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摘 要






The children's safety problem in China has been affecting the social heart problems,especially the "two child era”,with the increasing number of children, children's awarenessof security issues in the period of preschool education again greatly improved, although thegovernment and society has made great efforts to ensure children's safety, but all childsafety accidents still occur frequently, which shows that we in the protection of children'ssafety and a lot of work to do

The author collates the research results of previous scholars, and finds that scholarshave done a series of studies on this, and the research aims at different angles In summary,from a macro point of view, it is mainly divided into kindergarten safety education Fromthe microcosmic point of view, the study mainly focuses on the aspects of kindergartensafety legislation and the creation of kindergarten environment from the perspective ofexcessive protection mechanism, physical and mental development of young children,convergence of infant education and accidents of young children and so on Although thereare a lot of related studies on kindergartens, but the scope of most of the research isrelatively simple, lack of a more holistic research Since the safety management ofpreschool education is too extensive, the author relies on only one article It is verydifficult to carry out comprehensive and in-depth research in this paper Therefore, theauthor makes a comprehensive study and analysis on environmental safety management,food safety management and personnel quality safety management of preschool education

Through the research , the author finds that there are many problems such as thesafety management confusion of the kindergarten and the surrounding places , thepersonnel quality of the preschool education and the safety management of all aspects ofthe food hygiene  On the basis of this , the author puts forward a series of countermeasuressuch as establishing and perfecting the legal system , increasing the investment ofpreschool education , establishing and perfecting the supervision mechanism , improvingthe quality of personnel and paying attention to the safety education of children

Key words: Preschool education,Security administration,Countermeasure research

目 录

第 1 章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

二十世纪八十年代以来,随着我国改革开放的进一步深入,国家各项教育政策的出台,我国学前教育事业蓬勃发展起来。学前教育作为幼儿的启蒙教育一直以来都受到大家的普遍关注,2016 年二胎政策实施以来,人们对学前教育的关注度再次大大提高。学前教育中的幼儿安全问题是学前教育事业的重中之重,特别是近几年,各种幼儿安全问题不断见诸报端,校车安全事故代价惨重,食品安全事故时有发生,校园安全事故屡见不鲜,学前教育的安全管理问题的解决已经刻不容缓。马斯洛的需求层次理论认为安全需要是人的基本需要,人类的一切活动都是建立在安全的基础上的。


