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关于”毕业之后是还是就业“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:After graduation is still employment。以下是关于毕业之后是还是就业考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:After graduation is still employment

To a certain extent, the government's disclose of the university employment ranking list s parents and candidates to fill in the college entrance examination. After all, the employment list is not only a very important reference index, but also can make college graduates rely on their own efforts to impve the employment envinment of college graduates, so as to impve the employment situation of graduates.




More and college graduates find themselves in a situation where job seekers are fighting for svival. There was a heated discussion on this issue in o class. Some students hold different views when they continue to fther their studies.

They think it is wise to find a job as soon as possible. In this way, they want to reduce the bden on their families. They also beli that Western or ral areas have better dlopment opportunities to prepare for fute job ting.

One in five of them choose to stay in University for fther study or go to holiday schools to learn practical skills. The rest bravely start their own companies, thus creating employment opportunities for other graduates and themselves. This choice is both challenging and changing for me.

When I choose a job, I will consider my interests and abilities. It may not be a decent job with ch income, but it is definitely the most suitable one for me. I hope that my first job will pvide an opportunity to learn new skills and gain ch expeence.

Many of them beli that it is reasonable to achi early employment by loweng income expectations, so as to reduce the bden on their families. They also beli that if they work in Western or ral areas, they will have better dlopment opportunities. Becse they think that full employment is an unrealistic goal, they choose to continue their studies or go to vocational schools to learn some practical skills Yes, better preparation for fute caregivers.

Finally, others decided to start my own business. I think after the government has taken a sees of timely meases, we have the confidence and ability to overcome the crent difficulties and challenges, and the employment pspects of graduates will be better. What we need to do now is to have plans and actions, reflect the reality, and give full play to o talents and skills.






Family and school graduation and other things are the same, there are both good side and bad side. The good thing is to find a job in the fute, which is one ll higher than the present ll, a little higher than the undergraduate ll. What's worse is that the presse of employment competition after graduation may be seous than now.

Now, the work expeence of o unit and o graduate students will be three years later. No one can tell clearly, especially in the crent situation Under the employment situation, we are laying the gundwork for the difficult employment after graduation in the study peod. I personally think that the graduate school is best to decide according to its own conditions and needs.



标签: 新学期 
