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Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1、—Jason, shall we see the new play at 7 tomorrow evening?

—______. But I have an English class then.

A. My pleasure                            B. Go ahead

C. Never mind                             D. Sounds great

2、With my preparations all done, I have ______ in doing well on the exam.

A. confidence                              B. doubt

C. trouble                                 D. balance

3、The weather can ______ our mood. When it's warm and sunny, we all feel happy.

A. share            B. affect              C. hide               D. delay

4、These days, it is very easy to get information on the Internet. It ______ the way we collect information already.

A. will change                             B. had changed

C. was changing                           D. has changed

5、Sandra has a very positive ______, always thinking of the good aspects of things.

A. reply            B. effect             C. attitude           D. action

6、As an adult, you must have the ability to ______ difficult problems.

A. suffer from                            B. bring about

C. deal with                                   D. come across

7、My office hours are ______ as I always work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

A. useless          B. regular             C. strange            D. unlimited

8、Nowadays, lots of new websites ______ especially for small children.

A. designed        B. are designing      C. are designed       D. were designed

9、I don't know what time the shopping mall opens. I'll go online to ______.

A. look at          B. come out          C. turn out           D. find out

10、This term has now become so ______ accepted that everyone is using it.

A. widely         B. partly             C. formerly           D. finally

11、People from the same family are sometimes different in height. Some may be tall, ______ others are short.

A. because        B. while              C. when              D. if

12、Last night, we attended a wonderful lecture, ______ impressed us deeply.

A. who           B. that              C. as               D. which

13、You ______ have written the wrong phone number. It doesn't exist.

A. must           B. could             C. should            D. would

14、You have to adapt to different conditions, so being ______ is most important for you.

A. lovely          B. lucky              C. flexible            D. funny

15、—Mr. Clark, would you mind waiting outside for a few minutes?


A. No, not at all                      B. Forget it

C. Take it easy                          D. It doesn't matter

Part Ⅱ Cloze

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Prior to starting a food bank, John van Hengel helped out in a soup kitchen. He discovered that supermarkets  16   expired but eatable food. He asked them to  17   that food to the soup kitchen. The soup kitchen was soon overloaded with  18  ! John misjudged the amount of food he needed. He ended up with far  19   food than could use.

John began to think up a  20  . What if he could store food the same way  21   a bank stores money? Then the food would be there for  22   people when they needed it. He also asked farmers to do him a  23  . He asked for their extra food.  24   this food, he started St. Mary's food bank, the country's first food bank. St. Mary's got money from a grant. This money was used to  25   eighteen new food banks. Today the Phoenix food bank alone hands out about 60 million pounds of food.

16、A. waited for      B. threw away        C. bought            D. sold

17、A. use             B. lend               C. donate             D. export

18、A. rubbish        B. pans              C. bottles            D. food

19、A. more           B. cheaper            C. simpler            D. healthier

20、A. reason          B. story               C. suggestion         D. plan

21、A. when           B. that                C. how               D. where

22、A. hungry         B. rich               C. lonely             D. tired

23、A. task           B. project            C. favor              D. report

24、A. About          B. Except            C. From             D. With

25、A. break           B. open               C. clean              D. save

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

When he was eighteen years old, a terrible accident made Mark Zupan a quadriplegic and changed his life forever. At first, he could hardly move his arms or legs normally. However, after a lot of hard work, he was able to use his arms to move his wheelchair and he could even stand for a short time and take a few slow steps. A few years later, Zupan became a rugby champion, helping his team with a gold medal in the Paralympics. "I dream about running all the time," be says, "but you can't live in the past.

Today, Zupan frequently gives talks, raises money for his sport and appears in movies and TV shows. Anyone who spends time with him forgets that he's in a wheelchair, lie lifts weights at the gym every day, drives a car and goes to rock concerts. "A lot of people think a quadriplegic can't do anything," he says. To stay in shape, Zupan is careful about his diet and avoids unhealthy and fatty foods. "Just think of me as a human being and an athlete. Because that's who I am."

26、 What happened to Zupan when he was 18? ______

A. He had an accident.

B. He lost his arms.

C. He won a gold medal.

D. He participated in the Paralympics.

27、 What could Zupan do after a lot of hard work? ______

A. He could run on his own.

B. He could move his wheelchair.

C. He could stand for a long while.

D. He could take a few quick steps.

28、 What does Zupan mean by saying "but you can't live in the past" in Paragraph 1? ______

A. One needs to live in dreams.

B. One needs to run every day.

C. One needs to become a champion.

D. One needs to look forward to the future.

29、 What does Zupan frequently do today? ______

A. He runs in the gym.                   B. He drives a bus.

C. He gives talks.                         D. He makes movies.

30、 What does Zupan's story tell us? ______

A. Accidents may destroy a man's life.

B. Man can succeed with little hard work.

C. One should try to stay in shape.

D. We should have a strong will.

People in more than 132 countries watch Oprah. On this TV talk show ordinary people talk about their problems and Oprah Winfrey helps them.

Oprah lives in a wonderful apartment in Chicago and has a farm and a house in the mountains. But she was not always rich and famous. She was born in a poor family in 1954. She worked hard and was an excellent student at school, but she left college in 1973, and didn't finish her education.

Oprah wanted to be famous and her dream came true when she found a job in TV. She was the first woman and the first black newscaster on TV in Nashville. In 1977, she had her first TV talk show. In 1984, she moved to Chicago and started The Oprah Winfrey Show. It was a great success. In 1985, Oprah acted in Spielberg's movie The Color Purple. In 1997, she started a charity called Oprah's Angel Network. In the first five years, the charity collected more than 12 million and gave it to people in need. Oprah's charity helped students to go to college, poor families to build their own homes and communities to become safer. Oprah began her own magazine for women in the spring of 2000. The magazine contains many personal stories and moving articles that reflect her interest in helping people worldwide.

31、 What does Paragraph 1 tell us about Oprah? ______

A. It's a TV talk show.                   B. It causes many problems.

C. It catches little attention.               D. It's of no help to people.

32、 Which statement is TRUE about Oprah Winfrey? ______

A. She lives in an awful apartment.

B. She has two farms in the mountains.

C. She was born in a poor family.

D. She finished her college education.

33、 In which year did Oprah have her first TV talk show? ______

A. 1973.                              B. 1977.

C. 1984.                                  D. 1985.

34、 What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? ______

A. Oprah's house.                        B. Oprah's talk show.

C. Oprah's education.                    D. Oprah's work experience.

35、 What did Oprah do after she started a charity? ______

A. She acted in a movie.

B. She found a job in TV.

C. She helped the poor families.

D. She started a newscast.

One hundred years ago, there were no MP3s, CDs, or even records! If you wanted to hear a song, you sang it or played it yourself. Maybe you had a player piano or a talented family member that would play a song for you. When a song was very popular, everyone knew how to play it or sing it.

By the 1920s, all of those have changed. Songs could now be delivered to your home in two ways: through a record player or a radio. As people bought record players and radios, they could listen to music without learning to play it first. But radio was usually live and recording a gramophone record was tricky because the song had to be played perfectly once and for all. And people at home could not record their own songs.

Then a new invention came along that made music much easier to record and play. Magnetic tape allowed different parts of a performance to be cut and joined together, so that mistakes could be corrected. It also allowed video and television shows to be recorded so that they did not have to put on live shows. So by the 1950s people had even more music choices. They could listen to music on their radios, on their record players or on their tape players. These early tape players were pretty big, almost like a movie projector. Most importantly, they allowed ordinary people to record their own music (or voice) at home!

36、 According to Paragraph 1, it was possible to hear a song with ______.

A. an MP3                               B. a CD

C. a record                               D. a player piano

37、 What does the underlined word "tricky" probably mean? ______

A. Boring.                                B. Difficult.

C. Relaxing.                              D. Pleasant.

38、 What do we know about magnetic tape? ______

A. It cannot put music together.

B. It cannot be used to record music.

C. It makes music easier to play.

D. It causes mistakes in live shows.

39、 The last paragraph is mainly about ______.

A. radios                                 B. record players

C. music choices                          D. movie projectors

40、 What might be the best title for the text? ______

A. Music in the Home                    B. Tape Players

C. Recording of Songs                     D. Sheet Music

Supermarket packaging often contains common English words that are confusing. Here's what you need to know to protect your health.


This is evaluated based on set portion sizes for total fat and it's fewer than 3 g per RACC (单次食用常规参考量) for calories. It's fewer than 40 g in a meal, unless it's a main meal; then it's 120g or fewer than 100g.


Don't be fooled: that a product claims to have reduced fat or to contain less sugar doesn't mean it's lower in the stuff you should avoid in excess. Such terms just mean the amount is lower than usual; the food might not meet the low standard at all. These phrases indicate a relational claim compared with a reference food.


Labels not only brag(吹嘘) about a food's low levels of bad stuff, but also about a food's high levels of good stuff. High means that the food has 20 percent or more of the recommended daily value.


This is the most disputable word on food labels. The FAD has considered comments about how to define natural for years but could not reach an agreement. The terms still have no official definition.

41、 For total fat, what does the word "Low" mean? ______

A. Fewer than 3 g per RACC.

B. Fewer than 40 g per RACC.

C. Fewer than 100 g per RACC.

D. Fewer than 120 g per RACC.

42、 What does it mean when a product claims to have reduced fat? ______

A. It contains less sugar.

B. It meets the low standard.

C. Its amount of fat is lower than usual.

D. Its amount of fat is lower than other foods.

43、 What can we learn from the last two paragraphs? ______

A. High refers to a suggested daily amount.

B. It took the FDA years to reach an agreement.

C. Labels tend to show a food's high levels of good stuff.

D. The term "natural" has already had an official definition.

44、 Which is the most disputable word on food labels? ______

A. Low.                                  B. Reduced.

C. High.                              D. Natural.

45、 Where is this text most likely taken from? ______

A. A novel.                             B. A magazine.

C. A news report.                         D. A travel guide.

Part Ⅳ Sentence Translation

Section A English-Chinese Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

46、In the 18th century Britain, tea was an important part of coffee house culture.

47、When meeting a new situation or problem, an intelligent person, young or old, opens himself to it.

48、Like all great art, dance can communicate emotions that are common to different people all over the world.

Section B Chinese-English Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.




Part Ⅴ Writing

52、Directions: Write a letter of application in this part. Your writing should be based on the following outline.

假设你是王林,第31届世界大学生运动会(the 31st FISU World University Games)将于今年七月在成都举办,组委会面向全球招募志愿者,你对这项活动很感兴趣,根据以下内容写一封申请信,不少于120词,开头和结尾已经写好,不算入字数。




Dear Sir or Madam,





Wang Lin

