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SAT语法排序题解题步骤及知识点2018-04-28 14:26:09来源:网络 【考试动态】2019年SAT考试时间报名费用报考指南成绩查询送分流程成绩要求成绩换算【资料推荐】SAT词汇巴朗3500系列SAT阅读OG1-8经典错题解析SAT数学满分冲刺重要知识点【备考指导】CB发布2018年SAT考试官方报告SAT北美考点汇总美国大学TOP100SAT成绩要求


1. 先看句内有没有代词,代词要有指代对象; 句内有没有名词,名词是不是第一次出现;

2. 如果没有指代,堪忧是不是存在逻辑关系( 因果,转折,递进);

3. 再看段落句子的逻辑,时间顺序(儿童,学生,成人),或者事情发展的顺序( 进入→坐下→工作)

4. 最后看文章的起承转合,段落内容有没有明显的观点变化.






Eg1. Further, a petroleum⑧engineers skills’ are applicable to areas beyond oil exploration. Petroleum engineers also commonly work in pollution cleanup, underground waste disposal, and water resource management. [1] One must gain admittance into an engineering program, preferably in petroleum engineering, and then complete a rigorous course of study in mathematics, physics, geology, chemistry, and the principles of engineering analysis. [2] While some petroleum engineers primarily work in labs or ⑨offices, many have to spend long hours at well sites, which are often located in remote areas around the country. [3] These job prospects are indeed promising, but becoming a petroleum engineer is not easy. [4] Though the career is ⑩challenging, petroleum engineers work exciting jobs at the heart of the dynamic energy industry.

To make the paragraph most logical, sentence 3 should be placed

A) where it is now.

B) before sentence 1.

C) after sentence 1.

D) after sentence 4.

1.先观察句子,从these job prospects中可以看出,前面有提到很多job prospects,正好和句子【1】前面的work in pollution cleanup, underground waste disposal, and water resource management.构成指代关系的对应。

2.带着线索读文章。从but后面的语义中可以得出,句子的后面会和not easy的内容相关.


EG2.To make this paragraph most logical, Sentence 5 should be placed

A) where it is now.

B) after sentence 1.

C) after sentence 2.

D) after sentence 3.

[1] Sophia‘s marriage to Leo gave her the opportunity to put her abilities as a good reader to use, often advising him on his work throughout the writing process. [2] She served as her husband‘s copyist (since this was before the advent of the typewriter), writing out multiple copies of his novels by hand.[3] She made suggestions for and edits to his work, many of which were ⑤ inculcated into the final product. [4] In addition, she served as his manager, publicist, and agent, keeping track of the financial and legal sides of her husband‘s writing career. [5] She juggled these many roles with grace and skill. [6] If Sophia were alive today, she might have found her calling at a publishing house or literary agency. A

1.先观察句子,找突破点,可以发现这个句子可以通过指代关系去突破。She 指的就是Sophia,但是这个段落到处都是she,所以这个代词对我们解题没有帮助哦。 再看看these many roles, 重点出现啦。说明前面必然提到很多角色。

2.带着线索读文章。在阅读中,我们会发现,文章提到的she served as her husband’s copyist, made suggestions, served as his mangers,都和these many roles构成指代关系的对应。






B.:but, however, yet,while, nevertheless.



To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 2 should be placed

A) where it is now.

B) before sentence 1.

C) after sentence 4.

D) after sentence 5.

One significant benefit of 3-D printing technology is its ability to create scale reproductions of fossils. [2] But now 3-D scale models can be rearranged with ease, which is a huge boon to scientists. [3] A team led by Drexel University professor Kenneth Lacovara is making models of dinosaur bones one-tenth the bones’

original sizes 5 in order to learn how they fit together when the animals were alive. [4] In the past, such research was limited by the weight and bulk of the fossils as well as 6 its preciousness and fragility. [5] In many cases, scientists had to rearrange bones virtually, using artists’ renderings.

1. 先观察句子,找突破点,这个but now 3-D scale models就是一个转折关系,是我们解题的重要突破点,现在可以with ease,说明前面有一个语义的对立点。


