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【解析】本题考分词短语作后置定语。题目意思是“该研究的科学家往往与问题需要新类型的仪器为他们的解决方案满足。”选D.因为这里的 requiring 是现在分词,带上后面的宾语,形成现在分词短语作后置定语.A、B、C 这三项都是不符合本题目的语态的,所以都不正确。

5. The house is well decorated ______ the disarrangement ofa few photos.

A.except B. besides C.except for D.in addition to


【解析】本题考词汇区别。题目意思是“房子装修好,除了少数照片排列紊乱。”选C.因为这里的 except for 也表示“除......以外”,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。except与 besides 的区别巧记:except 不包括

在内,besides 包括在内,所以 A、B 这两项都不符合本题意。D 表示“此外”的意思,也不符合题意。

6. Without computers, we ______ the tremendous medicaladvancement in the last few decades.

A.would not make B. will nothave made C. could notmake D. couldn’t have made


【解析】本题考虚拟语气。选项 D.本句为虚拟语气,而且是对过去的虚拟,所以主句用would/could have done 的形式,否定形式是在助动词后加not,本句译为:如果没有电脑,我们不可以在过去的几…里取得这么大的医学进步。

7. The tree, the branches ______ are almost bare, is a veryold one.

A.whose B. in which C.of which D.whic


【解析】本题考关系代词用法。题目意思是“树,树枝其中几乎都是光秃秃的,是一个非常古老的”选 C. of which (有什么什么的的意思)branch是 tree 的一部分,原句=that tree,ofwhich the branches are almost bare,is a very old one. A、D 项whose、which 前面的先行词不明确,所以不选。B 项in which=where,不符合本题意。

8. What’s dons is done, It’sno use ______ anyone for it.

A.blaming B. blame C.to blame D.to be blaming


【解析】本题考 blame 用法。题目意思是“事情已经发生,这是没有用的责怪任何人吧。” It is no use doing sth. 固定搭配。此外blame 只有主动用法,没有被动用法,表“指责、去指责”含义,所以选 A,不选 C。而 B是动词原形,不符合语法。D 项表被动,错误的用法,也是不正确的。

9. It is the boy’s lazinessthat ______ his failure in the exam.

A.resulted from B. led to C.brought in D.led into


【解析】本题考词汇辨析。题目意思是“这是男孩的懒惰,导致他在考试中失败。”result from:(因……)发生;(随……)

产生;lead to:导致(一般指不好的情况);bringin:提出(新法案);吸引,引入。。根据句意可知 B为正确答案。

10. I can’t ______ this typeof computer; it’s too expensive.

A.cost B. spend C.afford D. trade


【解析】本题考词汇辨析。我不能______这种类型的计算机; 它太贵了。

从选项的含义:A.成本 B.费用C.负担 D.贸易。根据句意可知 C 为正确答案。

11. The students wereassigned different tasks according to their ______ abilities.

A.respectful B.respectable C.respective D.responsible



从选项的含义:A.有礼貌的 B.可敬的C.各自的 D.负责任的。根据句意可知 C 为正确答案。

12. Thank you for the ______you did me to move the sofa upstairs.

A.favor B. good C.help D. kindness



从选项的含义:A.帮助、赞成 B.良好C.帮助 D.恩情。而”favor“后面有具体内容,”help“后面不需要加具体内容。

根据句意可知 A 为正确答案。

13. As for the qualityof this model of color TV sets, the ones made in Chine are by no means____those imported.

A.inferior than B. lessinferior to C. lessinferior than D. inferiorto



选项含义:A.劣质比 B 少逊于C.少更差 D.逊色于。根据句意可知 D 为正确答案。

14. This well-knowninternational organization was ______ several years ago.

A.set up B. made up C.taken up D.got up



选项含义:A.建立 B.组成C.采取了 D.起床。由根据句意可知 A 为正确答

15. The couples had tomove to the north because they found it hard to ______ themselves to the hotclimate in the south.

A.adopt B. make C.enjoy D. adjust



义:A.采用 B.使C.享受 D.调整、使......适应。由根据句意可知 D为正确答案.

16. I remembered ______ thedoor before I left the house.

A.locking B. lock C.to lock D. locked


【解析】本题考 remember 的用法。题目意思:我记得______门之前,我离开了家。

Remember doing sth 表示“记得已经做过某事”,remember to do sth. 表示“记得将要去做某事”。根据句意可知


17.Ididn’t hear ______because there was too much noise where I was sitting.

A.what did he say B. what hehad said C. what washe saying D. what tosay


【解析】本题考有 what 引导的宾语从句。题目意思:我没有听到______因为在我坐的地方有太多的噪音。因为didn’

t hear后是一个宾语从句,必须用陈述语序,排除了 A、C,只有 B 是陈述语序,所以选 B了。

18.Georgetook ______ of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden.

A.advantage B.profit C. interest D.charge



advantage of sth. to do 表示“利用......优势|条件去做某事”。根据句意可知 A 为正确答案.

19. We found that the plane ______whenwe got to the airport.

A.already took off B. hadalready taken off C.was already taking off D.was already taken off


【解析】本题考动词时态。题目意思:我们一到达飞机场,我们发生飞机已起飞了。动作发生在got to(到达)之前,


20. The sudden rise in oilprices led to an economic ______ in the country.

A.crash B. crisis C.threat D. danger



选项含义:A.碰撞 B.危机C.威胁 D.危险。根据句意可知只有 B 符合句意,是正确答案。

21. The reason I didn’tattend the lecture was simply ______ I got a bad cold that day.

A.because B. as C.that D. for


【解析】本题考语法。simply这里是表示程度的,“就简单的是,就只是”, 不用理会。Ididn't attend the lecture 是做 the reason 的定语,是定语从句,即我之所以没专注于演讲的原因是主语,或者你丢掉定语,那就是The reason was _ I

got a bad cold that day.其实就是差一个表语从句的先行词,所以选了C.that。

22. California relies heavilyon income from fruit crops, ______ .

A.also does Florida B. soFlorida does C. so doesFlorida D. Florida does either




引导的倒装句: 1. so+

助动词/be 动词/情态动词+主语“也……一样” 2. so+主语+助动词/be 动词/情态动词“的确如此……”。根据句

意可知只有 B“佛罗里达州也是一样”,是正确答案。

23. Such a reliable person as him won’t make ______ promises.

A. bare

B. empty

C. blank

D. vacant



A. bare 是形容身体.形容某个人是赤裸的,就可以说:thisperson is bare。B 是无意义的徒劳的。C、blank是形容平

面的,比如说纸是空白的,就可以说:thepaper is blank.

D.vacant 是形容空间的.比如说房间时空的,就可以说:theroom is vacant.根据句意可知只有 B 符合句意,是正确答


24. In English vocabulary, words of French ______ are notrare.

A.source B. resource C.birth D. origin



选型含义:A.来源 B.资源C.诞生 D.起源。一般来说 origin 指的是事物最原始开始出现的原点、起源,或者出身;source指的是事物“涌出”、“冒出”的源头——通常甚至可以从该源头画出一条线连到该事物。 这里“源于法语的英语词”,就是指的这些英语词的“出身”,所以是选B. origin。

25. One new ______ to learning a foreign language is tostudy the language in its cultural context.

A.approach B.solution C.manner D. road


【解析】本题考词汇辨析。题目意思:一个新的______来学习外语是研究其文化背景的语言。选型含义:A.方法、办法B.解决方案 C.方式 D.路。根据句意可知只有 A符合句意,是正确答案。

26. Staring at the ruins of his house, he couldn’t ______how the fire had broken out.

A.bring out B.turn out C.figure out D.pick out



选项含义:A.带出 B.变成C.找出、计算出 D.挑选出。根据句意可知只有 C 符合句意,是正确答案。

27. I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea ______ to mesuddenly.

A.happened B.entered C. hit D.occurred


【解析】本题考动词辨析。题目意思:我不知道该怎么办,但随后一个想法______在我脑海中。A.发生,指时间的发生,B.进入、输入,C.撞、碰上,D.发生、出现。“occurred to sb. ”表示“出现、发生,想到”。此根据句意可知只有 D符合句意,是正确答案。

28. The government has lost a great deal of ______ becauseof the large increase in food price.

A.strength B.support C. agreement D.vote


【解析】本题考动词辨析。题目意思:由于食品价格的大幅度提高,政府已经失去了极大的______。选项含义:A.实力,长项;B.支持;C.协议;D.投票。根据句意可知只有 B符合句意,是正确答案。

29. I continued to study ______ the discouragement I hadreceived.

A.despite of B.despite C. in spite D.in spite that


【解析】本题考词组辨析。题目意思:______受到了打击,但我还是坚持学习。选 B:despite=inspite of,the

discouragement( Ihad received.),受到的打击,Ihad received 修饰 the discouragement。可知这是一个名词性短语。这几个表示“尽管,不管,虽然”,(in)despite of 是比较古老的用法,在现代英语中已经被认为是错的了。in spite 意思是“出于恶意”,正确的应该是in spite of。D.in spite that 后面跟一个句子,所以不选。根据句意可知只

有B 符合句意,是正确答案。

30.Theysaid I had given ______ the whistle was worth.

A.twice as many as B. as twicemany as C. as twice much as D.twice as much as


【解析】本题考倍数的固定结构。“倍数+asmany/much+as”,而whistle 是不可数名词 故用“much”,所以选D.

31. It is necessary to ______a large vocabulary in learning a language.

A.accumulate B. collect C.assemble D.gather


【解析】本题考动词辨析。_____大量的词汇学习语言是必要的。选项含义:A.积累B.收集 C.组合 D.收集。。根据

句意可知只有 A 符合句意,是正确答案。

32. Many people in Africaseem to be ______ of the American way of life: driving everywhere.

A.envious B. hopeful C.pleased D. happy



都表示高兴。根据句意可知只有 A 符合句意,是正确答案。

33. One requirement for thisjob is that you must be ______ to work on weekends.

A.accessible B.available C.acceptable D.capable


【解析】本题考形容词辨析。A.accessible 可进入的;C.acceptable可接受的;D.capable 能干的。在这里用

B.available(有空的), 是因为题目问"作为这个工作的要求之一是你__在周末上班."这里用"有空的"是因为你周

末有空可以上班。根据句意可知只有 A 符合句意,是正确答案。

34. Rain does not ______bring down the temperature.

A.certainly B.undoubtedly C.necessarily D.completely


【解析】本题考副词辨析。A.accessible 可进入的;C.acceptable可接受的;D.capable 能干的。在这里用 B.available(有

空的), 是因为题目问"作为这个工作的要求之一是你__在周末上班."这里用"有空的"是因为你周末有空可以上班。根据句意可知只有 B符合句意,是正确答案。

35. Theory is based onpractice and ______ serves and guides practice.

A.in turn B. by turns C.taking turns D. in return


【解析】本题考副词辨析。A.inturn, “依次,反过来,轮流”;B.C.都是表示“轮流,交替”;D.inreturn “报复,作为回报”;题目意思:思想基于实践,反过来也用于实践。

PartII Reading Comprehension (40%)

Passage 1

In Western countries people havebeen using the installment(分期付款)plan since the first half ofthe twentieth century. Today, a large number of families in Great Britain buyfurniture, household goods and cars

byinstallment. In the U.S. , the figure is much higher than in Great Britain, andpeople there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan.

The price of an article bought oninstallment is always higher than the price that would be paid by cash. Thereis a charge for interest. The buyer pays one quarter or one third of the priceas a down payment(首期付款) when the goods are delivered tohim. He then makes regular payments, weekly or monthly, until the full piece ispaid up. The legal ownership of the goods remains with the seller until thefinal payment has been made.

Installment buyinghas advantages and disadvantages. It can help couples with small incomes tofurnish their homes and start housekeeping. It increases the demand for goods,and in this way helps business and employment. There is, however, the dangerthat when business is bad, installment buying may end suddenly, making businessmuch worse. This may result in a great increase in unemployment. If the peopleon the installment plan lose their jobs, they will probably not be able to maketheir payments. If great numbers of people are not able to pay theirinstallment debts there is a possibility that businessmen cannot collect theirdebts and will therefore lose money. If businessmen lose money or fail to makea satisfactory profit, it becomes more likely to have a depression. This iswhy, in some countries, the government controls the installment plan by fixingthe amount of the down payment and each of the following installments todiscourage people from buying more than they can pay for on the installmentplan.

36.Whichof the following is NOT true about the installment plan?

A. Alot of British families use the installment plan.

B. Morethan 10 percent American families buy things on installments.

C. Americansdepend more on installment than British people do.

D. Americansspend more than one tenth of their income on installment buying.


【解析】第一段中最后一句说的是“人们会花费他们收入的10%”,并不是选项 B 中的“10%的人”所以缺少一个定语“收入的”,故选 B。

37.Goodsbought on installments are more expensive than goods bought by cash because______.

A. thebuyer has to pay extra money as interest

B. thedelivery of the goods charges extra money

C. thebuyer has to pay a down payment

D. theservice offered by installment plan is much better


【解析】第二段中“Thereis a charge for interest”的意思是“需要支付一个利息”,所以选项 A 符合:“买家必须支付额外的费用作为利息”。

38. What will happen to abuyer if he fails to make the full payment for an item bought on installment?

A.He might lose his job. B.He will not own the item he has bought.

C.He will have to sell what he has bought. D.He will go into debt.


【解析】第二段最后一句话“The legalownership…………”意思是“直到买家把所有的剩下的贷款还清才可以有商品

的所有权”,答案 B 的意思是如果买家没有把分期付款的贷款还清,他将不能再贷款了,故选 B

39.Theadvantage of installment buying might include all the following EXCEPT that______.

A. purchasingpower is strengthened

B. employmentmight be increased

C. peopledevelop a good habit of saving money

D. youngcouples are able to furnish their homes


【解析】题目的意思是:下面分期付款的优点除了哪个不是。文章中并没有提到 C项所说的人们养成了省钱的好习惯,所以 C 不是。

40.Insome countries, the governments control the installment plan to ______.

A. increaseemployment

B. increasepeople’s income

C. ensurethat businesses make good profits

D. ensurethat people can pay for what they buy


【解析】文章中的最后一句话说“discouragepeople from ……”意思是防止人们贷的款超过他们可以为分期付款支付的

范畴。所以选 D

Passage 2

Publicity(宣传,报道)offersseveral benefits. There are no costs for message time or space. An ad in primetime television may cost $ 250,000 or mare per minute, whereas a five-minutereport on a network newscast would not cost anything. However, there are costsfor news releases (发布), a publicity department, and otheritems. As with advertising, publicity reaches a mass audience. Within a shorttime, new products or company policies are widely known.

Credibility(可信度)about messages is high, because they are reported in independent media. Anewspaper review of a movie has more believability than an ad in the samepaper, because the reader associates independence with objectivity. Similarly,people are more likely to pay attention to news reports than ads. Readers spendtime reading the stories, but they flip through (草草翻阅)the ads.Furthermore, there may be hundreds of ads in a magazine. Feature stories (专题报道)aremuch fewer in number and stand out clearly.

Publicityalso has some significant limitations. A firm has little control over messages,their timing, placement(报道顺序), or coverage. It may issue detailednews releases and find only small portions of them reported by the media; andmedia have the ability to be much more critical than a company would like. Afirm may want publicity during certain periods, such as when a new product isintroduced or new store opened, but the media may not cover the introduction oropening until after the time it would aid the firm. Similarly, media determinethe placement of a story; it may follow a report on crime or sports. Finally,the media ascertain(确定)whether to cover a story at all andthe amount of coverage to be devoted to it. A company-sponsored(赞助)jobprogram might go unreported or receive three-sentence coverage in a localnewspaper.

41.The author mentions all ofthe following advantages of publicity EXCEPT ______.

A.having no time costs B.having attentiveness

C.having high credibility D.having no space costs


【解析】题目问得是文中提到的报道的优点除了下列的哪个,B 是说报道有关注度,但是文中并没有提到,所以选 B

42.People are more likely tobelieve in news repots than ads because ______.

A. theyreach a larger audience than ads do

B. they areall latest events

C. theyappear in independent media

D. they aremuch more in number and stand out clearly


【解析】本题可以在第二段中“A newspaper………Futhermore,theremay behundreds of ads in a magazine”找到,所以


43.Which of the following in NOT a limitation of publicity?

A.Bad timing B.Very detailed


C.Placement after a report on crime D.Being reported much less than expected


【解析】注意题目中“Not”,本题答案在第三段,选项 B并没有提到,所以选 B

44.One of the reasons why feature stories seem more reliablethan ads is that ______.

A.they are more believable B.they are more objective

C.they are more interesting D.they are much fewer in number

and standout clearly


【解析】本题在文章第二段最后一句话,故选 D

45.The last sentence in the last paragraph implies that______.

A. theplacement of a story is not quite important

B. thereport of a crime may not be true

C. local newspapers may not be interested incompany-sponsored programs D. publicity is always successful


【解析】由文章第三段可以推断,选项 A没有提到,B 错误,D 的说法是错的,所以选择 D

Passage 3

Theidea behind “ the rule of law ” is that it is laws based on logical reasons andclear thinking that should govern social life. “ We live under a rule of law,not of men. ” American teachers tell their students. The students accept theidea. They believe that “no man is above the law,” and that laws apply equallyto all people no matter how wealthy they are, what their personal connectionsare, or what their stations in life are. Their faith in the rule of lawexplains the belief many Americans held, and many foreigners could notunderstand, that President Richard Nixon should be removed from office as aresult of his behavior in connection with what was called“ Watergate Scandal (水门事件)”.Nixon had broken the law and therefore should be punished, Americans believed,even if he was the President.

The belief in therule of law goes beyond the area of politics to other areas of life that aregoverned by formal rules and procedures. To get a job with governmentinstitutions, for example, or to get government funding for a research project,one must follow published procedures and show that one meets the publishedrequirements. Personal connections are not supposed to matter under the rule oflaw.

Thisis not to say that personal contacts, wealth, and social influence do notmatter in situations where laws and rules are to be obeyed. They may.What is said above describes the ideal with which Americans agree. In reality,connections can sometimes help a person get a government job. Rich people cansometimes go unpunished for illegal behavior that poor people would be likelyto be punished for. But in general the rule of law prevails, and Americans areproud that it does.

46.The word “ stations” (Line 5, Para 1) is closest inmeaning to ______.

A.stages B.situations C.successes D.social positions


【解析】在文章中的第三段第一句话可以找到“personal contacts.wealth.socialinfluence ”分别代表人物关系,财富,社

会地位,所以选择 D

47.The writer mentions President Richard Nixon in the firstparagraph in order to show that ____.

A. no man isabove the law

B. thepresident should make sure of the rule of law

C. the ruleof law is important in politics

D. Americanpeople have the right to remove the president


【解析】文章第一段主旨是说“没有人能够凌驾于法律之上”也就是“noman is above the law”所以选 A

48.It can be learned from the last paragraph that in theUnited States the rule of law ____.

A. is notcarried out as fully as it should be

B. makespoor people also likely to be successful

C. is, inreality, almost impossible to realize

D. makessure that everyone is punished for his wrongdoing


【解析】根据文章第三段“Rich people………punishedfor”可以推断出 美国的法律实施起来并没有完全像它应该有的结

果那样好,所以选 A

49.The pronoun “ They ” inthe second line of the last paragraph refers to all of the following EXCEPT______.

A.personal connections B. laws andrules C. social influence D.wealth


【解析】本题和人物关系,社会影响(地位),财富有关,所以They 并不表示 B

50.The main idea of the last paragraph is ______.

A.Americans are idealistic (理想主义的) about laws

B. rich people can sometimes go unpunished for illegalbehavior C. the American employment system is unfair

D. laws aremore important than personal connections or influence in most cases in the US


【解析】从文章可以排除ABC 三个选项,因为文章主要讲的是美国的法律至上的思想,所以选 D

Passage 4

Humancloning(克隆) technology could be used to reverse heart attacks.Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims bycloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of theheart that have been damaged, and other problems may be solved if human cloningand its technology are not forbidden.

Withcloning, infertile couples could have children. Current treatments forinfertility, in terms of percentages(百分比), are notvery successful. Couples go through physically and emotionally painfulprocedures for a small chance of having children. Many couples run out of timeand money without successfully having children. Human cloning could make itpossible for many more infertile couples to have children than ever before. Weshould be able to clone the bone marrow (骨髓) forchildren and adults suffering from leukemia (白血病). This isexpected to be one of the first benefits to come from cloning technology.

Wemay learn how to switch cells on and off through cloning and thus be able tocure cancer. Cloning technology can be used to test for and perhaps curegene-related diseases. The above are just a few examples of what human cloningtechnology can do for mankind.

Thisnew technology promises unprecedented advancement in medicine if people will releasetheir fears and let the benefits begin.

51. Heart attacks can be treated with human cloningtechnology by ________.

A. removingthe damaged part of the heart

B. replacingthe old heart with a cloned one

C. repairingthe heart with cells cloned from healthy ones

D. givingthe patients injections of various medicines


【解析】从文章第一段“by cloningtheir ………have been damaged”可以知道选择 C

52.The word “ infertile ”(Line 1, Para. 2) mostprobably means “________” .

A.unable to give birth to a child B.having physical and emotional problems

C.short of time and money D.separated from each other for long


【解析】从文章第二段可以发现是围绕 孩子 话题展开的,所以选择 A“不孕不育的”

53.ParagraphTwo implies that in treating infertility, ________.

A. thepercentage of successful treatments is very high when present methods are used

B. thepresent treatment is very cheap

C. thecloning technology costs less time and money in treating infertility

D. thecloning technology is more suitable for treating infertility than leukemia


【解析】从文章第二段第四句话“Many couple ……havingchildren”可以知道,对待不孕不育,克隆技术可以花费更少


54. The following are allexamples of the benefits from the cloning technology EXCEPT _______.

A.treating heart attack victims B.releasing people’s fears

C.treatment for infertility D.curing cancer


【解析】题目的意思是“下面不是从克隆技术中取得的利益的例子是?”文中并没有说选项 B是从克隆技术中过去的利益,只是在最后一句话提了一下,所以选择 B

55. According to the writer, the mainproblem with the development of human cloning technology is that


A.it may be out of human control B.it has brought about few benefits so far

C.people still know little about it D.people are afraid of such technology


【解析】从文章最后一段话中“if peoplewill release their fears and let the benefits begin”可以知道影响克隆技术的发展的主要问题是“人们害怕这种科技”,所以选 D

Part III

Cloze (10%)

We got up early this morning and 56 a long walk after breakfast. We walked

57 the business section of

the city. I told you yesterday that the city

58 larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is

smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that’s


Washington is a special kind of city. 60 of the people

in Washington work for the government.

About 9:30 we went to the White House. It’s


the public from ten

62 twelve, and there was a

long line of people

63 to get in. We didn’t have to wait very long, because the line moved pretty quickly.

The White House is really white. It

64 every year. And it seems very white, because it’s got beautiful


65 around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds

66 about four square blocks. I mean,

they’re about two blocks long67 each side.

Of course, we didn’t see the whole building. The part68

the President lives and works can not be

visited by the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went through five of the main rooms. One of


was thelibrary, on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named 70 thecolors that are

used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the GreenRoom. The walls are covered with silk 71 . There are

72 old furniture, from the time


the White House was 74

built. And everywhere there are paintings

and statues of former presidents and


famous people from history.

56.A. made



C. did




【解析】由前面的“got up”可以看出是过去时态,“take walk”是固定搭配,散步的意思。

57.A. among



C. between




【解析】“穿城而过的商业地方”,只有B.through 表示“穿过”的意思,所以符合题意。其他选项表示在.......之中,在.......


58.A.was B. is C. has been D. should be








