首页 >  大学英语四级听力真题范文  > 2019年6月大学英语四级考试CET4作文真题及范文:参观当地农场(文都版)


    【英语四级真题作文题目】    For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a visit to a local farm organized by your Student Union. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.    【英语四级真题作文参考范文】

An Impressive Activities-Visiting

    In order to help us students to enrich life and broaden horizon, the Student Union organized a meaningful activity on last weekend--visiting the local farm, by which we grasped much useful knowledge about agriculture.    The farm we visited is located in the suburb of Beijing and far away from our school, which covers an area of 1000 square feet. Along with native foods like rice and potatoes, the farmers on the farm grow many organic vegetables, including corn, cucumbers, tomatoes and so forth. Besides, the farm breeds a host of local species such as dairy cattle, geese, chicken by modern scientific technique. One of the most impressive things for us is that by means of green farming methods, the problem of environmental pollution has been effectively alleviated.    This outdoors activity has a really deep impression for us. Not only did it get us closer to the nature and relieve pressure from us, it also enhance our professional knowledge about husbandry technology.    【英语四级真题作文参考译文】


    为了帮助我们学生丰富生活,拓宽眼界,学生会在上周组织了一次有意义的活动――参观当地的农场。通过这次活动,我们学习到很多关于农业的有用知识。    我们参观的农场位于北京郊区,离学校比较远。它占地面积1000平方英尺。除了象一些常规的水稻和土豆之外,农场的农民还栽种了许多有机蔬菜,其中包括玉米,黄瓜,西红柿等等。除此之外,农场还通过科学养殖的方法饲养了很多当地的禽类,象奶牛,鹅类,鸡类。这次给我印象最为深刻的是农场通过使用绿色农业耕作技术,环境污染的问题已经得到了有效的缓解。    这次户外活动给我们留下了非常深刻的印象。我们不仅可以亲近大自然有效的缓解压力,而且也让我们对畜牧业的知识有一个提升。


