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Copying others' work is not only unethical but also harmful to our personal growth. It robs us of the opportunity to learn and develop our own ideas. In exams, copying may lead to temporary success, but it will hinder our long-term progress. Authenticity, on the other hand, builds our character and enhances our credibility. It encourages us to think critically and creatively. Let us reject copying and embrace authenticity, striving for true understanding and personal growth.



Plagiarism is a serious offense that undermines the integrity of academic pursuits. It robs the original creator of their hard-earned recognition and robs us of the opportunity to learn and grow through our own efforts. The consequences of plagiarism can be severe, ranging from academic sanctions to damage to our personal reputation. On the contrary, original thinking fosters creativity and innovation, leading to deeper understanding and meaningful achievements. Let us avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism and cherish the value of original thinking, striving for authenticity and excellence in all our academic pursuits.



Left-behind children, a vulnerable group in our society, face numerous challenges. Many of them are left behind by their parents who migrate to cities for work, leaving them in the care of relatives or grandparents. This situation often leads to a lack of parental guidance and emotional support, affecting their mental and emotional well-being. Additionally, they may struggle with educational resources and opportunities, further widening the gap between them and their peers. It is crucial that we, as a society, recognize and address these issues to ensure a brighter future for these children.



Left-behind children deserve our attention and care. Without the constant presence of their parents, they often feel lonely and unsupported. To help them, we can establish support systems, such as community centers and mentor programs, that provide emotional and educational support. Encouraging community involvement and fostering a caring environment is also crucial. Moreover, policies should be formulated to protect their rights and ensure access to quality education. By taking these steps, we can bring hope and a better future to these vulnerable children.



As junior high school comes to an end, my heart is filled with fond memories. Among them, one story stands out. It was a sunny afternoon in Grade 2, when my classmate Li Ming and I were preparing for a science project.

We worked tirelessly, discussing ideas and conducting experiments. After several failed attempts, we finally succeeded. The sense of accomplishment was indescribable. This experience taught me the importance of perseverance and teamwork.

It's a cherished memory that will forever warm my heart.





As junior high school nears its end, I cherish the memories it has given me, especially one incident from Grade 3. It was during the school sports day, a time filled with excitement and anticipation.

Our class was participating in the relay race, and as I handed the baton to my teammate, Zhang Hua, the tension was palpable. Unexpectedly, Zhang Hua stumbled, but he quickly regained his footing and ran even faster.

Our team's determined effort led us to cross the finish line first, earning us cheers and applause. This moment taught me resilience and the importance of never giving up, making it a memory I will always hold dear.





In recent years, the phenomenon of "running for money" has been prevalent in our society. Some people argue that money is the root of all evil, while others believe that money is essential for personal development and social progress. In my opinion, money itself is neither good nor bad. It is how we use it that determines its value.

On one hand, money can bring us material comfort and improve our quality of life. With money, we can access better education, healthcare, and living conditions. On the other hand, if we pursue money blindly and sacrifice our health, relationships, and values, it will ultimately lead to our moral decline and spiritual emptiness.

Therefore, we should have a correct attitude towards money. We need to strive for reasonable and legal ways to earn money, use it wisely, and contribute to society. Only in this way can we achieve personal fulfillment and social harmony.





With the rapid development of technology, mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. However, some people argue that mobile phones have caused many problems, such as addiction, privacy breaches, and a lack of face-to-face communication. As a result, they advocate for a complete ban on mobile phones among teenagers.

I strongly disagree with this viewpoint. Firstly, mobile phones provide us with convenient access to information, knowledge, and communication. We can easily keep in touch with friends and family, regardless of distance. Secondly, many educational apps and online courses can help us learn and improve ourselves. Finally, mobile phones can also be a powerful tool for expressing ourselves and creativity.

Of course, we should use mobile phones responsibly and moderately. It is important to set boundaries and allocate specific time for studying, resting, and socializing. By doing so, we can fully enjoy the benefits of mobile phones while avoiding their potential drawbacks.

In conclusion, mobile phones are a double-edged sword. If used correctly, they can greatly enhance our lives. We should neither completely ban them nor become slaves to them. Instead, we should learn to use them wisely and responsibly.






Junior high school life is ending, and I sit in the exam hall, filled with gratitude. Over these three years, I've made great progress, which wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of my teachers, including Miss Wang, my English teacher.

Miss Wang has a vibrant personality and a passion for literature. Her engaging teaching style and encouraging attitude have inspired me to improve my English. She believes in my potential and pushes me to achieve more.

Apart from academics, she also guides me in life. She teaches me the importance of perseverance and the value of hard work. Her dedication and support have shaped me into a better person.

I am grateful for Miss Wang's guidance and inspiration. Her teachings will always be etched in my heart.






As junior high school comes to an end, I reflect on the support and encouragement my parents have given me. Their love and care have been instrumental in my achievements.

My father is a hardworking man who has taught me the value of discipline and determination. He has always encouraged me to set high goals and strive for success. His guidance and advice have helped me make wise decisions.

My mother is a kind-hearted and nurturing person. She has always been my rock, providing emotional support and care. Her endless patience and love have helped me navigate through life's challenges.

I am grateful for my parents' love, support, and guidance. Their belief in me has pushed me to excel in every aspect of life.






One memorable trip I had was during the summer vacation of my ninth grade. My family and I went to visit the picturesque landscapes of Zhangjiajie.

Zhangjiajie is famous for its stunning sandstone pillars that rise majestically from the ground. The beauty of the place was beyond words. The towering pillars, covered in green vegetation, created a breathtaking sight. We explored the various tourist spots, including the Avatar Hallelujah Mountain, named after the Hollywood movie "Avatar."

The trip was not only enjoyable but also educational. I learned about the unique geological formations and the rich culture of the local tribe. It was a great opportunity to bond with my family and create lasting memories.

This trip will always hold a special place in my heart. It was a wonderful experience that allowed me to appreciate the beauty of nature and the importance of family.






During the summer vacation of my ninth grade, I had the opportunity to volunteer at a local community center. It was a fulfilling experience that taught me the value of giving back to society.

As a volunteer, I assisted the elderly in various activities, such as reading, writing, and organizing recreational events. It was heartwarming to see the smiles on their faces as they enjoyed the company and care of others.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of empathy, compassion, and gratitude. I realized that even small acts of kindness can make a significant impact on someone's life. It also taught me the significance of time management and multitasking.

Volunteering at the community center was a rewarding experience that changed my perspective on life. It made me more aware of the needs of others and motivated me to contribute positively to society.






The pollution on our planet is getting worse and worse. We can see the deforestation, water pollution and air pollution. As a middle school student, I think we should save resources and protect the environment from the little things around us, and be a "low-carbon life" middle school student.

I try to do some little things to achieve "low-carbon life". For example, I walk to school every day, turn off the lights and fans in the classroom in time when leaving, use paper fully and save water. I think these little things are very important, because they can help to protect our environment and make our planet healthier.

I call on more people to join the "low-carbon life" movement. We should all do our part to save our planet and make it a better place to live.



