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One common interview question is “How do you handle stress?” The interviewer does not want to hear that you never get stressed; after all, everyone feels stress at one time or another at work. Instead, the employer wants to see if you know how pressure affects you, and how you manage it.一个常见的面试问题是“你如何处理压力?”。面试官不想听到你从来没有经受过压力,毕竟,每个人都曾经在工作中感受到压力。相反,面试官想看看你是否知道压力如何影响你,以及你如何控制它。

To answer this question successfully, you want to provide specific examples of how you have handled stress well in the past.要想圆满地回答这个问题,你要提供一些具体例子,说明自己过去是如何处理压力的。

You might also provide examples of times when pressure actually made you a more productive employee.你可能还要举一些压力让你变得更高效的例子。

How to Answer the Question如何回答这个问题

The best way to answer this question is to give an example of how you have handled stress in a previous job. That way, the interviewer can get a clear picture of how well you work in stressful situations.回答这个问题的最好方法是给出具体例子:你在之前的工作中如何处理压力。这样的话,面试官能清晰地看到你在压力环境中的工作表现。

Avoid mentioning a time when you put yourself in a needlessly stressful situation. For example, do not share a story about a time when you were stressed because you procrastinated and had to finish a project quickly. Focus on a time when you were given a difficult task or multiple assignments, and you rose to the occasion.避免提到你陷入不必要压力环境的时候。比如,不要说自己因为拖延而不得不快速完成项目才倍感压力的事。把重点放在你被分配了一项困难的任务或者多个任务,并且你能应付自如的时候。

You also should not focus too much on how stressed out you felt. While you should certainly admit that stress happens, emphasize how you dealt with the stress, rather than how it bothered you.你也不应该把重点放在自己感到过度劳累上。你应该承认压力是确实存在的,强调你如何处理压力,而不是说它如何打扰你。

If possible, avoid saying you are stressed by a situation that will be common in the job for which you are applying.如果可能的话,避免谈到你对所申请工作中常见的情况感到压力很大。

For example, if you say you get stressed when you're given multiple projects, and you know the job will require you to juggle many assignments at once, you will look unfit for the position.比如,如果你说被分配了多项任务时会感到很紧张,并且你知道这项工作需要你同时处理多项任务,你会被认为不适合这个职位。

You might even consider mentioning how a little stress can be a helpful motivator for you. You can provide an example of a time the stress of a difficult project helped you be a more creative and productive worker.你甚至可以提到一点小压力如何能成为你的动力。可以举一个例子,在一段时间困难项目的压力帮助你成为一名更有创造力也更有效率的员工。

Sample Answers示例回答

  ● Pressure is very important to me. Good pressure, such as having a lot of assignments to work on, or an upcoming deadline, helps me to stay motivated and productive. Of course, there are times when too much pressure can lead to stress; however, I am very skilled at balancing multiple projects and meeting deadlines, which prevents me from feeling stressed often. For example, I once had three large projects due in the same week, which was a lot of pressure. However, because I created a schedule that detailed how I would break down each project into small assignments, I completed all three projects ahead of time and avoided unnecessary stress.  ● 压力对我来说很重要。好的压力帮助我保持积极性和高效率,比如有很多任务要完成,或者截止日期即将到来。当然,有时候过多的压力会导致紧张;然而,我在平衡多个项目以及按时完工方面很有经验,这让我不那么经常感到压力。比如,我曾在一周有三个大项目要完成,这给了我很大的压力。然而,由于我创建了一个计划,详细列出了如何把每个项目分解成小任务,我得以提前完成了三个项目,并且避免了不必要的压力。   ● I react to situations, rather than to stress. That way, the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful. For example, when I deal with an unsatisfied customer, rather than feeling stressed, I focus on the task at hand. I believe my ability to communicate effectively with customers during these moments helps reduce my own stress in these situations and also reduces any stress the customer may feel.  ● 我对各种情况做出反应,而不是感到压力。这样的话,我会处理这个情况,不让它变得有压力。比如,当我处理不满意的顾客时,我专注于手边的工作,而不是感到压力。我相信在这期间,我和顾客高效沟通能减轻我的压力,同时也能减轻顾客可能感到的压力。   ● I actually work better under pressure and I've found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment. As a writer and editor, I thrive under quick deadlines and multiple projects. I find that when I'm under the pressure of a deadline, I can do some of my most creative work.  ● 事实上,我在压力下能工作的更好,而且我发现我很享受在有挑战性的环境中工作。作为一名作家和编辑,我能在快节奏的截止日期和多项目下很好地成长。我发现当我处在最后期限的压力之下时,我能做一些非常有创造性的工作。
