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The Celebration of Western Festivals

Nowadays,an increasing number of Chinese people are fond of celebrating some westernfestivals.(总述现象,主题句)Forexample,they send chocolate and flowers to their beloved on Valentine’s Day (现象表现). In addition, they make fool of others as whatwesterners do on April Fool’s Day(进一步描述现象表现) . There are many factorscontributing to this phenomenon. (过渡句,引出下文对原因的分析,可在第一段段尾,也可在二段段首)

Among all these factors, language learning plays acritical role(列举原因一).More youths areexposed to western culture and festival through learning English (进一步说明原因一).Moreover,some Western festivals offer people an opportunity to enjoy the relaxing andcomfortable atmosphere, which attracts a large number of Chinese people (列举原因二).Besides,many businessmen view foreign festivals as golden opportunities to make money, sothey may try desperately to boost the atmosphere of foreign festivals(列举原因三).

In my opinion, Chinese people celebrating Westernfestivals has both advantages and disadvantages(“我”的态度,对该现象做出总体评价).On theone hand, by celebrating Western festivals, people have moreopportunities to show their affection to others and to get together(分析现象的影响一/持此态度的原因一). However, on the other hand, our own home-grownfestivals’ crucial roles may be weakened to some extent(分析现象的影响二/持此态度的原因二). Therefore, we must keepa balance between the Western festivals and our traditional festivals(总结全文,提出建议).


1. 适用提纲




Topic描述图表段⑴From/ According to the chart/ graph/ table/ picture, we clearly learn/ it is clear that 总述现象. ⑵As early as 图表中最早的时间和当时的数据. ⑶Then 一段时间later, 图表中数据的变化. (And/ However, by 图表中数据发生显著变化的时间,图表中数据的显著变化.)//⑴From the above chart/ graph/ table/ picture, we can see that 总述现象. ⑵图表中数据一.⑶In contrast/ However/ And, 图表中数据二.说明原因段⑷There are many reasons accounting for 现象或变化. / Then why 产生该现象或变化? ⑸Firstly, 原因一. ⑹进一步说明原因一. ⑺Secondly, 原因二.⑻Finally, 原因三. (As a result, 以上原因导致的结果.)阐述观点段/说明影响段/说明问题段⑼(As for me/ As far as I am concerned,) “我”的态度/相关情况或是现象将来的趋势、可能带来的(好或坏的)影响或存在的问题.⑽(For one thing,)理由一/影响一/问题一. ⑾For another/ In addition/ Besides, 理由二/影响二/问题二. ⑿In brief/ To conclude, 总结全文(经常是提出建议或做出展望. 标题描述图表段⑴概括图表所反映的总体现象⑵⑶分不同时间段描述图表中最能体现现象变化的重点数据,要具有一定的概括性//⑴概括图表所反映的总体现象⑵⑶描述图表中能体现现象变化的数据,要具有一定的概括性说明原因/因素段⑷过渡句,引出下文对原因的分析,也可以放在上段结尾⑸导致现象的原因一⑹进一步说明原因一⑺导致现象的原因二⑻导致现象的原因三(以上原因导致的结果)阐述观点段/说明影响段/说明问题段⑼“我”的态度/相关情况或是现象将来的趋势、可能带来的(好的或坏的)影响或存在的问题⑽持此态度或出现该趋势的原因一/ 可能带来的影响一/存在的问题一⑾持此态度或出现该趋势的原因二/可能带来的影响二/存在的问题二⑿重申观点,总结全文,提出建议或做出展望


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a short essay entitled TravelingAbroad. You should write at least 120 words based on the chart and outlinegiven below:

Number of peoplein City X traveling abroad in 1995, 2000 and 2005





Traveling Abroad

Form the chart, it is clear that there has been a sharp rise in the number of people traveling abroad in X city in the decade from 1995 to 2005(概括图表所反映的总体现象). As early as in 1995, the number was only about 10,000.Then only 5 years later, it nearly increased to40,000. And by 2005, the number had reached over120,000, more than ten times as many as that of 1995(分不同时间段,描述图表中最能体现现象变化的数据).

There are many reasons accounting for this change(过渡句,引出下文对原因的分析). Firstly, it is due to the increase of people’s incomes in X city. People are better off and can afford a trip abroad(分析导致现象的原因一). Secondly, China’s opening policy has created more chances for its people to travel abroad(分析导致现象的原因二). Finally, the increase also has a lot to do with the development of the travel industry. (分析导致现象的原因三)

As far as I am concerned, the increasing number of people traveling abroad might have both advantages and disadvantages(“我”的态度). For one thing, it will promote the exchanges between X city and other parts of the world(分析该现象带来的影响一/持此态度的原因一). For another, some low-quality tourists might damage our country’s image(分心现象带来的影响二/持此态度的原因二). In brief, it is necessary for us Chinese tourists to pay more attention to our behaviors when we travel abroad. (总结全文,提出建议)

4. 现象解释型常用句式

1) As described in the chart/ graph/ table/picture, in the past few years there was a marked increase in…/ there has beena dramatic change in …/ there have/ has arisen a sharp decrease in…


2) Recently, the problem of … has become thefocus of the public concern.


3) There may be a combination of factors whichcontribute to/ are responsible for/ explain…


4) Among all the important/ convincing reasonsfor…, one should be emphasized. That is…


5) We are blessed with new opportunities andfaced with new challenges.


6) It is commonly believed that… is theinevitable result of …


7) It will exert/ have/ produce profound/far-reaching/ remarkable/ considerable/ beneficial/ favorable/ undesirable/ disastrouseffect/ influence on…它将会对…产生深远的/长久的/显著的/可观的/有益的/良好的/不良的/灾难性的影响。

8) It is high time that we put an end to…


▍ 编辑:Wulibang(ID:2820092099)

▍ 来源:综合网络
