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Ⅰ.Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

1、 We have learned 500 words ______ the beginning of this term.

A. for          B. from          C. after          D. since

2、 There is a table ______ the dining hall.

A. in the front of    B. in front of        C. on the front of    D. on front of

3、 You'd better ask Mary ______ it's good or not.

A. which        B. that          C. whether       D. if

4、 ______ my boss goes, she always carries her mobile phone.

A. Whoever      B. Whatever      C. Whenever      D. Wherever

5、 The heavy rain ______ many traffic accidents last month.

A. resulted in        B. resulted from      C. caused by          D. caused for

6、 Don't forget ______ those books when you are free.

A. to read         B. reading          C. read            D. to reading

7、 Quite a number of football players have the experience of ______ from one team to another.

A. transforming   B. transplanting    C. transferring     D. transmitting

8、 John will probably fly on the same plane that his brother ______ yesterday.

A. has done                                  B. will do

C. did                          D. does

9、 ______ for your help, we'd never have been able to solve the problem and finish the task in such poor conditions.

A. Had it not                             B. Had it not been

C.  If it was not                                   D.  If we had not been

10、 It is unnecessary for the students who study hard to consider the ______ of failing in the final examination.

A. danger                    B. possibility

C. warning                   D. surprise

Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are two reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer.


Home—Few words in the English language have such a special meaning. Home is a place where you can relax, kick back and just be yourself. And for most people in America, home should be, above all, comfortable. Just about everyone has a strong opinion of what makes a house a home.

Americans like their homes to reflect their personal tastes. Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up their house and making it more "livable". They often try to create a cozy(舒适的) atmosphere so that when they're at home, they'll really feel "at home". Sofas and lounge chairs may be heavily padded and arranged in groupings conducive to relaxed conversation. The bathroom even receives special attention. Carpeted floors, scented soaps, colorful wallpaper and decorative curtains adorn the "comfort room" in many homes.

Lisa Marie Odegard, an interior designer in Bozeman, Montana, comments that "A home is a haven. People make their homes comfortable to want an open, easy feeling." For chat reason, many new homes now have big, open kitchens and vaulted(拱形的) ceilings.

Americans try to make the most of their space, too. The majority of homes have built-in closets and shelves, and people spare no pains to add dressers, filing cabinets and closet organizers to maximize their storage space. Although keeping the house neat is often a constant battle, Americans feel it's a battle worth fighting.

Some parts of the country have their own regional preferences. In the western United States, home owners favor the Navajo Indian style of the Southwest or the cowboy look. In contrast, Easterners prefer French Country or more "fussy" styles.

With all this attention to their homes, you would think Americans place a high premium on housekeeping. In fact, however, keeping house doesn't receive as much attention as it used to. Modern conveniences like the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner and the dishwasher have taken some of the drudgery out of household chores.

11、 For American people, the most important feature of home is ______.

A. comfortable   B. big         C. rich         D. quiet

12、 If Lisa Marie Odegard buys a house, she is more likely to ______.

A. have it decorated splendidly

B. make her house have more "fussy" styles

C. enjoy a big kitchen and a vaulted ceiling

D. spare no pains to maximize its storage space

13、 The topic of the passage may be ______.

A. American's Home

B. Americans Like Their Homes

C. Some Features of American Home

D. The Special Meaning of Home in English

14、 They have built-in closets and add dressers to ______.

A. show their own style

B. take the drudgery out of household chores

C. make the most of their space

D. make their homes comfortable

15、 From the passage, we can infer in America ______.

A. people place a high premium on housekeeping

B. housekeeping depends much on modern conveniences

C. the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner can play beautiful music

D. more women stay at home to do housework


Sometimes people call each other "scaredy-cat", but have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its bloodstream.

Although the cat doesn't realize this, its body is getting ready for action. If the danger continues, the cat will do one of the two things: it will defend itself, or it will run away as fast as it can.

Similarly, when we are nervous, angry or scared, our bodies also go through many changes. Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense. All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react. We, too, get ready to defend ourselves or run away.

Human beings, however, have a problem that animals never face. If we give way to our feelings, we may get into trouble. Have you ever said something in anger or hit somebody and regretted it later? Have you ever told someone you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then wished you had kept. your mouth shut? It isn't always wise to express your feelings freely.

Does this mean that it's always smarter to hide our feelings? No! If you keep feelings of anger, sadness and bitterness inside, your body will stay tense. Physical illness can develop, and you can feel churned up inside. It can actually be harmful to your health.

Feelings that you keep bottled up inside don't just go away. Imagine that you bought some bananas and put them in a cupboard. You might not be able to see them, but before long you'd smell them. And if you opened the cupboard, you'd find fruit flies(果蝇) circling over them. They'd be rotten(腐烂的).

You can try to treat emotions as if they were bananas in the cupboard. You can pretend they don't exist, but they'll still be around. And at last you'll have to deal with them, just like those bananas.

16、 When we are nervous, angry or scared, our bodies go through ______ changes as cats do.

A. faster       B. slower        C. similar       D. different

17、 We may get into trouble if we always ______.

A. deal with emotions                      B. express our feelings freely

C. put bananas in the cupboard          D. defend ourselves and run away

18、 The underlined phrase "churned up" in Paragraph 5 means "______".

A. very shocked                       B. heavily criticized

C. very happy                          D. badly disturbed

19、 It is bad for your physical fitness if ______.

A. you are ready to react                 B. you keep your mouth shut

C. you tell others you are lonely           D. you keep all your passive feelings inside

20、 The author gives the example of rotten bananas in order to show that hidden negative feelings ______.

A. can go away                         B. can't go away

C. can be dealt with                     D. can't be dealt with


21、Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition based on the following outline.









Dear Jack,





Li Ping

