首页 >  形容词副词语法填空真题初中  > 中考英语二轮复习:副词专项练习(含解析)



副词专项练习1.He said he would come, he didn’t, ________.A.though B.although C.as D.but2.Listen to the teacher ________, class!A.care B.carefully C.careful3.Many apps are ________ used now because they can help us find information a lot ________.A.widely, easily B.widely, easilier C.wide, more easily D.widely, more easily4.My father is very ________, and he does everything ________.A.careful; careful B.carefully; carefully C.careful; carefully D.carefully; careful5.This kind of cloth feels ________ and sells ________.A.good; good B.well; good C.good; well D.well; well6.That girl looked ________ and she looked ________ at that boy.A.sad; angry B.sadly; angry C.sadly; angrily D.sad; angrily7.—Can you hear me —No, I can’t. Would you please speak ________ A.clear enough B.enough clearC.clearly enough D.enough clearly8.We should learn to be ________ any challenges!A.confident enough to take on B.enough confident to take onC.confident enough to try on D.enough confident to try out9.No matter ________ hard it is to learn English, I will never give it up.A.what B.how C.when D.where10.________ you read, ________ you can be.A.More; faster B.The most; the fastest C.Most; fastest D.The more; the faster11.He speaks French ________, if not better than, most of teenagers of his age.A.as good as B.as much as C.as well as D.as well12.—Would you like to see the movie The Battle at Lake Changjin with us I hear it gets tons of attention.—I’d love to. And I’m so excited because I ________ have a chance to watch a movie.A.seldom B.always C.usually13.I fell off my bike on my way to school. ________, I wasn’t hurt.A.Suddenly B.Recently C.Luckily14.—Mike did ________ Henry. They both failed the final exam.—That’s too bad!A.much better than B.as bad as C.no better than15.When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help ________.A.politely B.wisely C.friendly16.— How was the weather yesterday — It was terrible. It rained ________. People could ________ go out.A.hard; hardly B.hardly; hard C.hard; hard17.—The traffic is becoming worse and worse because of too many cars.—Yes, it’s much easier to have accidents for those drivers who drive ________.A.careless B.carelessly C.carefully18.We ________ order food on apps and because take-out food is bad for our health.A.always B.sometimes C.seldom19.They asked me to go shopping with them. I don’t like shopping, so I went to the cinema ________.A.instead B.instead of C.too D.either20.If you behave ________, others will also be ________ to you.A.politely; polite B.politely; politely C.polite; politely D.polite; polite21.—You have made such great progress on your English.—Thanks. I believe ________ you work, ________ you will be.A.the less; the better B.the harder; the better C.little; bad D.the better; the worse22.—This way of making sky lanterns is ________ accepted.—It’s ________ the best way to make a beautiful sky lantern.A.widely; exactly B.widely; only C.wide; still23.If you are ________ enough to others, others will treat you _________ too.A.polite; polite B.politely; politely C.polite; politely D.politely; polite24.—Could I speak to Jerry I phoned _________.—Sorry, he’s still in his meeting.A.early B.earlier C.earliest25.We should follow the rules and spit _________ in public.A.anywhere B.everywhere C.nowhere26.As we all know, children learn a foreign language _______ than adults do.A.easier B.more easy C.much easily D.more easily27.—Dingding and Wechat are________used in our everyday life.—Exactly, but we should use them________.A.wisely; wide B.widely; wisely C.wise; widely D.wide; wisely28.—Can you understand what I said —Sorry, I can ________ follow you.A.almost B.always C.hardly D.nearly29.When the fire broke out, many people were so ________ that they ran ________.A.frightening; wild B.frightened; wildC.frightened; wildly D.frightening; wildly30.People speak ________ of the boy because he can fly kites very ________.A.high; high B.high; highly C.highly; high D.highly; highly31.I haven’t got ________books for them.A.good enough B.enough good C.well enough D.enough well32.We are covering ________ these ________ girls’ wonderful performances.A.live; alive B.alive; lively C.live; lively D.living; alive33.Have you decided ________ abroad ________ A.to go; for further study B.to go to; for study furtherC.to go; for study further D.to go to; for further study34.The teacher looks ________ and is looking at us ________.A.happy; happily B.happy; happy C.happily; happy D.happily; happily35.We all know that we’ll meet all kinds of difficulties in our lives in the future. We should learn to be ________ any challenge!A.active enough to take up B.confident enough to take onC.enough careful to try on D.enough patient to try out36.Tom jumped the ________ in his school, so the headmaster spoke _____ of him.A.most highly; high B.highest; high C.most highly; highly D.highest; highly37.He ________ his team to the international championship _________.A.led; success B.led; successful C.leading; success D.led; successfully38.—I know Old Joe lives ________.—We are supposed to visit him from time to time. Then, he won’t feel ________.A.alone; alone B.lonely; lonely C.lonely; alone D.alone; lonely39.If your answer is ________, the machine will give the mark to you ________.A.correct, correct B.correct, correctly C.correctly, correctly D.correctly, correct40.It’s raining ________ outside, so the Smiths can ________ hear the sound of TV.A.hard; hard B.hard; hardly C.hardly; hard D.hardly; hardly41.Doctor Lu was so worried about the spread of COVID-19 that he _______ on his bed last night.A.lay widely awake B.laid widely awake C.lay wide awake D.laid wide awake42.If you work ________ than before, you can pass the exam.A.hardly B.harder C.hard D.hardest43.His Chinese isn’t ________ to speak to us freely.A.good enough B.enough goodC.enough well D.well enough44.—Who is the girl acting on the stage —She is my friend Lily. She used to act badly, but now she acts __________.A.much better B.the best C.best D.well45.—This kind of dress looks ________ and sells ________ in the supermarket.—It is a hot style!A.nice;good B.nice;well C.well;well D.good;nice46.—During this hard time, it is ________ to have plenty of food to eat.—Yeah, I agree with you. We really shouldn’t complain too much.A.good enough B.too good C.bad enough D.too bad47.All the students should remember: “The ________ you take every class, the ________ you will learn.”A.more seriously; well B.serious; wellC.more seriously; better D.serious; better48.—Is your father strict with you —Yes. He takes my grades as ________ as my teachers do.A.seriously B.serious C.more serious D.more seriously49.— Shenzhou VI spacecraft carrying three China’s astronauts was ________ launched.— Amazing! China has made great progress in space.A.successful B.successfully C.success D.succeed50.—The boy doesn’t work ________ the others in his class.—That’s why he _______ fails the exams.so harder; seldom B.as hard as; never C.so hard as; always D.the hardest; sometimes参考答案:1.A【详解】句意:他说他要来,结果没有来。考查副词。though然而,副词,位于句末或其他位置,虽然,连词;although虽然;as当……时;but但是。分析句子结构可知,空处应用副词,而四个选项中,只有A选项有副词的词性,其他没有,故选A。2.B【详解】句意:认真听老师讲课,同学们!考查副词修饰动词。care关心,动词/名词;carefully仔细地,副词;careful仔细地,形容词。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故选B。3.D【详解】句意:许多应用程序现在被广泛使用,因为它们可以帮助我们更容易地找到信息。考查副词辨析。widely广泛地;wide宽的,形容词;easily容易地;easilier错误表达;more easily更容易地。根据“used now”可知,被广泛使用,副词修饰动词,widely符合句意;再者根据“as...as”和“find information a lot”可知,用副词比较级。故选D。4.C【详解】句意:我父亲很细心,他做每件事都很认真。考查词义辨析。careful“细心的,仔细的,谨慎的”,形容词;carefully“认真地”,副词。第一空格处作表语,应用形容词careful;第二空格处修饰动词does,应用副词carefully。故选C。5.C【详解】句意:这种布摸起来很好,卖得也好。考查形容词和副词的用法。good意为“好的”,是形容词;well作形容词讲时意为“健康的”,作副词讲时意为“好,很”。根据第一空前的系动词feels“摸起来”可知,第一空应用形容词good;根据第二空前的动词sells“卖”可知,第二空应用副词well修饰动词,表示“卖得好”。故选C。6.D【详解】句意:那个女孩看起来很伤心,她生气地看着那个男孩。考查词汇辨析。sad伤心的,形容词;sadly伤心地,副词;angry生气的,形容词;angrily生气地,副词。第一空位于系动词looked之后,作表语,故用形容词sad。故排除B和C;第二空修饰动词短语looked at,故用副词angrily,故排除A,故选D。7.C【详解】句意:——你能听到我说话吗?——不,我不能。请你说清楚一点好吗?考查词义辨析以及enough的位置。enough修饰形容词或副词时,要放在形容词或副词的后面,排除B和D选项。clear清楚的;clearly清楚地。修饰动词speak,要用副词,故选C。8.A【详解】句意:我们应该学着足够自信的去迎接生活中的任何挑战。考查enough的用法及动词短语辨析。enough修饰形容词时,要放在形容词后面,故可排除B和D。 take on承担,接纳;try on试穿;try out试验。根据“any challenges”可知应该是迎接挑战。故选A。9.B【详解】句意:无论学习英语有多么困难,我都不会放弃。考查特殊疑问词。what什么;how怎样;when什么时候;when哪里。根据“No matter ... hard it is to learn English”可知,hard是形容词,用副词修饰,此处表示程度,因此用how修饰。故选B。10.D【详解】句意:你书看得越多,你就可以越快。考查形容词和副词的比较级。more
