首页 >  小学信息技术面试真题题库河南版  > 2024年中考补全对话专项练习156题(141



中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台补全对话专项练习156题(141-160)河南版(附答案解析)补全对话篇141根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, David! What is your plan for the coming holiday B: _____1_____. There will be a ChatGPT Fair(人工智能机器人会展) in Hong Kong.A: Wow, that sounds amazing. _____2_____ B: It will last three days from August 14th to 16th. I’m going there for my holiday.A: That must be fun Have you ever been there B: Yes, I have been there twice. _____3_____.A: How I wish I could go with you! But I have to stay at home and study for my IELTS test.B: That’s a pity! _____4_____ A: Next month.B: _____5_____.A: Thank you.B: You’re welcome.补全对话篇142根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Susan, long time no see! Where have you been B: _____1_____. How about you What did you do during the vacation A: I went to Beijing to watch the Winter Olympic Games.B: Wonderful! _____2_____ A: Yes. And I dream to be a girl like Gu Ailing in the future.B: I like her, too. Well, could you help draw some pictures of Bing Dwen Dwen A: With pleasure. _____3_____ B: You know many people choose to spend the Spring Festival in cities they’re working. I volunteer to help cheer up their children. I think the children must be Bing Dwen Dwen. So...A: It’s very kind of you. _____4_____.B: Great! Let’s help them together. _____5_____ A: How about this afternoon B: OK.补全对话篇143根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个合适的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: What a nice bicycle!B: ___1___. It’s a birthday gift from my parents. And I ride it to school every dayA: ___2___ B: I have had it for two years.A: But it looks new. ___3___ B: I wash it once a week. And I take good care of it.A: By the way, my friends and I will go bicycling in the countryside tomorrow. ___4___ B: Sure, I’d love to. ___5___ A: We will meet at 7:30 a.m. in front of Spring Square.B: OK. See you then! Don’t be late.A: See you.补全对话篇144Many foreigners move to China because of a strong interest in its culture. One man has turned his interest into love and this love made him write many books about China. He is William, an American ___46___ has lived in China for 33 years. His Chinese name is Pan Weilian. He is called “Lao Pan” by his Chinese friends.In 1988, Lao Pan came to China for ___47___ first time and worked as a teacher at a university. But Lao Pan did not begin to understand China until he and his family took a 3-month drive around the country. The experience in China gave him ideas for his books. ___48___ then, he has written many books about China. These books give the world a much fuller picture of China and Lao Pan is proud of what he is doing.One of Lao Pan’s books includes his forty-seven letters to his family back ___49___ America. The letters show China’s development in different periods. Lao Pan often says he loves China and its people so much. He sees it as a lifelong task ___50___ let more Westerners know what China is like. He will continue telling the nation’s stories to the world.补全对话篇145根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Jane!B: Hi, Linda! I haven’t seen you for days. ____________1____________ A: I was ill last week. I had to stay at home for several days.B: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. _____________2_____________ A: Yes, I did. I took some medical tests and the doctor told me that I just got a fever.B: I see. ____________3____________ A: I’m feeling quite well. So I am back to school today.B: I think you’d better take more exercise. By the way, have you ever been to the new sports center A: Not yet. What can we do there B: ____________4____________. It’s said that the swimming pool is very nice.A: Sounds interesting. How far is it from here B: ____________5____________. We can go there by bike or by bus.A: Great! Let’s go there by bike after school.补全对话篇146根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hello, Is that New Taste Restaurant B: Yes. ____1____ A: I hear your restaurant is just opened. Is there any different tastes from other restaurants B: Of course. ____2____, such as sweet potato chicken rice, roast goose with spiced salt(椒盐烧鹅), hotpot noodles with crock ribs(瓦罐排骨烩面) and so on. What else A: I also want to know if you send take-away food. My family would like to enjoy the meal at home.B: Of course we can.A: Little New Year is coming. I’d like to order for Little New Year dinner.B: ____3____ A: I’d like to have sweet potato chicken rice hotpot noodles with crock ribs and some other vegetable.B: OK. ____4____ A: No, thanks. That’s enough. ____5____.B: You can pay us face to face when your food is sent to your home or pay us online by WeChat. When do you want to own your dinner A: About 7:00 p. m..B: May I know your address A: Oh, yes. Room 108 in the D Building, Red Star Community. See you then.B: Thank you. See you.补全对话篇147A: Hi, Linda. Our English Culture Festival is coming. Are you ready for it B: Yeah. _________1_________ A: I have no idea about it. _________2_________ B: Yes. What do you like doing in your free time A: _________3_________.B: Then, you can prepare something about movies like dubbing(为……配音)to a film. We will have a dubbing competition next Thursday.A: I’ll have a try. By the way, what are you going to do for the festival B: Oh, I’m going to design a poster for the games. You know, I like drawing.A: Sounds great! _________4_________ B: Well, we can play the games on Wednesday at the playground.B: I see. Thank you very much.A: _________5_________.补全对话篇148根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hello, this is Joe. May I speak to Li Ping B: Yes. This is Li Ping speaking.A: Hello, Li Ping. I hear you are in bad mood these days. ____1____ B: I’m under great pressure these days. I find it difficult to study online courses well.A: ____2____. What is your most difficult subject B: English. It’s so hard that I get a headache whenever I recite the new words and phrases.A: Don’t worry! Most students are afraid of English because they think it’s too difficult.B: ____3____ A: In my opinion, first, you’d better ask teachers for help by WeChat or on QQ. It’s difficult for students to learn online English by ourselves. So we will waste a lot of time.B: OK. But my English teacher is a little strict, I am afraid to talk to her.A: Well, I see. Second, ____4____. You must listen carefully and write down something important in the online class.B: Thanks for sharing your learning experience with me! ____5____.A: You’re welcome. I believe you can make great progress if you have a try.B: Thanks again! From now on, I’ll try my best to learn this subject.补全对话篇149根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Alex, my friends and I are going to the Old Town this weekend.B: Oh, really _____________1_____________!A: Yeah! Why don’t you join us B: Hmm... Can you tell me about your plan first A :Sure.B: _____________2_____________ A: We are going fishing and boating after we finally arrive there.B: What about Sunday A: _____________3_____________.B. Shopping I like it. _____________4_____________ A: No, we won’t go camping there. You know it is a bit cold these days.B: Where are you going to stay on Saturday night A: _____________5_____________. It is not like 5-star hotels or anything, but it’s comfortable.B: Good! You really have a good plan for the trip. I’ll join you.A: OK! Let’s meet at 7:30 on Saturday morning.补全对话篇150根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Eric! Long time no see! ___1___ B: I went to Beijing on vacation with my parents.A: ___2___ B: First, I visited the longest ancient wall — the Great Wall. I also visited the Palace Museum, Tian’anmen Square, Bird’s Nest and so on.A: Did you enjoy your trip to Beijing B: ___3___. The weather was nice and the people were friendly. What about you A: I went to Suzhou with my family.B: Lucky you! ___4___ A: I went there by train.B: Why didn’t you take a plane A: ___5___.B: Well I like taking a plane because it takes less time and it is more comfortable.补全对话篇151根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: I am so sad. I am afraid that Jason won’t be my friend any more.B: Sorry to hear that. ___1___ A: I promised to go to the library with him, but I had other things to do and forgot to tell him. He waited for me in the cold for two hours.B: Then did you explain it to him A: ___2___. However, he didn’t listen to what I said at all. I don’t know what to do now.B: ___3___.A: What a good idea! I will have a try.B: Hope it can help you two become good friends again.A: I hope so. ___4___ B: Keeping promise is the most important thing to keep friendship.A: You are right. I won’t break the promise again.B: Yeah. Trust and love are also important.A: Yeah. ___5___. They are also important.补全对话篇152根据下面对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hello, Miss Green. Are you available now I need to talk to you.B: Yes. Of course. ___________1___________ A: I’m interested in English. But I can’t learn it well.B: What is your main problem A: I can’t understand most of the text that I read. ___________2___________ B: Sure. First, read the text and work out the main idea. Then, try to guess the meaning of the new words. After that, look them up in the dictionary. ___________3___________ A: No, I don’t. I’ll buy one this afternoon. How can I improve my spoken English B: ___________4___________. You can also watch English movies and learn how to pronounce the words correctly. Just remember that practice makes perfect.A: I see. Thank you very much.B: Not at all. ___________5___________, Please feel free to call me when you are in trouble.补全对话篇153根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: How time flies! Nearly three years has passed since we came here. Well graduate soon. __________1__________B: I’m going to vocational(职业的) school after finishing junior high school. __________2__________A: I hope I can go to a good senior high school, and then enter a famous university.B: __________3__________A: Thank you. Here is another thing. __________4__________B: This weekend Yes, I am free.A: I want to buy some presents for our classmates. Would you like to go with me B: __________5__________ I also want to buy some What about going on Sunday morning A: OK. I’ll call you then.补全对话篇154根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Jason. _______1_______ B: I am watching a news report about our national treasure-panda “Ya Ya”.A: Oh, I have also noticed that before. _______2_______ B: She is in good health now. She was in a bad illness in America before, and came back to China in April.A: Poor Ya Ya! _______3_______ B: She stayed in America for twenty years.A: It’s quite a long time. _______4_______ B: Because we wanted to build bridges of friendship between China and the US by sending Ya Ya.A: I see. Luckily, Ya Ya has been back home.B: Yes. I heard that the Chinese government and Beijing Zoo had made great effort to make Ya Ya better.A: _______5_______! Hope Ya Ya will live happily for the rest of her life.B: You are right. We all hope that.补全对话篇155根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Summer holiday is coming. ____________1____________ B: Yes, I’m going back to my hometown.A: ____________2____________ B: For about two weeks. What about you ____________3____________ A: I want to travel to Yunnan. It’s not so hot as it is here.B: Sounds great. You are sure to have lots of fun there.A: Yeah, I think so. And by the way, ____________4____________.B: Your friends Won’t your parents go with you A: No. ____________5____________.B: Then you must take care of yourself and wish you a great time there.A: I will. Thank you.补全对话篇156根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Look! What good weather!B: Yes, and the air is so fresh. I like sunny days.A: Me, too. In such comfortable weather, we can do a lot of things.B: _______1_______ Oh, sorry, I need to receive a call. Please wait a minute. (Some minutes later...).A: I notice you bring your schoolbag. _______2_______ B: I’m going to the library. I need to look up some information about environment.A: Well. How will you get there B: _______3_______. How about you Where are you going A: I’ve just fished my math homework and want to go to the park to have a rest.B: I can’t believe that you’ve finished! It’s difficult for me! _______4_______ A: Yes, of course. Do a good preview before the class. Review in time after class. _______5_______.B: I will have a try. Thank you very much!A: You’re welcome. I believe you can make it!补全对话篇157根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: It’s been so long since we last saw each other. _______1_______ B: Pretty good. Have you got any plans for the upcoming winter holiday A: _______2_______. I plan to go mountain climbing with my family.B: Sounds great. I also like mountain climbing. _______3_______.A: That’s right. It can also help us get some relaxation. By the way, what about your plans B: I will travel to Chongqing to try the local food there.A: Wow! Sounds really yummy. _______4_______ B: Well, I’ll also visit the famous scenic spots there.A: _______5_______.B: Thanks. You too.补全对话篇157根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Tom, long time no see. How have you been lately B: ___________1___________.Thank you. I’ve just come back from Dali.A: Really I know Dali is beautiful, a good place to relax.B: That’s true. I spent May Day there. ___________2___________ A: I just stayed at home doing my homework. You know, I have little time left for the entrance examinations to high school.B: You are having a hard time. But you can have a good rest after the exams.A: I hope so. I am going to visit my grandparents in Qingdao.B: Sounds good! ___________3___________ A: I’ll swim and go fishing in the sea.B: ___________4___________ A: Yes. I once won the swimming championship at 13.B: Wow! ___________5___________ A: Ten days or so. I want to spend more time with my grandparents.B: So sweet. By the way, wish you a good result for the exams.A: Thank you! I will try my best.补全对话篇159根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Brian. What are you doing B: ____1____. These photos have brought back my memories of senior high school.A: ____2____ B: Well, they were hard but meaningful.A: Yes. These days of Grade 9 are also hard because we all put in a lot of effort. ____3____ B: Mr. White. He was my English teacher.A: Why do you miss him the most B: ____4____. He always encouraged me to be confident (自信的) and hard-working. Thanks to him, I made great progress with my studies.A: I see. By the way, is that the reason why you chose to learn English at college B: Yes. ____5____.A: That sounds great. I believe you will be a good teacher in the future.B: Thanks. I will try my best.补全对话篇160根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, you look excited. ________1________ B: I just received the mascot Bing Dwen Dwen.A: Wow, it’s so lovely. I heard it was hard to get one online.B: That’s true. By the way, ________2________ A: Yes, I have. The games were really exciting. And I have fallen in love with skiing.B: Me, too. I really admire Eileen Gu. ________3________.A: You bet. Rome was not built in a day. ________4________ B: I want to be an astronaut in the future. How about you A: I dreamed of being a lawyer. But I changed my dream job to be a doctor, because I want to save people’s lives.B: How are you going to do that A: ________5________.B: I think if you follow your dream and become more diligent (勤奋的), you will finally make it.21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台补全对话专项练习156题(141-160)河南版(附答案解析)补全对话篇141根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, David! What is your plan for the coming holiday B: _____1_____. There will be a ChatGPT Fair(人工智能机器人会展) in Hong Kong.A: Wow, that sounds amazing. _____2_____ B: It will last three days from August 14th to 16th. I’m going there for my holiday.A: That must be fun Have you ever been there B: Yes, I have been there twice. _____3_____.A: How I wish I could go with you! But I have to stay at home and study for my IELTS test.B: That’s a pity! _____4_____ A: Next month.B: _____5_____.A: Thank you.B: You’re welcome.【答案】1. I am going to Hong Kong2. How long does it last3. Can you go with me4. When is the test5. Good luck题目说明:
