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to prepare。以下是关于怎么准备的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”怎么准备“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to prepare。以下是关于怎么准备的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to prepare













How to Prepare for English Writing Test II

1. Practice Writing Skills

The key to success is mastering writing skills. You can improve it by continuing reading and writing. Understand the structure of the article, sentence, grammar, punctuation and other basic knowledge, and practice using them proficiently. In addition, you can enhance your writing skills by reading model essays and partiting in writing courses.

2. Accumulate Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important foundation for writing. You need to accumulate enough vocabulary to use in writing. You can expand your vocabulary by reading and memorizing vocabulary books, vocabulary cards and exercises.

3. Improve Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the foundation of English writing II. You need to improve your reading comprehension by reading various materials, including news, novels, academic articles, etc. You need to pay attention to the structure of the article, understand the author's intention, and grasp the key information in the article.

4. Practice Writing

Only by practicing can you improve your writing skills. In practice, you need to pay attention to the structure of the article, language expression, logical thinking, etc. You can practice by writing exercises, mock exams, etc.

5. Use Mind Mapping

Mind mapping can help you express your thoughts clearly. When writing, you can first organize your thoughts with mind mapping, determine the structure and theme of the article, and then start writing.

In summary, preparing for English II writing requires more reading, writing, and practicing, improving writing skills and reading comprehension, expanding vocabulary, and good use of mind mapping, so as to achieve good results in the test.




1. 掌握常用句型和表达

英语写作中有很多常用句型和表达,例如:because of, in order to, as soon as possible等等。熟练掌握这些句型和表达可以让你的写作更加流畅自然。

2. 多读多写


3. 研究范文和写作技巧


4. 词汇积累


5. 练习语法和拼写



English writing preparation

Preparing a good English writing requires some skills and methods. Here are some methods that can help you check and improve your writing skills.

1. Master common sentence structures and expressions

There are many common sentence structures and expressions in English writing, such as "because of", "in order to", "as soon as possible", etc. Proficiently mastering these sentence structures and expressions can make your writing more fluent and natural.

2. Read and write more

To improve English writing, reading and writing are essential. Reading can help you accumulate vocabulary and grammar knowledge, while writing can help you better apply what you have learned. It is recommended to read high-quality English articles and books, and write more articles and diaries to improve writing skills.

3. Study model essays and writing skills

Studying model essays can help you understand how to organize article structure, how to connect paragraphs, how to use quotes and other skills. At the same time, you can also improve writing efficiency by learning some writing skills, such as how to quickly conceive and how to quickly modify the article.

4. Accumulate vocabulary

Vocabulary is the foundation of English writing. It is recommended to accumulate vocabulary through reading, listening, memorizing, etc. to improve writing skills.

5. Practice grammar and spelling

Grammar and spelling are the easiest places to make mistakes in English writing. It is recommended to practice to improve grammar and spelling skills, such as doing grammar and spelling exercise books.

In short, preparing for English writing requires certain skills and methods. By mastering common sentence structures and expressions, reading and writing more, studying model essays and writing skills, accumulating vocabulary, and practicing grammar and spelling, you can effectively improve your writing skills.



1. 扩充词汇量:通过背诵、阅读以及记忆词汇等方式来扩充自己的词汇量。这样可以更好地表达自己的观点和想法。

2. 阅读范文:阅读优秀的范文可以帮助你更好地理解作文的结构和写作风格。可以选择一些经典的英语作文范文进行阅读和分析。

3. 练习写作:多练习写作可以提高自己的写作能力。可以选择一些热门话题或常见题型进行练习,并请他人给予评价和修改意见。

4. 学习写作技巧:掌握一些写作技巧可以帮助你更好地组织语言和结构作文。比如,使用恰当的过渡词、使用复杂句和并列句来表达观点等等。

5. 多参加英语写作讨论或培训班:与他人一起讨论写作,可以互相学习和提高。也可以报名参加一些英语写作培训班,获得
