首页 >  山西省高三一模考试  > 2023届山西省太原市高三英语一模试卷及答案(不含听力原文)



英 语 试 卷






第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)




例: How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15.     B. £ 9.18.     C. £ 9.15.


1. How did the man get home yesterday?

A. By car.

B. By train.

C, By truck.

2, What are the speakers doing?

A. Watching television.

B. Making the program.t 1u C. Listening to the story.

3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Strangers,

B, Neighbors,

C. Colleagues.

4. How long will the speakers stay in Greenwich?

A. For 15 minutes.

B. For two hours.

C. For two and a half hours.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a police station.

B. In a classroom.

C. At home.




6. Who is the man speaking to?

A. A waitress.

B. A professor.

C. A doctor.

7. When will the two speakers see each other?

A. On Tuesday.

B. On Thursday.

C, On Friday.


8. What is the woman' s destination?

A. The 16th Street.

B. Battery Park.

C. A bookshop.

9. Why does the woman want to make a stop at Union Square?

A. She plans to visit her friend.

B. Someone is waiting for her there.

C. She wants to buy something there.

10. What is the man speaker?

A. A bus driver.

B. A passer-by.

C. A taxi driver.


11. What' s Shirley' s hobby?

A. Pet keeping.

B. Stamp collecting.

C. Photo taking.

12. What kind of stamp sold for 29,000 Australian dollars?

A. A stamp with an error.

B. A perfect stamp.

C. A 5-shilling stamp.

13. Who owns this stamp now?

A. A Melbourne collector.

B. A woman named Shirley.

C. A stamp maker from Australia.


14. Where are the speakers?

A. In the library.

B. In a restaurant.

C. In the classroom.

15. When is the man' 8 class?

A. At 2:00.

B. At 2:10.

C. At 2:30.

16. What does the woman like about the summer school?

A. The teachers.

B. The size of the class.

C. The students.

17. Where is the man planning to go?

A. Washington.

B. Boston.

C. New York.


18. Who lives longer according to the new report?

A. Nondrinkers.

B. Tea drinkers.,

C. Regular coffee drinkers.

19. How many people took part in the research?

A. About 2,000.

B. Less than 20,000.

C. More than 200,000.

20. What is in the coffee that provides benefits to the health?

A. It' s still unclear.

B. Coffee beans.

C. Caffeine.

第二部分 阅读(共两节 ,满分60分)

第一节 (共15小题; 每小题3分,满分45分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Established in 1638, Harvard Library, in the US, is the oldest library system and both the largest academic library and largest private library in the world. With over 20 million physical and digital items, its vast collections are famed for their global reach and depth, with resources spanning the development of all disciplines and more than 460 languages.


Your Harvard ID gets you access to all the libraries on campus. Need to snack while you study? Choose Cabot. Prefer silence? Visit Widener. Reading for fun? Browse the Farnsworth Room in Lamont.

          Cabot Science Library

A 24-hour space for student cooperation and study, with studios for media production and support for science and engineering research and education.

●        Widener Library

Harvard Library's flagship location, it offers inspiring study spaces, miles of piles to explore, and friendly librarians ready to help.

●        Lamont Library

A 24-hour creative space with a wide range of services supporting the humanities and social sciences.


Search HOLLIS, Harvard Library catalog(目录), to see if there is a physical copy available on campus and get it from the shelf.


●Borrow Direct allows you to borrow materials from partner institutions. Requests are fulfilled in about four business days.

●Try submitting an Interlibrary Loan request. Library staff will search other libraries for what you need.

21. Which of the following highlights Harvard Library?

A. Best-equipped systems.

B. All languages included.

C. Advanced digital modes.

D. All disciplines accessible.

22. What do Cabot and Lamont have in common?

A. They have media production studios.

B. They both offer round-the-clock service.

C. They are designed for engineering majors.

D. They focus on humanities and social sciences.

23. What should we do if the materials needed are unavailable in Harvard Library?

A. Search HOLLIS for help.

B. Submit book lists needed.

C. Post request information.

D. Turn to partner institutions.


One of my earliest memories is of getting keen on fishing in a stream near our house, and while I was standing there waiting for the fish to bite, I'd start noticing all the wildlife. I'd rush home and tell my parents all about the animals and birds I' d seen. Later on I learnt some from my uncle and I watched wildlife series on TV. Then I bought my first camera, and a photographer was born!

I'm busy all the time now that I'm better known, and I work spring, summer, autumn, winter, with hardly a break sometimes. I have to get the most out of each day, so l often find myself making notes for articles, or editing images, maybe, while waiting in a hide for a bird to appear. I try to be patient, but luckily there' s usually nobody to hear if I get cross and start

complaining to myself!

I've been working as a wildlife female photographer for ten years now and have a pretty strong reputation, though I say so myself. I use the most advanced cameras and lenses I can get hold of, but that doesn't make me different from any other professional photographer. And I put in lots of hours, but again, that ' s something we all have to do. I think what I' m known for is being able to come up with exceptional images in poor conditions. And wildlife is a popular area at the moment.

My range of clients varies from someone just wanting a picture to hang in their sitting room, to picture libraries and major wildlife charities. I've been fortunate enough to win a couple of international competitions. A while ago I spent ages checking the proofs of a book of what I think are my most beautiful photos- -it's out in the shops now, in fact. Something I haven't done, which would be fun, is to travel round the country showing a selection of my images at local art galleries and libraries. I like the idea of the contact with the public. But who knows what else will occur to me?

24. What first gave the author an interest in wildlife?

A. Her parents' enthusiasm for it.

B. Taking up a particular hobby.

C. Her favourite TV programme.

D. A visit to her uncle 's house

25. What can we infer about the author from the second paragraph?

A. She can use her time effectively.

B. She works during all four seasons.

C. She is patient when she has to wait.

D. She edits her images as soon as possible.

26. Why does the author think she has a good reputation?

A. Because she concentrates on wildlife alone.

B. Because she uses top-of-the-range equipment.

C. Because she works harder than other photographers.

D. Because she produces excellent pictures even in poor weather.

27. What is the author hoping to do in the future?

A. Gain international recognition.

B. Publish a book of her best pictures.

C. Take an exhibition of her photos on tour.

D. Get her photos accepted by picture libraries.


In the daily fight against poverty every single euro counts, yet donations are on the decline. How can we show people that even n small donation can have a big impact in a way that is both entertaining and innovative?

A non-profit relief organization Misereor, based in Aachen, Germany makes donating easier than ever before- with the first interactive donation poster that accepts one of the most popular means of payment: the credit card. The group, which relies on donated funds to fight poverty around the world, built its “Social Swipe" idea on the insight that 40% of European payments were made by credit card.

The Social Swipe campaign, created along with Misereor's agency, Kolle Rebbe in Hamburg, Germany, was a series of interactive video posters designed to generate donations of two euros each. As the credit card was swiped(刷卡), it led to an interactive video experience: the card cut a slice of bread from a loaf, illustrating that the money donated was providing a daily meal for a family in Peru.

With this equipment at international airports in Hamburg and Amsterdam, the posters generated 3,000 euros in their first month. Using the connectedness of credit cards to extend the campaign, Misereor attached a small note on donors' statements, encouraging them to turn the one- time gift into a monthly one. Misereor reports that the number of consumers who gave three or more donations jumped by 23% during the campaign,' compared to the same period a year earlier.

"These things are more expensive than a normal donation box," Kolle Rebbe ’s Public Relations Manager Thomas Stritz said. “But in the end it is not only about the money collected directly with this equipment, but also about awareness. Videos are shared, pictures are taken and comments and articles are written."

28. What is the text mainly about?

A. A research on the credit card.

B. A novel way to make donations.

C. A fight against people' s poverty.

D. An introduction to an organization.

29. Which of the following inspires the idea of “Social Swipe"?

A. The preferred way of payment.

B. The decline of donations in Europe.

C. The cooperation with Misereor s agency.

D. The invention of interactive donation poster.

30. What will happen if you use your credit card on donation facilities?

A. Two euros will be donated each time.

B. A series of video posters will be designed.

C. A slice of bread will be offered to the poor.

D. Food will be provided to the homeless in Peru.

31. What is the great significance according to Thomas Stritz?

A. Raising public awareness of donation.

B. Replacing all the normal donation boxes.

C. Encouraging people to use credit cards.

D. Collecting more money with the new device.


Brain implants can translate internal speech into external signals, permitting communication from people with paralysis (瘫痪) or other diseases that steal their ability to talk or type. New results from two studies, presented November 13 at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, “provide additional evidence of the extraordinary potential" that brain implants have for restoring lost communication, says neuroscientist Leigh Hochberg.

Some people who need help communicating can currently use devices that require small movements, such as eye gaze changes. Those tasks aren't possible for everyone. So the new study targeted internal speech, which requires a person to do nothing more than think.

“Implanted in the brain, our device predicts internal speech directly, allowing the patient to just focus on saying a word inside their head," says Sarah Wandelt, a neuroscientist at Caltech. Internal speech “could be much simpler than requiring the patient to spell out words or mouth them." Neural signals associated with words are detected by electrodes (电极) implanted in the brain. The signals can then be translated into text, which can be made audible by computer programs that generate speech.

In the study, Wandelt and fellow workers could accurately predict which of eight words a person who was paralyzed below the neck was thinking. Electrodes picked up nerve cell signals in his posterior parietal cortex, a brain area involved in speech and hand movements. That approach is “really exciting, and enhances the power of bringing together fundamental neuroscience, microengineering and machine learning approaches for the restoration of communication and mobility," says Hochberg.

To be useful, the current techniques will need to get faster and more accurate. It' s also unclear whether the technology will work for other people, perhaps with more profound speech disorders. “These are still early days for the technologies," Hochberg says.

32. What can be learned about the study in the text?

A. It transforms small movements into text.

B. It encourages the patient to mouth words.

C. It helps the disabled to recover their speech.

D. It focuses on translating thoughts into speech.

33. Which can replace the underlined word “audible" in paragraph 3?

A. Touchable.

B. Visible.

C. Hearable.

D. Countable.

34. Which is the right order of the working processing of the new technology?

①Translate into text.

②Pick up nerve cell signals.

③Speak words inside the head.

④Implant electrodes in the brain.

⑤Generate speech via computer programs.





35. Which is the most suitable title for the text?

A. A New Way to Cure Paralysis

B. A Breakthrough in Neuroscience

C. Read Words Directly from People's Thoughts

D. Brain Implants Benefit Profound Speech Disorder

第二节(共5小题;每小题3分 ,满分15分)


The link between golf and improved mental health is strong enough for golf activities to be used as a form of treatment in a 2019 study. The results show mental health benefits from playing the game.

Golf is a tricky sport, with expert timing, flexibility, speed, technique and balance required as you swing a club somewhere in the region of 80-110 mph. 36______ Golf teaches us to accept victories and failures equally. It is an excellent mindset to balance ups and downs of life.

37______ You can switch off your tech and focus on a task. It can provide a sense of calm and clarity. Spending time in green spaces or bringing nature into your life can benefit your well-being. Getting outdoors has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress and anger. 38______ Golfers can receive this sufficient nutrient in the body through increased exposure to sunlight.

Playing golf helps to fight anxiety by keeping your brain in an active problem-solving mode. 39______ By keeping your brain native and in “thinking” mode, you can focus more on the game and less on the things that you may feel anxious or sad about. Playing golf can release the “feel good" endorphins(内啡肽) that can fight anxiety and depression.

Golf is widely recognized as a low-risk sport compared to many other sports, 40______ The games can be played at your own pace and for longer periods of time, which is a unique characteristic of golf. The chances of a sports injury are definitely lower in comparison with other sports like Basketball or Badminton.

A. Golf is an open-air sport that is surrounded by nature.

B. It is unavoidable that you will hit either poor shots or good.

C. Golf is shining a light on social impacts and physical health,

D. You 've to keep focused, plan moves, and perform strategies.

E. There's less stress on the joints as the swings can be adjusted.

F. Playing sports with other people helps boost your social skills.

G. Vitamin D is equally vital for both mental and physical wellness.

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分50分)



I never knew how well music could unite everyone until one day.

On a recent grocery run, my son, Jack, asked me to 41______ Neil Diamond's “Beautiful

Noise." Most 7-year-olds ask for a Disney soundtrack. 42______ Jack. From the time he was 3

years old, Jack was humming(哼) Neil Diamond's 43______.

It didn't happen 44______, Diamond' s songs were just among the l,500-plus tracks on our family iPod. But I quickly 45______ that Jack's love of Neil Diamond could become the 46______ that tied him to my 47______ father, who died when Jack was 4.

The legendary 48______ was among my dad' s favorite artists. Every time he heard “Sweet Caroline," Dad joined in for the chorus_ 49 he was on stage at the Hollywood Bowl. Now when I catch that_ 50_ on our iPod- rand hear Jack singing along- -I feel 51______ connected to my dad.

It turns out, using music to strengthen familial 52______ isn't unfounded. Studies like this

one, 53______ in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, show pre-school-age children form social bonds, based in part, on song. By age 2 or 3, kids can 54______ songs their caregivers sing with remarkable tone, and children show greater fluency in song than in speech. It suggests that music serves as a powerful tool to strengthen social connections, even when people are physically 55______.

Now when hearing Jack singing Neil Diamond's song, I join in and I feel certain, somewhere, somehow, my dad is singing along.


41. A. buy   B. watch    C. seek    D. play

42. A. Not   B. Still    C. Even    D. Rather

43. A. names   B. hits     C. stories    D. poems

44. A. now and then B. by design    C. by chance   D. all the time

45. A. guessed  B. estimated   C. discovered   D. predicted

46. A. thread   B, net    C. ring    D. lock

47. A. present   B. old    C. artistic    D. late

48. A. director  B. actor    C. singer    D. writer

49. A. even if   B. as if    C. as long as   D. in case

50. A. wire   B. feeling    C. switch    D. tune

51. A. slightly   B. pleasantly   C. strongly   D. heavily

52. A. positions  B. attitudes   C. ties    D. opinions

53. A. made   B. involved   C. researched   D. published

54. A. reproduce  B. copy    C. follow    D. select

55. A. close   B. distant    C. disabled   D. weak



The Moses Bridge, is so impressive. Way back in 56______ I 7th century, a series of moats(护城河) and towers protected this area of the Netherlands 57______ Spanish and French invaders(入侵者).

The bridge can't be seen from a distance. It isn't 58______ you get right u中to the bridge that you can actually see just how unique it is as it sits on and in the water, with the level of the water in the moat 59______ (rise) right up to the top of the sides of the sunken bridge , which gives you walking across water effect.

However, the water never 60______ (overflow) onto the bridge, making it inaccessible. This is down to the fact that there are two dams at each end of the moat and these manage 61______ (keep) the level of the water at the correct level. In the case of heavy rain, a pump under the bridge clears out extra water.

This is a striking example of how 62______(visual) brilliant unique design and highly 63______(function) material can go hand-in-hand. The wood_ 64 (use) was the ideal option to carry out the architects’ vision with 65______(property) that help to not only maintain the elegant appearance the designers were seeking but also provide a durable option that will stand up to the constant wet conditions as well as the winter freeze.

第四部分 写作(共两节 ,满分40分)









Dear Daniel,


Li Hua



Lionel, Fandi and Iskandar often got together to play football. They dreamt of one day growing up to be professional footballers. The empty field beside the block of neighborhood was where they would meet for their football sessions.

One sunny afternoon, they were at the field us usual. They were in the thick of their game when Fandi aimed his foot at the ball and gave a forceful kick. He himself was surprised by his strength. The ball flew past the goalposts breaking into a glass window of the house behind. The boys were too shocked for words. They were half expecting the annoyed home owner, Madam Leong, to storm out through the front door and give them a good tongue criticizing. They knew she was an il-tempered old lady. Actually, she had scolded (贵骂) them several times before for being too noisy.

When no one came out of the house after ten minutes, the boys were quite surprised. They had prepared themselves for a scolding and were ready to compensate (赔偿) Madam Leong for breaking her window. Out of curiosity, Fandi adventured into Madam Leong' s yard. The gate was unlocked and he went in while the other two waited outside. Fandi knocked on the main door. No reply. Looking in through the broken window, Fandi let out a loud scream. Lying on the floor in a pool of blood was the old lady. There was a big cut on her forehead. She must have been cut by pieces of glass, flying across the living room.

In panic, Fandi immediately dialled ‘995’ for an ambulance. As they were unable to enter the house without a key, there was nothing they could do but wait for the ambulance to arrive. Although the ambulance arrived soon, to the boys, the annoying wait seemed like forever. The ambulance attendants forced open the door and rushed to Madam Leong. She was unconscious, but still breathing. One of the ambulance attendants applied pressure on the wound and wrapped it. With its emergency lights flashing, the ambulance rushed off to the nearest hospital.




Three boys decided to stay behind to wait for Madam Leong ' s family to return.


To everyone’s relief, Madam Leong received immediate treatment.





6-10 BA BBC

11-15 BAABB

16 -20 ACCCA


21-23 DBD

24-27 BADC

28-31 BAAA

32-35 DCBC

36-40 BAGDE


41-45 DABBC

46- -50 ADCBD

51-55 CCDAB


56. the

57. from

58. until

59. rising

60. overflows

61. to keep

62. visually

63. functional

64. used

65. properties




第二节One possible version(仅供参考)

Three boys decided to stay behind to wait for Madam Leong's family to return. At around five, Madam Leong’s son returned from work. He was shocked to find the three boys on the doorstep. To spare him the horror of walking into the living room to find blood dirt on the floor, Fandi immediately explained the whole incident to him. Madam Leong' s son then rushed to the hospital to see if his beloved mother was all right.

To everyone's relief, Madam Leong received immediate treatment. She had lost consciousness when she was cut on her forehead due to extreme shock. The son accepted the heartfelt apologies from the boys. He admitted that he had been angry with them firstly but after he had cooled down, he realized that had the boys been irresponsible after the accident, the consequences would have been disastrous. After that incident, the three decided to play football in their school field instead. They still aimed to become professional footballers who cared for their community at the same time.
