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2022年学位英语考试冲刺试题资料 2022年5月16日学位英语来源:网络 eol.cn




PartIVocabulary and Structure (30%)

Diretions: In this part there are 20 incompldte sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marhedA, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.___________her advancing age. she is still contibuting to that researtch.

A. In spite of    B. Given that     C. Considering     D. But for

2. You can ride the escalator up but have to_________on foot.

A. rise        B. seck         C. deeline         D. descend

3. The whole city, 75% of___________ factories and buildings were gone, lay in ruins.

A. Whose         B. which        C .that                D.who

4. There__________ no funther business to discuss, we all went home.

A.is                B.are           C. was                  D.being

5. Mike is more intelligent than_______in this class.

A. other students   B.any other student  C. any other students  D.other student

6. The Intermiet has brought_________big changes in the way we work.

A. about      B. out              C. up              D. back

7. On no account_____to deprive a student of his right to receive educeation.

A. anyone is allowed     B.is anyone allowed       C. anyone allows    D.allows anyone

8. If I______ you, I would go now and wait for them at the station.

A. am       B. was              C. were                 D. have been

9. In the dead man’ S bedroom the police found sevenal important_________ which pointed to

Blake as the murderer.

A. careers    B. clues           C. challenges              D. dreams

10.They go to work every day______Saturday and Sunday.Those days are holidays.

A. besides    B. on             C. from                D. except

11. They are meting in Lusaka in an attempt________a compromise

A. Reach       B. to reach        C. reaching                  D.reached

12. Rather than__________on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bike.

A. ride        B.to ride           c. riding                  D. rode

13. By the time he arived at the stop, the 8 o’ clock bus________.So he had to wait for the next bus.

A. was leaving        B. left       c. have left               D. had left

14. They don’t believe she’ an engineer______?

A. do they     B. don t they      с. does she             D. doesn’t she

15. It was _______she was about to go out________ the telephone rang.

A. when;that           B. so;that             c. before ;then        D. when;before

16. The path in the park looked beauiful, _______with________leaves.

A. covered; falling    B. covered; fllen     c. covering; fllig     D. covering; fallen

17. He runs_______fast that he is far ahead of others.

A. Such             B. this                C.s                D. very

18. Either my grandsons or their father ________coming

A. Are              B. is                c. have                 D. has

19. He can_______all the difficult problems in the book.

A. work oul        B. get off           с. go through        D. break out

20. I am not sure whether New York is________biggest city in________world or not.

A. a;a                B. a;the            с. the ;the              D. the;a

Part II Cloze (20%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 3 choices markedA, B and с at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage.

Diane Ray was completely self-centered and very spoilt. Her parents gave her 21 she wanted, knowing that she would throw a temper tantnum (耍小孩脾气) if they did not. She would scram andkick and 22 on the floor drumming her heels. Her parents always 23.

That was why she was alone on the 24,wearing an expensive swimsuit.It had taken a massive tantrum to 25 her parents to buy it. They were back al the beach-house,26 from the tantrum she had thrown when they told her that it was too dangerous to go diving27 .”Dangerous?”she had said. You jut don’t wan me lo have28. l’ m going and if you try to stop me, I’ll scream.”“What are you doing?” . voice aked. Diane jumped. She did not know that the man was there29 he spoke.

“I‘ m going diving,” she answered.

“ You shouldn’t swim that day, ” the man 30. “There is a slorm coming up.”

” You should mind your own 31 !” Diane replied and walked into the gentle waves.

“l If you go out there you’llbe 32 ,” the man called afler her. She did not bother to reply.

Diane slipped into the water and dived 33 until white caps began rolling in and it became harder to 34 against the current ( 水流). Saltwater hit against her face, making it 35 to breathe. Oh, why had she not listened to advice.

Panicking, she began to 36 . Then, just as it seemed as if she would slip beneath the surface, she heard  a 37 voice. “Hold on! I’m coming. ” With 38 , she saw the old man rowing an ancient-loking boat towards her, ,”I hope you’ ve leamed a lesson. You put us both in39.” he shouted angrily, as he dragged her over the side of the 40 . Gratefully, Diane thanked him and ran towards the beach-house.

21. A. nothing          B. everything         c. something22. A. jump            B. lie                 c. stand23. A. gave in          B. gave out           c. gave up24. A. mountain        B. road               c. beach25. A. warn            B. get                 c. bear26. A. changing        B. recovering          c. breaking27. A. alone           B. away                c. only28. A. time            B. fun                  c. fine29. A. when           B. after                 c. until30. A. advised         B. repeated             c. believed

31. A. business          B. swimsuit               c. house32. A. angry             B. sorry                  c. jealous33. A. shyly              B. hard                   c. happily34. A. rise               B. swim                   c. fight35. A. difficult           B. easy                   c. desperate36. A. sniff              B. scream                  c. breathe37 A. ealm             B. frightening               c.pleasant

38. A. regret            B. tension                  c. relief

39. A. sea              B. safety                    c.danger

40. A. house          B. buat                       c. beach

Part III Reading Comprehension (20% )

Directions: There are 2 pasage in this part. Each pausage is followed by some quesion or unfinished statements For each of them there are 4 choices marked  A, B, c and D. You should deide on the best choice.

Passage 1

Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage .

Matt Scott, who was born with spina bifida ( 脊柱裂), grew up in Detroit, Michigan, where he particiated in a variety of sports alongside his healthy friends. Now a member of Univesity of wisconsin- Whitewater wheelchair basketball team, Scott has won four national championship, and has recently been elected to the Paralympie (残奥会) team for the second time. The 23-year-old college senior owes his achievements to his hard work and the support of his friends and family, who never allowed him to use his disability as an excuse. ” My mother was always great. Whenever I felt like giving up, she had no sympathy. She really helped me build my independence by not babying me the way other mothers would have,” Scott says.

It was Scott’s independent nature and strong will, along with his on-the-court skills, that attracted the attention of America’ , most influential sports apparel (衣服) company, Nike. Nike was searching for an athlete with a disability to represent its ” Just Do It” trademark. A handful of superstar athletes with disabilities came to audition for the role . but the company picked Scott to star in the 30-second commercial. “I think that they were looking for the prettiest face in America, and found me,” Scott jokes about the selection process.

After being picked, Scott flew to California to film the commercial with Oscar winning documentary director Errol Morris. The ad gave Scott celebrity ( 名人) status in the community of disabled athletes. He ‘s been asked to speak at a number of disability-related events, and feels it’s his duty to use the media to draw attention to those with disabilities. “I’ ve been given a voice, and I want to do whatever I can to break down the social barriers that are still faced by disabled athletes, and make people realize that they have a very high athletic level,” Scott says.

41. When Scott was young,___________

A. he only played basketball with other disabled children

B. he became disabled during a basketball match

c. his friends looked down upon him during basketball matches

D, his mother didn’ t give him special treatment

42.Nike choe Scou to star in its commercial for his_____a. pretty appearanceь. independen naturee. strong wd. el baketball kille. status in the commnity of disabled athletesA. bee    B. ade       c. abd       D. bcd43.The underlined phrase “audition for”inthe second paragraph means”____________”A.try out for         B. pick out       c. take on           D. look out for44 Which of the follwing about Scott is true?A. He has graduated from the Univesity of Wisconsin-Whitewater.B. He thinks it’s, unwise for the disabled to use disability as an excuse.c. He starred in a commercial together with Errol Morris.D. He thinks it’s, important to have many goals.

Passage 2Questions 45 to 48 are based on the ollowing assge:More than six million students attend Califormia public schools, and the state approves new textbooks in six-year cycles, But now Califonia has a new program called the Digital Texthook Projeet,

and it has becone the first state in the United Stales to provide schools with digital textbooks.

Rrcently Governor Amold listed reasons why digital textbooks make sense. They can containthe latest

information, and make schoolbags lighter. They save paper and trees, and make leaming.more interesting.

Finally,they can help schools with their finances. The state has had to make.severe cuts in school spending

Becaus of its financial problems.

Earlier this year California  invited content developers to offer digital math and science materials for high schools. These had to meet at least 90 percent of the state’ s learning requirements. Speially trained teachers examined sixteen texbooks and approved ten of them. Six of the ten were published by theCK-12 Foundation, which had been developing digital science and math books for about two years. The foundation paid teachers and other workers to write and edittextbooks, with the money coming from a group financed by the Khosla family.However,Califormia cannot require schols to use the digital etbooks.The schools have theright to decide for themselves,and so immediale widespread use of them is not epected,School administrators ( 管理人员) point out that the texts may be free online, but students need a way to access them. Right now not every student has a computer. Schools could print out copies, but that would defeat much of the purpose of having them in the first place.

45. What is the text mainly about?

A. Differences between traditional textbooks and digital ones.

B. A project to encourage the use of digital textbooks in California.

c. How to create digital textbooks.

D. The popularity of digital txtooks.

46. Which of the fllowing is NOT the advantage of digital textbooks?

A. They contain the latest information.

B. They help decrease school costs.

c. They make learning more appealing.

D. They cost nothing to be made.

47. According to the text, six of the ten digital textbook are published by_______.

A. the content developers

B. the Khosla family

c. the CK-12 Foundation

D. the school administrators

48. Which is the obstacle in the way of pushing the Digital Textbook Project?

A. It’s not convenient for students to access online textbook now.

B. Government doesn’t pay attetion to this project.

c. Schools have financial problems.

D. Printing out copies costs much.

Part IV Translation (15%)

Directions: In this part there are 5 sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English.

49. 所有在这次事故中受伤的人都被送往医院。





Part V Writing (15%)

54.请以“工作和生活”为话题,写篇不少于 100字的作文。

Write an essay in no less than 100 words on the topic of ” Work and Life”



1-5ADADB  6-10ABCBD  11-15BADAA  16-20BCBAC


21-25BBACB  26-30 BABCA  31-35 ABCBA  36-40BACCB


41-44 DDAB  45-48 BDCA

第四部分 翻译

49.【参考译文】All the injured in the accident were sent to hospital.

50.【参考译文】We should learn from failure.

51.【参考译文】Do you know her address in Dalian?

52.【参考译文】He often gives speeches in different cities.

53.【参考译文】He didn’t realize what would happen next.

第五部分 写作


Work and Life

In modern society,increasing work pressures are driving young people to work long hours. Many young people keep working longer than 8 hours per day, or even worse 12 hours.

Spending too much time in working causes many problems. For example, people who stay up late to work can not get enough sleep.

This makes them be vulnerable to outside environment and get ill

easily. And a long-term lack of sleep may lead to a great decline in mental and physical health.Besides,people are more likely to ignore their families and friends when they are too busy.

So, we need to strike a balance between work and life.Here are some

suggestions. First,get enough sleep,and you will feel refreshed in the work of next day.Second,do exercise. It is one of the cheapest ways to relax after a long working day.In addition,physical activity can increase

the efficiency of the function of brain.Third,talk to your friends and

families. This will help you get closer to them and provide you a good opportunity to know something new about persons you care about.

At the same time,you will feel better when receiving attention and help

from them.




















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