首页 >  大学英语历年真题汇编及答案  > 2022年大学英语三级英语A级考试试题及答案



1、The  heart is an important organ of circulation______________function is to pump  blood to all parts of the body.

A.which         B.whose             C.of it             D.its

2、It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.Americans show their value to society through their workB.The American government pays little attention to retireesC.Retirees" former employers often offer some assistance to themD.Americans can not find much time to travel prior to retirement

3、New Rockwatch Rox Club members will obtain a special file when they___________.

A.do field workB.join the clubC.buy a field notebookD.start studying geology

4、 So little ______ about China that he could not find Beijing in the world map.

A.the foreigner knewB.did the foreigner knowC.the foreigner has knownD.has the foreigner known

5、 Was it is 1969 ______ the American astronaut succeeded ______ landing on the moon?

A.when, onB.that, onC.where, inD.that, in

6、 He said that he would write to us but so far we ______ from him.

A.didn't hearB.haven't heardC.should not hearD.hadn't heard

7、Some component parts should be replaced regularly because ______.

A.they are outdatedB.they need to be oiledC.they become worn outD.they are easily available

8、What is the actual purpose of Lubetzky’s requirement of job quitting?

A.The employees should be loyal to the companyB.The employees should be open about their leavingC.The employees may get enough time to search for a new jobD.The employees may save enough money to support their family

9、 根据以下资料,回答下列题目:

Directions:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are  numbered 41 to 45.

Man finds living together with  his own species(物种).difficult enough and living together with other species almost  impossible. Our usual solution is to kill off anything that get in our way.  Even on those rare occasions when we do enter into a relationship with another  species, it is heavily biased(带有倾向). in our favor. The  other  species benefits only when it  suits our own interests. Our attempts to communicate with another species are  con- cerned mainly with giving orders in our own language and having them  obeyed. Probably our best attempt has been the whistle language that is used in  the shepherd-sheepdog relationship. This is a system that is natural to neither  species, but one that both can understand. Its only fault lies in fact that the  bias is still there  the dog cannot  whistle for the man.But now comes news of a piece of research  that promises, for the first time. to open up two-way communication between man  and another species.

At the University of Nevada in the  western United States, animated(活跃的).conversations are being held with a young female chimpanzee (黑猩猩).called Washoe. Allen and Beatrice Gardener have succeeded in doing  this because they have used an entirely new approach, an approach based on the  natural abilities of the chimpan- zee. Past attempts to communicate with  chimpanzees have failed because the researchers tried to make their ani- mals  use a vocal language.

According to the writer, when man finds it impossible to live together with  other spectes, he usually______.

A.tries to communicate with them   B.tries to teach them a language   C.sets up a relationship with them   D.wipes them out

10、Our manager never laughed,______ lose his temper in front of us.

A.or he ever didB.or did he everC.nor did he everD.nor he ever did


