首页 >  大学生应不应该考研英语  > 大学生应不应该允许结婚? Whether College Students Should Be Allowed to Get Married

大学生应不应该允许结婚? Whether College Students Should Be Allowed to Get Married

Nowadays, college marriage has increasinglybecome a public concern as more and more married students appear in campus. Manypeople hold that college students should be allowed to get married while somedon’t approve.


Those who are in favor of college marriagepoint out that getting married is a basic right of human beings. In addition,they argue that getting married can meet the biological and emotional needs andthat will make great contribution to study.


However, those who stand in the oppositeside figure out that school is a place to study but not to get married or be inlove. And students who get married in college will bring some bad effects totheir studies. Furthermore, college marriage will bring more difficulties forcampus spirit development. What’s more, if the marriage is broken, they wouldbe hurt in both physical and mental.


As far as I am concerned, college studentsshould not be allowed to get married too early. For one thing, most collegesstudents are not mature enough to deal with the relationship in marriage. Foranother, most students are financially unable to establish their home. 

