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大学英语(技术报告撰写)智慧树知到答案完整字体大小:大 - 中 - 小sfregrh   发表于 2020-12-02 12:43     阅读(105)   评论(0)     分类: 大学英语(技术报告撰写)智慧树知到答案完整打开右边网址即可查题http://wk.pkbff.com查题解析答案参考,同时提供大学网课,选修课 公务员,外语类,财会类,建筑类,职业资格,学历考试,医药类,外贸类,计算机类等考试;是一个集资料下载与在线考试系统、,是各类考生顺利通过考试的好帮手!Clear headings are used in a successful technical memo to ( )。A:indicate internal communication,B:help readers concentrate on the subject,C:explain the details,D:show organization of a messageObjective tone of a technical memo can be achieved through( )。A:passive voice,B:occasional contractions,C:1st person pronoun,D:ordinary wordsIf you are sending a memo to the entire staff, you might write: ( )。A:All Employees,B:Subject: All Employees ,C:To: All Employees,D:From: All EmployeesWhich of the following information may appear in a technical memo heading?A:Current date,B:Subject,C:Purpose,D:Reader’s name and titlesWhich of the following expression helps to make a technical memo concise?A:I am writing this memo to inform you that the project has been delayed.,B:Measures should be taken because of the high energy cost.,C:5 experts accomplished the water- saving project evaluation within 3 days.,D:In the near future, the employees will seeWhich of the following may be an effective subject in a technical memo?A:There are 3 ways to cut mail costs.,B:Security project evaluation ,C:Ants,D:Security System InstallmentGuideword headings such as To, From, Date, Subject, etc. in technical memos, are used to show the organization of a message and indicate the hierarchy of writing.A:错,B:对As senders & receivers are familiar with each other, we can use ordinary words and casual tone. A:对,B:错Though passive voice is objective, it needs more verbs to form a sentence than the active one, which thus is a little bit weaker in conciseness.A:错,B:对The summary segments are the parts in which you get to include all the juicy details that support your idea.A:对,B:错What’s an abstract?A:a detailed description of an article,B:a concise (short and clear) summary of a work,C:a short piece of writing,D:a condensed version of a longer piece of writingWhat’s the indicative abstract?A:It does not give any specific Information about the problem, method, results, or conclusions.,B:It is the most useful kind of abstract.,C:It is usually less than 100 words.,D:It merely describes what the report is about.What’s the informative abstract? A:It is often used in the scientific journals,B:It gives as much of the important particular information as possible,C:It is more useful than the other type of abstract,D:It is usually 150~250 wordsWhat are the important elements in an abstract?A:Objective or purpose ,B:Results or findings,C:Process and Methods,D:ConclusionWhat are the goals of writing an abstract?A:An abstract should help the readers to understand a text by acting as a pre-reading outline of key points.,B:An abstract should help the readers to decide whether they should read the article.,C:An abstract can help to index the article for quick recoveAn abstract reviews the writing’s contents in abbreviated form.A:对,B:错An informative abstract merely describes what the report is about.A:对,B:错Abstracts should state the objectives of the project, describe the methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings.A:错,B:对An abstract could contain the information not included in the paper.A:对,B:错Active voice is often used in an abstract for reporting on findings.A:错,B:对The ability to communicate clearly is an important skill because __________.A:what you said is more important than what you did,B:people’s oral communication is more frequent than before,C:the ability in good oral expression usually leads to success,D:many of today’s non-private communication take place through writingTechnical Report Writing is designed according to _______________.A:the students’ needs for further study,B:the enterprise demand,C:he overseas workplace demand,D:the idea of Engineering Education Professional Certification College English Curriculum RequirementsThe purpose of the course Technical Report Writing is __________.A:to teach them how to carry out an experimental investigation,B:to improve students’ international communication ability in their future study and work scenario and to promote their understanding of English technical report writing styles, etc.,C:to tellThe active voice is usually used when the equipment has performed an action.A:错,B:对The active voice can be used to describe an action involving equipment.A:错,B:对Women must choose between a home and a career.A:对,B:错Women must make a choice between family and career.A:错,B:对We understand the sentence “I am so glad to receive your book. I shall lose no time reading it.” as “I'll read it at once.” A:对,B:错How to avoid the sexism words?A:Turn the sentence into passive if possible.,B:Rewrite the sentence in a plural form.,C:Substitute a/an/or the for his.,D:Substitute he or she, his or her respectively with they, their or them.When talking about some certain researcher’s theories or findings in a literature review,( )is usually adopted. A:present tense,B:past perfective,C:present perfective ,D:past tenseBut when making a summary about other researchers’ findings in a literature review , ()is preferred. A:past perfective,B:present tense,C:past tense,D:present perfectiveWhich sentence is correct?A:Their parents room size is small.,B:The room their parents lived in was small.,C:The room their parents lived in was small in size.,D:The size of their parents room is small.Data that represents numbers that change over a period of time might be best shown as ().A:Line charts,B:Bar charts ,C:Pie charts ,D:Tables() is a chart or graph that presentscategorical data withrectangularbars withheightsorlengthsproportional to the values that they represent.A:Atable,B:A bar chart,C:pie chart ,D:A line chartWhen it is to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time or atime series, it is better to use ( ).A:a line chart,B:a pie chart,C:a table,D:a bar chartTo decide which tense(s) to use for describing a graph or chart, you need to find out whether there is ()to the graph or chart.A:a data element,B:figure element,C:a speed element,D:a time elementIf there is no indication of time in the graph or chart, then use ( ).A:simple future tense,B:present perfect tense,C:simple past tense ,D:simple present tense Graphs & charts can be read more quickly than the raw data.A:错,B:对In the grid, the emphasized lines are called minor grid lines and the remainders are major grid lines. A:对,B:错Use the past tense for the topic sentence in the introduction to define the graphs or charts.A:对,B:错A contract is a promise or set of promises that legally enforceable, if violated, allows injured party access to legal remedies.A:错,B:对Gnerally speaking, a formal contract has Three versions.A:错,B:对Preamble includes introductory remarks and statements of facts.A:对,B:错Introductory remarks is composed of names of the parties, date and recitations .A:错,B:对Statements of facts embodies causes of making a contractand contract’s features.A:对,B:错Generally speaking , here, there, where are added after, by, in, on, to, under, upon, with ,of,etc in technology contracts.A:对,B:错may、shall、shouldA:对,B:错In a contract, a future tense is not particularly used.A:错,B:对Shall usually means "should" or "must".A:对,B:错The Position should be placed before modal auxiliary verbs like shall, may.A:错,B:对Which one is the major part of an analytical report?A:Making recommendations ,B:Identifying the problem,C:Explaining the methods,D:Analyzing data Which is the real beginning of an analytical report?A:Introduction,B:Body sections ,C:Title page ,D:Table of contentWhich is the right order to write an analytical report?①Formatting the reportA:①③②④,B:④①②③,C:①②③④,D:①④②③Which of the following is no appropriate to state the purpose?A:To update the board of directors on the progress of the research project,B:I conclude that this company is an attractive buy,C:To submit required information to the Securities and Exchange Commission,D:To identify potential markets for our new phone-basWhich word is appropriate to state purpose?A:to update,B:to submit,C:to summarize ,D:to identifyMethodology is the first part of an analytical report.A:对,B:错Making Recommendations is to predict what will happen in the future.A:对,B:错summarizing means to identify the support points, details, examples, and other supporting evidence.A:错,B:对Solving problem is one among the categories of analytical reports.A:对,B:错This introductory section will usually contain a contents page, a credits page, an executive summary, and background data on the survey.A:错,B:对Giving addresses and contact details as well as names is necessary for a survey report.A:对,B:错The less information provided in the original report, the easier it is to contact the people involved.A:错,B:对The main contact person in that organization should be responsible for the report.A:错,B:对if there are a lot of references, they usually go at the end of the report.A:错,B:对If you have hypotheses, try to cross-tab each question with ever other questions.A:对,B:错When putting tables into a report, remember than you can squeeze column and rows as you like.A:对,B:错If there are two categorical values being tabulated against the numeric variable , use the chi squared test.A:对,B:错When a question is part of a grouped set, less detail is needed for each question.A:对,B:错The appendixes may also include tables related to sample selection, instructions to interviewers, and so on.A:错,B:对The style of bidding documents belongs to the formal style.A:错,B:对Complex phrases replace simple introductions and conjunctions.A:对,B:错Whether it is a contract or a tender document, it is customary to use simple prepositions or conjunctions instead of complex phrases.A:错,B:对Tender documents generally include ten outlines.A:对,B:错Each outline consists of corresponding provisions, such as award criteria, owner's rights, award notice, contract signing, performance bond and a serieA:对,B:错What is bidding ?A:a call for bids,B:An invitation for bid,C:invitation to tender or invitation to bid,D:all for tendersBidding is a procedure for generating ( ).A:Unfair offers,B:competing offers,C:Noncompetitive,D:Fair offersThe contractor selected by the owner usually adopts the ( )method.A:Closed,B:Open,C:Fair,D:UnfairThe owner sometimes adopts( )with professionalism or special requirements.A:Individual bidding or collective bidding,B:open bidding or closed bidding,C:Selected bidding or negotiated bidding,D:Network bidding or E-mail biddingIn public bidding, the owner usually call for ( ).A:bids advertisement,B:bids announcement,C:Bids system,D:bids agencyOperating instruction of ________________ usually explainA:the clause style,B:the compound style,C:the introductory style,D:the free styleSimple imperativesare used in theoperating instruction so as to make it appear to be more _____.A:simple ,B:positive,C:objective,D:forcefulOf these sections, ________________is essential while others are optionalin the operating instruction.A:heading,B:warnings,C:trouble-shooting guide,D:introductory explanationOperating instruction for consumer goods are composed to introduce.A:maintenance,B:the technical specification,C:the theoretical principles,D:the characteristics The major function of the operating instruction isto ______________.A:highlightand deal with possible problems,B:solve problems,C:show people how to use a technical product,D:enable readers to do something with minimum hesitationAmbiguityin the wording of an operating instruction may come from the misuse of _______________.A:relatives words,B:homonyms,C:preposition,D:pronounsIt is impolite to leave the addressee “you”out in an operating instruction.A:对,B:错Negative sentences should not be used in an operating instruction. A:对,B:错Comparedwith the prose style, the continuous list in nearly uniform pattern may make the instruction easier to absorb.A:错,B:对When the two actions are performed simultaneously, it is better to describe the steps in a list style.A:错,B:对Question like “Did you follow all the rules because they are beneficial to you?”is ___________.A:a vague question,B:a biased question,C:a loaded question,D:a double-barreled questionQuestions in a questionnaire should flow in some kind of________________.A:physical order,B:spatial order,C:psychological order,D:chronologicalorderQuestionnaires can be carried out ________________ .A:face to face,B:by computer,C:by telephone,D:bypostQualitative informationare collected for the purpose of ____________________ .A:understanding hypotheses,B:testinghypotheses,C:employing hypotheses,D:generating hypothesesFormal standardized questionnaires are generally characterized by_____________________ .A:prescribed order of questions,B:prescribed explanations for each question,C:prescribed wording,D:prescribed response formatAn inability for respondents to answer a question may probably arise from_____________.A:forgettingthe answer,B:refusing to offer the answer,C:being unable to articulate the answer,D:having never been exposed to the answerWhen presenting answers in a questionnaire, one should avoid ______________ .A:all the possible alternatives,B:specificchoices,C:central options,D:stereotypical responsesA well-designed questionnaire should____________________ .A:meet the research objectives,B:make it easy for the interviewer to record the answer,C:obtain the most complete and accurate information,D:make it easy for respondents to give the necessary informationBoth the exploratory questionnaires and formal standardized questionnairesneed a formal questionnaire format.A:错,B:对Some simple, interesting questions should be used as opening questions to gain co-operation and confidence of respondents.A:错,B:对The ability to communicate clearly is an important skill because __________.A:many of today’s non-private communication take place through writing,B:what you said is more important than what you did,C:people’s oral communication is more frequent than before,D:the ability in good oral expression usually leads to successTechnical Report Writing is designed according to _______________.A:the enterprise demand,B:he overseas workplace demand,C:the idea of Engineering Education Professional Certification College English Curriculum Requirements,D:the students’ needs for further studyThe purpose of the course Technical Report Writing is __________.A:to tell them how to write their thesis,B:to improve students’ international communication ability in oral expression,C:to teach them how to carry out an experimental investigation,D:to improve students’ international communication ability in their futurClear headings are used in a successful technical memo to ( )。A:show organization of a message,B:explain the details,C:indicate internal communication,D:help readers concentrate on the subjectObjective tone of a technical memo can be achieved through( )。A:ordinary words,B:passive voice,C:occasional contractions,D:1st person pronounIf you are sending a memo to the entire staff, you might write: ( )。A:All Employees,B:Subject: All Employees ,C:From: All Employees,D:To: All EmployeesWhich of the following information may appear in a technical memo heading?A:Purpose,B:Reader’s name and titles,C:Current date,D:SubjectWhich of the following expression helps to make a technical memo concise?A:5 experts accomplished the water- saving project evaluatio

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